Sunday, January 24, 2016

Pope Francis' Latest Liturgical Insult - Condemned By Vortex

Last week the pope decreed that women be admitted to the number of those who have their feet washed during Holy Thursday services.  As I stated in my post last week, the fact that he is issuing a decree that now allows this to happen stands as proof that before this decree, the washing of women's feet was forbidden.  In the past, the pope has broken canon law himself.  In fact, during one such service he washed the feet of a "transexual woman" - well, ok, it really was a man but you see the potential for scandal when Church law is disobeyed.

Several years ago, when Benedict XVI was still the reigning pope, Michael Voris put out an excellent Vortex that detailed why the Church had restricted the foot-washing to men.  Since the current pontiff was elected, Voris has adopted a policy never to criticize the doings and sayings of the pope.  However, he already did so, without realizing at the time what was to come.  But the truths he stated in his video are as relevant now as they were then.

I post the video now.  If it "disappears" please advise via comments - for once something is on the internet, it never ever really disappears.


  1. Thanks for posting the video. How much longer can Michael Voris continue his schizophrenia towards the Bishop of Rome?

    1. As long as his donor requires....

    2. So the real question is "How much longer can Michael Voris's donor continue his schizophrenia towards the Bishop of Rome?"

  2. "Nothing new has come from the Vatican since this 1988 document......" Now it has, so I guess Michael can continue his "No criticism" policy and wash some feet, himself. Surely, S.T.B.'s are allowed, no?

  3. Pegon Zellschmidt 14 minutes ago
    Removed (and BANNED)*********
    Published on Mar 30, 2012 (from Vortex You-Tube text)
    "As we prepare for the remembrance of Our Blessed Lord's Passion and Death, there could hardly be a more insulting way to begin this, than with a major liturgical abuse. But unfortunately, such an abuse has become extremely common."

    Good thing it's not "insulting", anymore. That was easy. No?

  4. The pontifical Mass called for "13 poor men" and convents of women religious naturally included the washing of woman's feet. Restore tradition starting by restoring respect for he who God put in charge of His Church.

  5. The video has disappeared as of 1/25/16 1:52 pm CST

    1. At 3:30 EST it's still there. I just ran it.

    2. They've been washing women's feet in this Diocese for a long time (years).

  6. This video is from no later than mid 2012 00 MV's picture, the graphics, the whole thing is dated. Pope Benedict XVI revised the the Mandatum in July 2012. For Holy Thursday 2013, Francis celebrated the Mass of the Lord's Supper at a juvenile detention center and washed the feet of 12 young people, including two women and two Muslims.


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