Saturday, December 31, 2011

What Are Your Pro-Life Resolutions For 2012??

My friend at Les Femmes broached an interesting question about resolutions (see right side bar).  In addition to her excellent points, I'd like to ask these questions:
  • Do you think our nation and indeed our very civilization can last much longer when we (as a nation) countenance the murders of over 3000 babies every day in their mothers' wombs?  (Of course the answer is NO!)
  • Do you realize that if you're not an active part of the solution to the horrendous problem of abortion, then you are part of the problem? (There is no "middle ground" here!)
  • What will you do to be part of the solution, to end the holocaust of abortion?
Here's one concrete suggestion.  Actually, I'll dare suggest that it is a moral imperative.


We have seen - time and time again - that when Christians are in front of these hell-holes (laughingly referred to as "clinics") that babies are saved as the mothers see real hope for their situation and/or their consciences are pricked.  A "case in point" is when the death-camp known as Germantown Reproductive Health Services was the stage for the Summer of Mercy 2.0, that "death took a holiday" and Carhart shut the place during that time.  That means for the first time in years (for abortions had been occurring long before Carhart's arrival), no innocent blood was shed at the Executive Park complex in Germantown.  See for more information.  We've seen this at other abortuaries - when our numbers are up, the number of baby-murders decreases. 

When you're at that website, go to the "radio and audio" tab and listen to the August 2nd clip.  I wrote an article along similar lines several years ago.  It is available at the Defend Life archives (scroll to page 13).

To reiterate - while I know some may "feel uncomfortable" with going out there, that discomfort is no excuse.  Make a New Year's resolution - right now - that you will mortify those feelings and just do it anyway.  For those in the upper part of Montgomery County, I'd suggest that you head to Germantown.  For those in other areas, please visit

We'll see you out there!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

BREAKING - Abortionists Brigham, Riley Jailed - Awaiting Extradition To Maryland

In the summer of 2010, I relayed to you news of an abortion racket operating in Elkton, MD.   It was owned by Stephen Chase Brigham, who did not have a Maryland license.  He would start the abortion procedure in New Jersey, then haul them down to Maryland where his hatchet-people would complete the murder.  This came to the attention of Maryland authorities when they maimed a woman.  My previous posts on this matter are here.

Today Operation Rescue learned that both Brigham and Nicola Riley (one of the hatchet-people) are in jail and are awaiting extradition to Maryland.  Brigham is in Candem County Jail in New Jersey and Riley is in Salt Lake County Jail in Utah.  Both are being charged on multiple counts of first/second-degree murder.

I'll post updates as I learn of them.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

USCCB Names New Director of Home Missions - Who Contributed To Pro-Abort Pols

The USCCB announced that Mary Mencarini Campbell has been named director for Catholic Home Missions and associate director of the Office of National Collections.   See

In 2004, she made a contribution to an outfit called America Coming Together.  At the time, ACT shared a director, Ellen Malcolm, with Emily's List.  The wikipedia article on ACT is quite illuminating.  George Soros contributed much of the funding, as did labor unions such as SEIU.  Of course it was a get-out-the-vote organization, mostly interested in "get-out-the-progressive-vote".  It closed down in 2005, but not before the FEC slapped its wrists for financing violations to the tune of $775,000.  Take a peek at Emily's List.  I have to hand it to them - they are up front about their goal: to "elect pro-choice democratic women".

While Campbell's contribution was rather small, it was still a contribution to outfits with the stated goals of electing pro-abortion candidates to office.  So why does the USCCB see fit to assign this woman to positions of authority and responsibility within the USCCB?  Some might wonder about their vetting processes.  Frankly, I think they vetted her and she fits the progressive program that obviously governs the USCCB.  As you reviewed the Catholic Culture piece, you must have noticed that she occupied several positions within the CCHD itself (naturally she poo-poohed the investigation that the American Life League put together).

This is yet another example of why the entire USCCB should be dismantled and consigned to the ash heap of history.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas - From A US Congressman!

It's a sad commentary on our times when a Congressman's Christmas wishes is newsworthy.  In a saner time, this would be commonplace and routine.  However, since the US Congress was told NOT to issue Christmas wishes from their offices (note:  under Boehner's watch!), most have simply complied.

Not so Rep Scott Rigell from the second district of Virginia.  Watch the video below and note how he sets his remarks in the context of the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution.  If there are others who have the courage of their convictions (not to mention knowledge of the Constitution), please advise.  Click here if you cannot see embedded video.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Gift Ideas!

As you know, Christmas is, for too many Catholics, one of the two occasions when they go to Mass (the other being Easter).  Having been separated from the Mass so long, they are most likely under the sway of secular culture when it comes to matters of public policy.  So in addition to seeing a few more cars than usual in the church parking lot, you'll most likely see many of them festooned with bumper strips touting the names of pro-gay and/or pro-abortion politicians.  Heaven knows they need education (especially with this upcoming critical election in 2012), but they probably won't hear anything decent at Mass.  But don't despair!

Readers of this blog will recall my "wisdom on windshields" initiative.  Basically it's a leaflet that you can print (I'd suggest several copies in color) that you can leave on the windshields or door handles of any car that sports the name of a pro-abortion personage.  You might even want to download the pdf to your own computer for future use (feel free to put the language on your own letterhead if you wish).  I always carry a supply to Mass as I never know when I'll see such a car. 

Give the gift of eduation and enlightenment, and...


(Note: This blog will NOT be closed, so do check regularly).

Now They're Gunning For Real Catholic TV!

I just saw this as it appeared on Father Z's blog (this links to the pdf of the archdiocesan statement).  Not too long after that came Voris's response to this attempt to silence him.

There are a number of things to consider.  While Michael Voris is the "front man" of, he is not the owner.  The owner is Marc Brammer who resides within the Diocese of South Bend (IN).  That to me means that the website is under the jurisdiction of Bishop Kevin Rhoades, not Archbishop Vigneron.

It's noteworthy that the Detroit press release was not signed by the archbishop but by the archdiocesan communication officer. Both Brammer and Voris have made overtures for meetings with the archdiocese but to date they have been ignored.

So why, oh why, is the Archdiocese of Detroit rattling its saber against RealCatholicTV?

Could it be that has been right-on and upfront in calling out the heresy and heterodoxy within the structures of the Church (most notably the USCCB)?  Could it be because of the various CIA presentations that have outlined the origins and designs of the CCHD, the decline of Catholic higher education, etc?   You know, there is a bunch of dissident priests within the Archdiocese of Detroit advocating things such as women's ordination, and touting the gobbly-goop spewed forrth by such "katholics" as Hans Kung, Joan Chittister, and the American Catholic Council.  They call themselves "elephants in the living room".  This bunch has their own website.  Where's the press release from the Archdiocese of Detroit to corral this bunch?  I don't see it either.  And some bureaucrat in the Archdiocese of Detroit has the gall to set his/her target sites of RealCatholicTV?

Or...could it be that the Detroit chancery thinks Voris is hitting a little too close to home?  Perhaps the video below, detailing how a Detroit parish drank the "happy holidays" politically-correct kool-aid, hit a little too close to home - especially since Voris supplied the parish's phone number to call.  Might this be the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back" in the eyes of the archdiocesan bureaucrats?  Click here if you can't see embedded video.

Cardinal McCarrick Praises Hamas-Related Imam

Retired Cardinal McCarrick stepped into the radar again, once again displaying a regretable tendency to kiss up to Muslim leaders with ties to violence.  From Jihad Watch, we receive this sorry, but all-too-typical report and clip of the Cardinal waxing lyrical about his "friend".  Click here if you cannot see the embedded video in that report.

Some may whine that "Muslims and Christians worship the same deity".  For all their many faults, even the Muslims can tell the difference between their "allah" and our God.  Why can't some of us?

This is not the first time I've reported on the Cardinal's tendency to heap praises upon religious leaders that smile at him on one hand but yet have ties to Hamas and other promoters of violence and terrorism.  See:

I regret that it probably won't be the last.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thus Saith The Messiah Most Miserable!

This oracle was pronounced during last Sunday's "60 Minutes".  Unfortunately, due to damage-control censorship some unforeseen circumstance this wasn't in the broadcast.  However, so that our liberal/progressive readers can fall into a swoon over His Nibs (and perhaps send a tingle up Chris Matthew's leg), we publish below the clip that was rescued from the cutting room floor a few days ago!  Click here if you can't see embedded video.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A "Chumpion For Choice" Snagged By The Law's Long Arm!

A deathscort plying his trade outside of a Planned Parenthood in Ann Arbor, MI, repeatedly committed assault and battery against a sidewalk counselor while the latter was engaged in a conversation according to this report by Jill Stanek.  This attack was witnessed and charges were filed.  Thus Bernie Klein is to be arraigned in district court on January 20, 2012.

Go further down Stanek's piece and you'll see Mr Klein has quite a chequered past.  On the news clip his name is mentioned in conjunction with the "Final Exit Network", an assisted-suicide (i.e. murder) network.  Given his fascination with murder, Klein's 21 years of deathscorting makes sense.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Criticism Of Islam To Be A Crime?

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seems to be cozying up to the Organization for Islamic Cooperation to explore ways and means to criminalize the criticism of Islam.  Much has to do with United Nations Resolution 16/18, according to this report.

In some ways, it could sound like something far-fetched in the United States, where we ostensibly enjoy First Amendment freedom of speech (unless you're one of those Daniel Glowacki types mentioned in my previous post; then you're eligible to be squashed like a bug, should you dare to open your mouth).

Well, comes now another report, this one from the little pow-wow that Clinton hosted for the OIC this week.  Andrea Lafferty of Traditional Values Coalition was in attendance and voiced some of the same concerns that I have.  She was soon circled by several members of Clinton's security staff and whisked away.  It seems that an "anonymous phone call" identified Ms. Lafferty as a "security threat".  She is taking action and is trying to identify this caller; I'm willing to bet his/her initials are HRC.  At any rate, Ms Lafferty found that her concerns were unmistakably validated - as are those of us all.

We will continue to broadcast news of such travesties as we are advised of them.  The First Amendment is a "use it or lose it" right.  Moreover, we know that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.  Too many decent people have been asleep at the switch too long.  It's way past time to wake up.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Hats Off To Daniel Glowacki!

Who is Daniel Glowacki?  He is the high-school junior who is standing up for his rights as a Catholic to hold and express his beliefs.

On October 10, 2010, as he walked into his economics class at Howell High School in Howell, Michigan, he was ordered to remove his belt buckle by the teacher, Johnson "Jay" McDowell.  The belt buckle bore the Confederate flag and McDowell considered himself "offended" by it.  At the same time, McDowell was wearing a purple tee-shirt decrying alleged "bullying of gays".  When Glowacki pointed out the obvious double-standard regarding classroom attire, McDowell questioned him on the spot about his feelings on homosexuality.   Glowacki replied to the question by stating that as a Catholic he was offended by the gay lifestyle.  Immediately he was ordered to leave the classroom under threat of suspension.  McDowell then posed the same question to the rest of his class - and summarily threw out yet another student.

The gay cartel wasted no time jumping on Glowacki, like vultures swooping in for their prey.  The school district sided with their "anti-bullying" bully - who just happens to be the school leader for the teachers' union (ahem!).  Ellen DeGeneres even jumped into the fray.

Also jumping into the fray, though, is the Thomas More Law Center.  They are representing Glowacki and his family in a federal lawsuit filed against the school district.  Good for them!  At this point in time, Glowacki is probably eighteen years old.  I applaud him for showing not only the courage not to back down in the classroom but also for standing up and saying to McDowell and his cronies that he has First Amendment rights and there will be consequences for those who infringe upon them.

In the meantime, please consider contacting the school itself at  McDowell is number 86.  The principal is Aaron Moran, number 103.  Go to their entries for specific email addresses.  General mailing address and phone/fax numbers are at the top.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

USCCB Designates January As "Poverty Awareness Month"

Bishop Jaime Soto of Sacramento, who champions the much-disgraced "Catholic Campaign for Human Development", announced a media campaign to "promote a better understanding of poverty in America" according to this Catholic News Agency Report.  If I am to believe this report, it seems that this campaign is full of errors.  Frankly, given the CCHD's abysmal record, the report sounds all-too-typical of the CCHD.  Wait!  Here's the USCCB site itself!

Bishop Soto's statement starts with, "Our culture of life begins with a love that binds us to the hopes and joys, the struggles and the sorrows of people, especially those who are poor or any way afflicted."  It actually starts with God's commandments, particularly those regarding the engenderment of life.  There is no "culture of life" when the unborn child is torn from his/her mother's womb to die a brutal death.   There is no "culture of life" when the faculty by which life is engendered, that is, sexuality within marriage, is abused.  There is no "culture of life" when the sick or elderly are subjected to a clarion call to end their own lives.  The Culture of Life must begin with the protection of all innocent life against these fatal attacks that are now legally sanctioned in much of the world.  Any calls for "binding with the poor", such as Bishop Soto puts forth, must occupy a lower priority.

He continues the error by stating, "We march with immigrant families toward a society made stronger and safer by their inclusion. We embrace the mother and her unborn child, giving to both of them hope and opportunity..."  Notice the order of priorities!  The good bishop has it precisely ass-backwards!    He is also regurgitating the discredited "seamless garment" tripe.

You might remember the report on the CCHD that was produced by the American Life League.  The USCCB tried to discredit it - and failed miserably.  I picked apart the USCCB statement; read here.  I mention it because Bishop Soto, as head of that office, would have had input, perhaps control of the USCCB statement.

St John Neumann Church - An Example To Emulate

Any prolife activist who has been in front of abortion mills for any appreciable length of time knows that there is a directly proportional relationship between the number of prolifers in front of the mills to the number of mothers who decide not to have their children murdered.  Simply put, when our numbers out there are greater, we see more babies saved and less babies murdered.  It's the power of prayer and of the physical presence of people who care.  Over the past year that there has been a concerted prolife witness on Wisteria Avneue in Germantown, where Dr. Carhart murders late-term babies, this dynamic has been seen over and over.

The website details the prolife efforts there.  It makes plain that Carhart starts the three-day murder process on Monday mornings.  Hence they ask that all good people be on Wisteria Avenue between the hours of 8am-10am, since that is when most of the women arrive to start the grisly process.  We also know that many Catholic parishes have their daily Masses at 9am, posing an immediate conflict for those Catholics who would like to be both places at the same time.

Today St John Neumann Catholic Church in Gaithersburg announced that they are moving their Monday 9am Mass to 12 noon for the express purposes of:
  • accomodating those who want to be on Wisteria Avenue to reach out to abortion-minded women
  • encouraging more participation of Catholics by giving them a way to be on Wisteria Avenue without missing Mass
St John Neumann priests will hear Confessions that day starting at 11:30am, and the Miraculous Medal Novena will occur after Mass.  If the noon Mass is too late for some, both St John Neumann and St Martin of Tours do have Mass at 6:30am those days.

While I won't advocate that all neighboring parishes make those Mass changes (since for some people, 9am may be the only time they can make Mass), I will suggest three things for them to do:
  1. Announce in your own bulletins St John Neumann's noon Mass, so that your parishioners will know there's a Mass available should they wish to join the prolife witness on Wisteria Drive.
  2. Consider how your parish can encourage your own parishioners to support this life-saving effort.
  3. Your own parish priests should make an ongoing commitment to be there.  The example of a parish priest will encourage parishioners to join him.
Remember - YOU are needed to be out there to intercede and save lives!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011

If You Felt An Earthquake Wednesday...

It's because I find myself in agreement with votes cast by most of Maryland's representatives.  That evening the House voted to pass the National Defense Authorization Act.  I can see the Senate voting for it, since it contains language desired by the White House, but the House of Representatives, supposedly controlled by the GOP?  Really?  In its so-called "war on terror", it denies anyone - ANYONE - the right to due process, trial by jury, and habeas corpus.  One just has to be a "suspect".  That includes us pro-life people.

In Maryland, Donna Edwards, Chris Van Hollen, John Sarbanes and Elijah Cummings, all Democrats, opposed this.  See the roll call.  While I don't know their reasons, I appreciate their "nay" votes.  Also having the good sense to oppose this is Andy Harris, freshman congressman of the eastern shore.  I find myself disappointed in Roscoe Bartlett's "aye" vote.  He has aligned himself with the likes of Steny Hoyer, Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz - and a very surprising and disappointing array of Republicans!  What kool-aid did they drink???

Let us recall some words of Benjamin Franklin: "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."  Not only that, they usually forfeit both.

The Insane Rage Against Tim Tebow

I am not a football fan.  I'll watch it at someone else's place if that's what they're doing and I do know the basic rules, but I really don't care who wins or loses.  However, not too many people can claim ignorance of Tim Tebow, the Broncos' quarterback who lets people know who he is and that he believes in Jesus Christ as God and Savior.  And yes, he does seem to be a most capable football player.

It seems to be the combination of these two characteristics (1. devout Christian and 2. decent football player) that drives progressives into major hissy-snit-fits.  A progressive rabbi, Joshua Hammerman, went so far as to warn the populace (on New York's Jewish Week blog) that if Tim Tebow wins the Super Bowl, we Christians are going to go on a mosque-burning rampage!  Fortunately there is also some rational analysis of Hammerman's screed.  Read this piece by Jeff Dunetz, a Jew who is thankful that he doesn't attend Hammerman's synagogue.  He also links to a cached version of the Hammerman vitriol that has since been pulled from the orginal blog (I wonder why it was pulled!).

This sort of progressive bigotry against religion, particularly the Judeo-Christian traditions, is nothing new to anyone who's had their eyes open these past several years.  So what is it about decent people being up front about their faith that just causes these quasi-athiests to bunch their undies?  Could it be the pricking of their own consciences?  The conscience is a God-given faculty inside each and every person that lets one know when he/she is not living as he/she should.  Repeated violation of the conscience can dull one to its voice - but not entirely.  Hence the discomfort - and resentment.  The evidence is there for all to see - attempts at denial notwithstanding.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Atheist Hate Speech Gets Its Comeuppance From Fox News!

I wrote several days ago about the Nativity scene in Athens Texas and the atheistic Freedom From Religion Foundation.

The Blaze on Fox News attempted to interview Dan Barker, a spokesman from the FFRF.  As he spoke with the Blaze's Eric Bolling, he just couldn't contain his atheistic vitriol, constantly calling the Christian faith "insulting", etc.  But why believe my account?  Watch it for yourselves.

Most (but not all, I know) readers of this blog will appreciate the way that Bolling put a stop to Barker's diatribe.  I applaud Bolling for taking a stand and for serving notice on behalf of us all that we will not suffer insults to our faith and to our God in silence.

Pro-Abortion "Katholyc" Sebelius - Child-Rape Cover-Up?

While Kathleen Sebelius was governor of Kansas, her administration shredded key evidence pertaining to the investigation of that state's Planned Parenthood and its role in concealing statutory rapists from prosecution.  We not only join the American Life League in their call for the resignation of Sebelius from her current position, but we also reiterate the call for this nation's Catholic Bishops to obey Canon 915 and deny Sebelius Holy Communion and to call for her repentance.  The same goes for all other CINO pro-abortion pols who use their posts to promote baby-murder. 

Click here if you cannot see the embedded video.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Another Baby-Killing Center Is Defunct!

Remember Steven Chase Brigham, the abortionist mogul whose Elkton operation was busted last year?   You might recall that some of his abortionist flunkies lost their licenses.  It looks like his baby-killing empire suffered another set-back.

Comes now the news from Operation Rescue that his baby-killing center in Erie PA was foreclosed by its business condo association.  Deo gratias!  That's one less threat to babies and moms in that locality.  May Brigham's empire continue to crumble; the more these places shut down, the more babies are saved.  Moreover, may Steven Chase Brigham come to repentance before he stands before God Almighty.

More USCCB Pandering To Illegal Immigrants

There is an excellent Catholic blog called, very simply, A Blog For Dallas Area Catholics.  Today I saw a post of their's that analyzed a most miserable statement put out by some hispanic bishops and posted on a USCCB blog.  They shamelessly released this statement yesterday in a disgusting attempt to exploit the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

The Dallas blog does an excellent job of highlighting the logical and yes, moral flaws of the statement of those bishops.  Rather than reinvent the wheel, I invite you to read it for yourselves at his/her site.

You will notice that my blogging colleague laments that the bishops have in this statement a determination that they lack when it comes to speaking of matters of non-negotiable morality.  Indeed, one of the signers, Bishop Ochoa, has gone so far as to discipline one of his priests, Father Michael Rodriguez, precisely because the latter clearly proclaimed the Church's teachings regarding the gay lifestyle.  You can read my prior postings on Bishop Ochoa's misbehaviors here.

I join my colleague in thanking and congratulating His Excellency, Rene Gracida, Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi, for not lending his name to that, uhhh, bovine manure.  Bishop Gracida has always been a voice for the truth, even when it seemed that he was the only bishop who spoke out.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Carolers Evicted From Silver Spring Post Office

If anyone still doubts that Montgomery County MD is overrun by sourpuss liberals (after reading my many posts about life in liberal la-la land), here is a story to dispel any lingering doubts.

A few days ago three people were thrown out of a Post Office in Silver Spring MD (Aspen Hill Shopping Center location to be precise) because they had the audacity to (gasp!) sing Christmas Carols!  The post office manager, committed to his most sacred duty of banning all vestiges of Christianity (not to mention joy and happiness) immediately groused at them and summarily evicted them.  There were decent people in there who immediately booed the manager.  The article didn't name this surly manager, but one could imagine it's similar to either Grinch or Scrooge.

The Aspen Hill area is where Georgia Avenue and Connecticut Avenue intersect.  Just a few miles south on Connecticut Avenue, where that road intersects University Boulevard, is Kensington MD.  Several years ago Kensington became the laughingstock of the country when Kensington's mayor banned Santa Claus from the local Christmas parade.  After they found the parade route lined with people dressed as Santa, the mayor et al were shamed into abandoning that exercise of politically correct pettiness.

Yes, yes, I understand that the Post Office is governed by Federal regulations and not those of Montgomery County.  However, this branch does draw its staff from Montgomery County citizenry, particularly the liberals who love being good little bureaucratic lemmings.  I do understand that the Post Office is falling on hard times economically.  Given the way this nitwit manager treated decent people, it's no wonder that folks are looking for alternatives.  The USPS is contemplating the closure of quite a few locations.  I hope that the Aspen Hill location is at the top of that list.

Good News On Maryland's DREAM Act Front!

You might recall that earlier this year, Governor Martin O'Malley signed into law the DREAM Act, which among other things, puts the children of illegal immigrants (by the way - that makes the kids illegal immigrants too) on the same status as children of Maryland citizens when it comes to college admission.  I've posted quite a bit on it; here's a list of my posts.  You'll recall that a number of good, concerned Maryland citizens petitioned the measure to the ballot. 

Sadly, but none to surprisingly, the progressive-influenced Maryland Catholic Conference not only failed to support our efforts, but they outright trash-talked us for exercising our rights as citizens.  Moreover, CASA and some other cabals tried to stop the petition on various specious grounds.  Well, comes now the news that their arguments were so flimsy that they were starting to collapse on themselves  From Help Save Maryland we read that CASA has withdrawn a significant portion of their complaints.  Thus it looks like next November, each Maryland voter will have the opportunity to make his/her voice heard on this important matter.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Correction: Boycott Macy's AND Bloomingdale's

Go back a few days to get the lowdown on Macy's politically-correct pandering to perversion at the expense of decent employees and all its female customers.  Until I saw this World Net Daily article, I did not realize that Macy's and Bloomingdale's were under common ownership.  There's no sense in boycotting Macy's if only to give that business to Bloomingdale's.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Obama "Needs Another Term"

Alrighty, then!  The Messiah Most Miserable has made official that he is in "campaign mode".  Actually, he's been in "campaign mode" during the past three years, but for now I won't dwell on that.

At a fundraiser in East New York this past week, the attendees shelled out $25,800 each to hear Obama claim that "I'm going to need another term to finish the job."

Got that?  He "needs another term"!  And why does he "need another term"?

Why, to finish his job for his country!  Or, is that, to finish his country for his job?  Which is it?  In the case of the Messiah Most Miserable, what difference does it make?

Let's make him a one-termer!

Crisis Of Leadership In The Church

First, here's the video from today's Vortex.  Click here if you cannot see embedded video.

The report from the Cardinal Newman Society that Voris mentioned can be read here - and please do read it in its entirety.  Voris also addresses the bizarre statements of Archbishop Vincent Nichols, the Archbishop of Westminster in England in his support of gay "civil unions".  One can read more from Father Malloy's blog and from Catholic News AgencyLest anyone forget, I call to the remembrance of all that five years ago, during an interview on Wolf Blitzer's "Situation Room", Cardinal McCarrick, then the archbisop of Washington, also voiced his support of gay "civil unions".  Here is the transcript of the interview.

On another note, there are hopeful signs.  I don't believe the Church in the West is on its way out - at least not yet.  Here is a post on Bishop Sample of Marquette MI who laments the lousy catechesis that many of us received in the wake of Vatican II and his priority on remedying the situation.  This is the same bishop who informed dissident Bishop Gumbleton that he did not have pemission to come into his (Sample's) diocese to give a talk.   Here's another of Father Michael Taylor of Corpus Christi TX who is restoring the boys-only tradition for altar servers.  These are only two examples of some bright lights starting to shine.  Let us pray for more and support them.

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Craven Scrooges Who Are The Progressives

In a small town in Texas, called Athens in Henderson County, the people there celebrate Christmas - not "the holidays" but Christmas.  Their celebration comes complete with Nativity scenes in public areas.  From all accounts, the citizens there have been perfectly happy with this arrangement for years.

Come now the grinches, the scrooges who call themselves the Freedom from Religion Foundation, hailing from Wisconsin.  As the name suggests, they are a pack of progressive atheists who are on a relentless crusade to force their pathetic world view on as many hapless folks as they can.  Their very concept of freedom is twisted to mean "freedom is permitted only if religion is eradicated".  Make no mistake about it!

What kind of craven, miserable hatred would motivate this "foundation" to butt its big bazoo into the affairs of a town hundreds of miles away to stifle that community's joyous celebration of Christmas?  Don't they sound like the quintessential kill-joys?  Ladies and gentlemen, do we want to let these pathetic progressives have their way with us?

My hat's off to Joe Hall, County Commissioner of Athens, TX!  He states that they'll remove the display when hell freezes over.  That's the spirit!

Ladies and gentlemen, we need to stand by the Joe Halls and Natalie Johnsons of our times and against these progressives who are attempting to force us to make their sad, stale worldviews the law of our country.

By the way - why not send these "freedom from religion" folks a real Christmas card?  Contact information is on the link above.  They'll have to open it for they don't want to miss a possible donation check.  Who knows?  It might brighten their day up there!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Murderous Lie of "Pro-Choice"

When I mentioned "murderous" above, I was also referring to the murder of women and not only those who have died during the abortion itself.  Many women are murdered precisely because they don't want to kill their children.  They are slain at the hands of the males who impregnated them.  Now why did I say "males" instead of "men"?  Because these creatures who murder their partners and their own children do not deserve to be called "men".  Real men protect their families - they don't slaughter them in some vain attempt to dodge their responsibilities.

This account from Lifesite News is simply the latest.  Unfortunately, as long as abortion is permitted, it won't be the last.  I regularly see young women, at the abortuary where I and others offer Christian witness, walk reluctantly and tearfully into the hell hole.  It is clear that they are being bullied by their male companions and even by their own parents.  The deathscorts see it, too.  Of course we give the deathscorts well-deserved rebukes as they once again demonstrate that they aren't so much pro-abortion as they are pro-baby-murder.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

To Reinforce The Call To Boycott Macy's...

The Vortex posts this warning from none other than Raymond Cardinal Burke that "Christians must stand strong,..insist on what is right and good" or "the secularlization will destroy us". 

Watch for yourselves (click here if you cannot see embedded video) then start speaking out.  By all means, use the Macy's boycott to get yourselves acclimated to the truth that we are the Church Militant.

Boycott Macy's!

We've received word from American Family Association and Liberty Council that at a Macy's store in San Antonio Texas, a sales clerk was fired for exercising common sense.  Natalie Johnson noticed a young man coming out of a ladies' fitting room.  She told him that he couldn't go in for the room was for women only.   Well, the man was a cross-dresser who claimed he was "female".  He and his five companions, using foul language, argued with Ms. Johnson.  To make a long story short in this post (but please read the links), the store manager kowtowed to polticial correctness and fired Ms. Johnson.

Well, as far as I'm concerned, that same store manager also thumbed his nose at any person of common sense and decency.  Too much has been sacrificed at this idolotrous altar of political correctness to appease the false idols of progressivism.  Ms. Johnson was marginalized because she stood for Christian decency and common sense.  Such will be the fate of all decent people unless each one of us puts his/her foot down at once.  We can speak with our voices - and our wallets!

I therefore urge one and all to immediately boycott Macy's, in all locations.

If they want my business again, they must:
  1. Reinstate Ms. Johnson's employment immediately
  2. Issue to Ms. Johnson a public apology
  3. Put into place policies that ensure that men (and no, we don't need to define that term!) do not enter women's fitting rooms or women's rest rooms at any Macy's location

In order for a boycott to be effective, Macy's needs to hear from you why you'll be shopping elsewhere this Christmas season.  The Liberty Council page has contact information, as does the American Family Association.

Here's a little something I threw together; I call it The Boycotters' Motto

When the qualms of conscience
Their morals won't raise,
The pains in their purses
May change their ways!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

More From Yesterday's Pro-Life Witness In Germantown

I regret that I was unable to attend yesterday.  However, a number of friends did; one of them reported on his blog and posted videos of some of the addresses.  I link to his post now.  For those unable to see the videos embedded in his blog, the youtube links are here, here and here.

I hope you listened closely to the second clip and to Dr Morrison's words, "What are you doing about this?", and "We must step out of our comfort zones, be inconvenienced, cold, wet, hot in the summer.."

She was talking to everyone - INCLUDING YOU!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Report From Today's Event In Germantown

The organizers for the commemoration of the 720 babies slaughtered since Leroy Carhart started plying his murderous trade in Germantown were hoping for 1,000 participants.  They did not get 1,000 participants.
Instead, over 2,000 pro-life people showed to offer Christian witness!   Deo Gratias!!!

Here is a report from LifeSite News.  Now here's one from and one from our own Gazette (this one has a slide show).  As soon as the videos are ready, I'll link to them.

This morning's turn-out was fantastic, BUT...  What will happen next week

To all you folks who came out for the first time.  Thank you.  However, it will be for naught if today's event was also your last.  Only by your faithful persistance, even when you don't feel like it, will we end the horror of abortion.  Please come out every Monday, and on other days as your time permits.  I understand that three mothers today decided not to have their babies killed.  That was only because of your physical presence there.  Be there in the future to save more babies.

The Inquisition - Myths VS Truth

Real Catholic TV centered its latest "Catholic Investigative Agency" episode around the Inquisition, giving some much-needed historical perspective.  Click here if you cannot see embedded video.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Objections To The Revised Mass - From Some "Usual Suspects"

Most of us have now attended several Masses since the revisions kicked in on the First Sunday of Advent (which is the start of the Catholic year).  Eduardo Penalever, a professor at Cornell University where he teaches on "Catholic social thought" had these pithy "words of wisdom" to spew about the Mass.  That is on the Commonsqueal Commonweal blog.  So what are his takes on what he calls "Catholic social thought"?  Well, this post of his on the "religiousleftlaw" blog is an indication, where he chides Archbishop Dolan for the latter's defense of traditional marriage.  If any evidence for "lex orandi, lex credendi, lex vivendi" was ever needed, well, just feast your eyes on Penalever's bloviations.

Kreeft's Steubenville Talk: Vulnerable To Big-Time Misinterpretation

Tom Crowe of Catholic Vote (see right side-bar) posted a video of a talk given by Peter Kreeft at Steubenville University.  His post contains a link to that talk plus his own commentary.  In order to understand both Crowe and what I wrote below, you'll need to watch the entire clip.

I just posted the comment (in italics) below to Crowe's post.  Whether or not he publishes it, I don't know.  So here is what I wrote:

Tom, you write, "I must confess that some of what he proposes is a 'hard teaching' for me personally, and I have to examine some of my own thought processes and positions in light of what he points out."

I think I know to what you refer: a tendency to elevate contemplation to the detriment of activism. Let's bear in mind that as a theologian only, Kreeft cannot speak "ex cathedra". Certainly let's ponder, but let us not be biased or fall into the trap of false humility. For example, did you notice the tacit interpretation of the "Mary vs Martha" passage to mean that Jesus rebuked Martha's being busy? As I read it, He chided her anxiety, not activisim. Besides, I'd be willing to bet that He did eat what she set before Him as a result of her activism.

I'm going to go into more detail of this in my own blog post. I will be addressing a regretable tendency amongst faithful Catholics to glom unquestioningly onto the sayings of theologians like Kreeft. Mind you, I think in many and even most respects he's spot-on, but like the rest of us, he's only human.
I suppose my concern is not so much with what Kreeft said, but the unfortunate tendency of faithful Catholics to put people like Kreeft and others on pedestels and to take their words as though they're Holy Writ - or rather, to take selected snippets of Kreeft's words as Holy Writ outside the context of the rest of Sacred Tradition.  In this particular case, I can see how folks who tend to eschew activism could take Kreeft's clip as a justification for their laxity (which I'm sure Kreeft would regret).
Here is my take on the matter.  With the exception of those who are called to consecrated comtemplative lives and those whose circumstances do not permit activism, we are called to obey the maxim, "ora et labora".  While it is true that our first duty is to see to our own eternal salvation and sanctity, part and parcel of that duty is an active apostolate that encapsulates the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy.  By the way - lay people are enjoined to practice all the Spiritual Works as well as the Corporal Works.  I've heard some ridiculous things on Catholic radio that outright opine that we lay folks should avoid the Spiritual Works because we're too ignorant to practice them.  Nonsense!  What a shameless cop-out, not to mention outright disregard for the Sacrament of Confirmation!
I've heard the analogy of prayer being a foundation to the building of activism.  In my opinion, that's quite accurate.  There is no doubt that we can only move under Divine guidance, inspiration and strength.  But once He grants us those, He requires that we do something with them.  They make a firm, deep foundation - necessary for any ediface.  But once that foundation is in place, the building MUST be erected, lest that foundation become a glorified hole in the ground.  The building without a sure foundation will be destroyed - I think we all see that.  However, what some refuse to see is that the foundation without a building on top of it will likewise be destroyed.
I spoke of the Sacrament of Confirmation above.  Those of us who have been confirmed have the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.  To be sure, they must all be developed and some like Kreeft have gone that extra step in studying theology and philosophy.  However, if something rubs the wrong way or doesn't pass our "smell test" we cannot automatically assume that we're in the wrong.  We really need to work with it a bit.  We must also combat our tendency to place people like Kreeft and others on pedestels.  That tendency is understandable, given the lack of leadership displayed by too many bishops.  But still, it is a tendency filled with many boobytraps.
In my post just prior to this, I announce one excellent opportunity for activism that will occur tomorrow morning.  It is also activisim that encompasses prayer.  Be there.  It is NOT enough to pray for an end to abortion.  We MUST work for it as well.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Come To Germantown MD This Monday

Before I go into the details of Monday's events, let me alert you to some related news.

Several months ago a complaint was filed with the Maryland Board of Physicians on the grounds that Leroy Carhart made false statements on his application for a MD medical license.  Such falsifications should have resulted in the revokation of his MD license.

Several weeks ago, Operation Rescue received a reply from the Board; OR's press release can be found here.  This press release links to the Board's reply to OR.  They have decided to issue an "Advisory Letter" to Carhart.  Note that the reply says that the purpose of such a document is to "inform, educate or admonish a health care provider".  This amounts to a rap on the knuckles; I've got to imagine some deep pockets went behind this perfunctory letter.  However, the fact that this "advisory letter" is going to Carhart is acknowledgment from the Board that the complaints against Carhart have merit.  Will there be further action?  Unfortunately the answer is most likely "yes".  I say "unfortunately" for that means that yet another woman must be injured or perhaps even killed before the Board will take any substantive action.  In the meantime, Carhart will continue his baby-slaughter.

Contrast this inaction with a situation that happened in England recently.  Phanuel Darley, a Marie Stopes abortionist perforated the uterus of a woman and left inside her pieces of the murdered child.  She suffered severe medical complications.  This, and other instances of medical malpractice, induced the General Medical Council to strip him of his license.  Good for them!  They displayed the common sense and courage that is apparently lacking in Maryland's Medical Board.

This coming Monday, December 5, from 8am-10am, a special prayer vigil will occur at Wisteria Drive and Executive Park Circle in Germantown, to mourn the one-year anniversary of Carhart's arrival in Maryland.  So far, he has murdered over 720 babies in that office complex.  It would be ideal of 1,000 people of good will would come out on this particular day to mourn those tiny children.  Additional details can be found at the site

After that, please come every Monday during that time slot.  It is then that the late-term murder process is commenced on women who come to his killing center from all over the country.  You can help end this!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Newt!! Say What???!!??

If this Lifenews article is accurate, Newt Gingrich has destroyed any pro-life credential he might have had.  Not only did he flout Catholic moral teaching in his statement that "human life begins at implantation", but he shows that he flunked Biology 101.

Anyone with an iota of common sense (and yes, this does eliminate the pro-abortion crowd) understands two things:
  1. The person is formed when sperm fertilizes ovum.  At that instant, the genetic makeup, gender, physical/personal/etc traits are determned.
  2. Such joining happens in the fallopian tube, with cell division (growth) starting almost immediately
In making this ridiculous statement, Gingrich has fallen lockstep into the pro-abortion manipulation of language.  Their (so-called) leaders have long tried to monkey around with language to substitute "conception" for "implantation", for in so doing, they could justify any method of "contraception" - including the abortifacients that are in fact chemical abortions.

Newt did well in the debates, but now he is officially off my "short list" for the primaries.

Aww C'Mon, Nancy! Make Up Your Mind Already!!

Yesterday during a press conference, Nancy Pelosi dismissed the Catholic bishops' attempts to keep Obamacare from forcing Catholics to participate in baby-killing vis-a-vis coverage for abortifacients.  She dismissed the bishops as mere "lobbyists in DC".  (A video is below.) 

Such was not her attitude a mere 18 months ago, when she urged the Church to play a "major role" in immigration reform.  In fact, she was encouraging pastors to preach from the pulpit about the matter. 

So do we sense some inconsistency, some contradiction here?  On the one hand, she dismisses the moral voice of the Church.  On the other hand, she seeks to exploit it as (wait for this!) a tool to "lobby their congregations", as it were.  Yes, there is inconsistency, but she (like other progressives) doesn't really give a rat's rump about that!

The modus operandi is to exploit the clergy when they find it convenient, and when the clergy start acting like men of God and calling the progressives on the carpet, why, they'll do all they can to dismiss (and even intimidate) them.  "Pope" Pelosi's little shenanigans are simply par for the course!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Vortex On How Evil Works!

They're right.  It's time to cut through the politically correct slop and call the spade a spade.  Click here if you can't see embedded video.

By the way - speaking of evil, here's another Vortex dealing with Islam and Obama's fascination with it.  Embedding for this video has been disabled, so you'll have to click here to watch it on the Real Catholic TV youtube channel.