Thursday, September 30, 2021

Wacky Psaki Opens Her Mouth Again

Anyone with a hint of common sense will know that a business person will pass on the costs of doing business to his/her customers.  He/she must, if he/she is to stay in business and earn a decent living for his/her own family.  How does she not get this?  She just might, and they really do have the goal of crushing small businesses.  After all, it is these small businesses that enable their workers and owners to live independently of the crumbs meted out by the governmental overlords.

She has the gall to admit that.  This is more the fault of the US citizenry for not rising in outrage over this tipping of the hand than hers.

Man's Best Friend Gives Her Human A Reality Check

We know these progressives and envirowhackos think that they can change nature at their whims (just look at the so-called "trans-genders").  But sometimes they get reality checks.  This dog, being forced by her owner to eat vegetables, makes her preference known to the obvious chagrin of her reality-denying owner.  Notice how quickly she turns off the video.  I don't know how that video survived, unless it was some sort of "facebook-live" thing and some astute individual captured it before the truth could be hidden.  Anyway, it's good for a laugh!  Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Paul Joseph Watson On The Work Of The Devil

Paul Joseph Watson is a British commentator who has posted a number of spot-on commentaries.  In this one, he pulls no punches when it comes to elaborating on Pope Francis' complicity with the demonic one-world government, and the obvious "mark of the beast" known as the Covid vaccines.  Yes it is plural for there are more than one; they do seem to be increasing in numbers every time one turns around.

There is some colorful language in this clip, but in all honesty I think it accurately reflects today's realities.

Food For Thought - Connecting Some Dots

A lot of calamities seem to be occurring all at once:
  • Draconian vaccine mandates
  • Papal attack against the Traditional Latin Mass
  • Illegal immigration run amok
  • Mid-east situation going south
And that's just a few problems.  They all seem to be unrelated, don't they?  They aren't - not by a long shot.  Take a look at this from John Zmirak.  For more food for thought, I post last week's Anchor Team.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Pope Francis Calls EWTN "The Work Of The Devil"

How many remember various sit-coms that featured a manipulative mother/mother-in-law who was always complaining about how close she came to death's door and how no one appreciated her?  That's what this recent exchange between the pope and some of his fellow Jesuits calls to mind.  In Slovakia last week, a Jesuit priest asked him how he was.  The pope replied, "still alive, even though some people wanted me to die".  The poor priest got quite the earful.  "Drama queen" are the words that come to mind.  Did Pope John Paul II carry on like that after he was shot?  I don't recall him doing so.

  • He railed against EWTN (albeit not by name) for "speaking ill of the pope".  He called them the "work of the devil".  Funny!  I seem to recall him asking "who am I to judge"?  Hmm...
  • He said of young priests seeking permission to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass, "it is a phenomenon, that indicates we are going backwards"..."This is the evil of this moment - namely, to seek the path in rigidity and clericalism, which are two perversions".
  • He complained that "it frightens us to accompany people with sexual diversity", urging the Jesuits to "go forward in pastoral experiences."
So from the last two bullet points, can we gather that he thinks those of us who attend the Traditional Latin Mass are perverts, while sodomites are simply "diverse"?  If he thinks that the latter need "accompanying", these "pastoral experiences" better include the Sacrament of Confession for the sake of all involved.

Below I'll post a video of a Traditional Latin Mass that took place two days ago.  Fr. Chad Ripperger gave the homily and spoke about Traditionis Custodes.  He linked this to modernism, and mentioned that a key feature of modernism is its hatred of the sacred.  I regret to say that he nails it when it comes to how the pope is simply railing against the Mass of the Ages at every opportunity.  Go to the 33-minute mark where Father's sermon starts.  I will say I differ with him when he opines that we should "be silent".  St Catherine of Siena lamented such silence, blaming that in part for the condition of the papacy in her day.  We have to speak and shed the light so that others aren't led astray.  Of course we pray and offer sacrifices, but these alone will not suffice.  Ora et labora.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

What's Up With March For Life?

Nellie Gray, founder and long-time president of National March for Life, passed away in 2012.  During her tenure at MFL, she ensured that her organization stayed true to the teachings of her Catholic Faith.  When I attended the Traditional Latin Mass at St Mary's just outside the Chinatown area in DC, Nellie was always there.  That to me was a clear indication that Nellie would never waver one iota from the Catholic nature of MFL's mission.  One of her key Life Principles that she gave to National March for Life was "not even a little bit of abortion".

Shortly after her death, I got a whiff of things amiss at MFL.  There was talk of making the March "appealing to young people" (as if there weren't already thousands of young people at the marches), making me believe that personnel selections would be influenced by that consideration.  It did seem to me that MFL might have been "going soft" on its principles, although at the time I couldn't substantiate my opinion, save for one incident of "seamless garment" garbage finding its way onto the rally stage.  Last year, when the leadership decided not to have the march out of fear of covid-cooties, I realized that my suspicions weren't just baseless paranoia.  Not since the March's founding had an annual march ever been cancelled until 2021.

Last October Louie Verrecchio released a video detailing how the Knights of Columbus seem to be adopting what is essentially a pro-abortion excuse.  An important aside - I mean this in no way to be a rebuke to the millions of "rank-and-file" Knights throughout the country, many of whom pray in front of abortuaries and exercise their laudable pro-life apostolates.  However, I suggest that they be aware of what "supreme" is doing and saying.  

I found evidence of the cozy relationship between the Knights and March for Life on MFL's webpage; apparently the two organizations are swapping board officers - often a clear indication of close relationships and common control.  In the video below, Verrecchio mentions sources to which the video links.  You can access them by clicking the "youtube" at the bottom right corner of the vide.  That takes you to the clip's home page and to the linked material.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

The Papal Paradox Stumbles Along

Pope Francis continued to spew poison on his return flight from Slovakia.  He was asked about same-sex mowwidge.  While he did reiterate the Church's teachings on marriage being between a biologically-born man and a biologically-born woman, he said same-sex unions are "helpful" for those of "diverse sexual orientation."

Stop right there!  No, any union that exists to provide the occasion for mortal sin is not at all helpful.  It literally facilitates the damnation of at least two souls.  It lends to these squalid associations a legitimacy that they simply do not deserve.

Below I post an address given by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1983.  We must continue to pray for Pope Francis, even as we have to resist his errors publicly.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Taylor Marshall On Pope Francis' Eastern Europe Trip

Taylor Marshall, in the podcast below, examines various aspects of yet another abysmal plane interview given by Pope Francis on his return from eastern Europe.  As an aside, I'll highlight some new terms: "cootie-jab".  Marshall coined this and it just might bypass the obnoxious and ubiquitous "fact-checkers" of Facebook.  The second one is from someone commenting on the video on the you tube page.  He asked, "since Pope Francis supports the jab, can he be called Poke Francis"?  Hmmm... 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Editor Of Catholic Virginian Apologies For Crass Cartoon - Well, Kinda!

From LifeSiteNews we read that Brian Olszewski, editor of the Catholic Virginian, uttered what can only be called a "cya" apology.  The Catholic Virginian is the official newspaper of the Diocese of Richmond.  The bishop there is Barry Knestout.  That name should be familiar to Catholics in the Archdiocese of Washington. 

In the Sept 6 edition of that paper, a very spiteful cartoon was published featuring a woman gloating over the COVID-related death of a man.  Here it is, on page 6.  Oh, by the way, should this pdf "disappear", I downloaded it as many other probably did.  It just reeks of progressive smugness and ugliness.  They most certainly do have an agenda of shilling for the Falsey narrative; more evidence is found on page 9 of this rag.  Someone should tell Ms Barbara Hughes that the exploitation of the bodies of murdered babies does NOT mean "love of God, self, neighbor".  The by-line indicates that she fancies herself to be a "spiritual guide".  If that thinly-disguised blasphemy is a sample of her "spiritual guidance", I think I'll pass for I seem to remember Our Lord warning against "the blind leading the blind".

Getting back to the cartoon, I understand that Olszewski issued an "apology" of sorts.  Here it is.  Notice that he acknowledges that he was slammed for that cartoon, as well he should have been.  He's sorry, alright.  But is he simply sorry that he caught flak?

But now let's address Bishop Knestout's responsibility in this matter.  In addition to being the publisher of the Catholic Virginian, he is the local bishop.  Will he accept Olszewski's "apology"?  If so, would he have done so if the cartoon had mocked another grouping of people, like practitioners of gay sex, for example?  If Knestout's history is any indicator, then he would have tossed Olszewski out on his ear with great alacrity and little ceremony.

To what history do I refer?  Let's go back 9.5 years, when Knestout was an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Washington.  Saturday, Feb 25, 2012, Father Marcel Guarnizo presided at a funeral Mass.  He was compelled by his duty under Canon 915 to withhold Holy Communion to the daughter who was living in lesbian sin.  For his priestly fidelity, his faculties in the Archdiocese of Washington were revoked by Bishop Knestout.  See here and here for the account of Knestout's vindictiveness against a good priest while he refused to speak truth to someone in mortal sin.

By the way, doesn't Bishop Knestout read his own diocesan newspaper?  Why do we not hear of him being one of those who showed proper indignation at that cartoon?

But maybe there really isn't inconsistency in Knestout's reactions to both these situations.  In the first incident, he retaliated against the defense of truth.  Last week he was willing to let an attack on the truth continue, and would have done so to this day had it not been for the public outrage and possible reduction in donation dollars.

I suggest that Richmond Catholics reduce their donations until real discipline is meted out to Olszewski and any one else who had a hand in this cartoon's publication.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Pope Francis Spews Gaffes Galore In Eastern Europe

Today in Slovakia, the pope gave a talk that was, quite frankly, a multi-faceted embarrassment.  I link now to the summary from Catholic News Agency and will link to the full version when I can find it.  Anyway, he started by setting up another of his infamous false dichotomies, this one between the Gospel and the Catholic faith.  He used the pejorative  term "defensive Gospel" against what seems to be a lovely term, "creativity of the Gospel".  No, the Gospel is the message of Jesus, as taught by the Church over these past two thousand years.  There is no novelty in the Gospel, as evidenced by the end of public revelation after the death of John the Evangelist.  While we may attain greater understanding of already-exisiting truth, there is no new "truth" to be revealed.  Gosh!  One might get the feeling that he's trying to cajole us into accepting some heresy under the guise of "creativity"!  (ahem!)

If my last sentence seems rather far-fetched, read on a bit further.  He laments that "for many people, tradition is a relic from the past.  It no longer speaks to them or affects the way they live their lives".  But let's get one thing straight.  They don't need anyone to twist the timeless truths of Jesus Christ into some newfangled heretical monstrosity.  They need to be taught the faith because, quite frankly, the progressives following "the spirit of Vatican II" have deliberately cheated us of our heritage and continue to do so.  The piece of pig-slop known as Traditionis Custodes is just the latest attempt to rob us of our Tradition and yes, the graces of God that flows through the Traditional Latin Mass.  The pope may thus rest assured that no one is "judging and blaming the world".  No, the blame lies squarely at the feet of liberal clerics who have sought to twist Church teaching into all manners of banal jokes.

Then he bemoans the Church "viewing life with a detached gaze... The center of the Church is not the Church".  That's true enough, but that center is certainly not this world.  Rather, the Church's "center" is none other than the Holy Trinity.  He then asks what people expect from the Church.  Wrong question.  What does God expect from the Church?  It is NOT "freedom, creativity, dialogue".  The Church's main mission is to save souls from hell and assist them to heaven, in obedience to the commission that Jesus gave to His apostles.  

Then he says "young people...are not attracted by a faith that leaves no interior freedom".  So does that mean that he will rescind Traditionis Custodes, that screed that is overtly designed to put the screws to those who attend the Latin Mass?  Surely he knows that a high percentage of those attendees are young people, with spouses and children, right?  Or is "interior freedom" only for those who dissent from Church teaching?  Speaking of the actual definition of "freedom", may I suggest that he examine the Benedictus?  It's a key prayer found in Lauds, part of the Divine Office that he, as a cleric, is bound to pray daily.  It's most educational.  I won't give it away; I'll let readers read the Benedictus for themselves.

So much error and chicanery, so little time.  I haven't time to tackle the whole thing, but perhaps will take it up later.  Other good bloggers are posting about this, too.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Soul-Killing Tyrants On The Prowl

We seem to be having a spate of leaders, CINO leaders at that, playing the irascible tyrants and attempting to grind underfoot the people whom they are charged to serve.  Two months ago, it was Pope Francis with his Traditionis Custodes.  Even those not inclined to attend the Traditional Latin Mass - and some liberals, too - could not help but notice the sheer venom and vitriol embodied in that document.  In holding us in contempt, the pope seems to be evincing contempt for Our Lord.  Much prayer is needed.

Then two days ago, President Plugs issued his tin-horn-tyrant dictatorial screed.  He dropped all pretenses of civility as he outright threatened the livelihoods of private citizen who object to having the cells of poor murdered children injected into their own bodies.  He threatened private employers who refuse to carry out his petty dictates.  The video below is prima facie evidence of the progressives' contempt for those who would disagree with their great reset goals.  

Listen for yourselves.  Then understand that in both cases, we will need to engage in civil disobedience to unjust orders.  I will elaborate at another time.  Suffice it to say for now that I don't think the timing of these two draconian attacks upon us was any coincidence; it has the smell of a coordinated strategy.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Might An Event In Tennessee During 1946 Have Some Relevance Today?

Stolen elections seem to be emblematic of the Democrat party, and has been so for decades.  Watch this video and you'll hear clear references to the party affiliations of the key individuals involved.  Given what we heard today from President Plugs, we know that the tyranny will continue unless we stand firmly without blinking.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Freedom For Me But Not For Thee

Catholic News Agency informs us that Slovakian authorities are relaxing their Covid restrictions a bit to allow more Catholics to see Pope Francis when he visits there next week.  Now isn't that interesting?  Is Covid somehow supposed to be less deadly during those three days of the pope's visit?  When he leaves, will Covid resume its alleged deadliness?

Consider that the pope is what the so-called "experts" call an especially vulnerable person.  He's elderly, he just had major surgery and he only has one lung.  Moreover, he's a world leader.  Why, one might think that the Vatican progressives would be very solicitous to protect him from that deadly plague!  Or ... maybe that plague isn't all that deadly after all?

Hey - if the pope can hobnob with his adoring fans, why cannot ordinary people shop and go to church without those submission-trainers known as masks?  Ladies and gentlemen, if this little stunt by the Slovakians and the Vatican doesn't show what a pile of manure this vax-and-mask schtick is, it's only because people want to be deceived and enslaved.  Recall that sin darkens the intellect and weakens the will.  Don't we see that in those shrieking for more mandates and more poisonous medications?  Wake up!

Sunday, September 5, 2021

A Fun Little Diversion For The Feminazis And Gun-Phobic Soy-Boys!

Here you go!

Now run for your safe spaces in your parents' basements!  Deep breaths, now!

Friday, September 3, 2021

The Teachings Of Jesus Christ And The Democratic Platform Are Completely At Odds

Below is the episode of the Anchor Team that aired a few hours ago.  I urge all to watch it.  Truth be told, I've seem several people who were staunchly pro-life who embraced some of the liberal tenets of the Democrats.  They have wavered quite a bit in their commitment to the babies.  In their support of Biden, Clinton and other pro-abortion Democrats, they may have endangered their immortal souls.

Hichborn and Maughan draw some distinctions between the Democrats and the Republicans.  I'm rather surprised they didn't touch on the news from Texas.  The US Supreme Court let stand Texas' "heartbeat bill" that took effect today.  It was a 5-4 decision.  During his time in office, President Trump named 3 of those 5 to the Supreme Court.  There are babies alive today because of those nominations.  Would they have escaped abortionists' clutches had Hillary been in the White House?  I think we all know the answer to that.

They do a reasonably good job in explaining Americanism.  I wish they had spent more time in dispelling erroneous notions of Americanism that are found among some traditional Catholics.  I might delve into that another time.  Here is the video.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Poop Video For Sept 2021 Urges Servitude To Mother Earth Idol

Below is the Poop Video for September 2021.  As he lays aside his propaganda campaign for the ingestion of the sinful corona vaccines, he resumes another topic from what I call the "new world punch list", that is, 

  1. Twisting centuries of Catholic theology in an attempt to quash the death penalty
  2. Gun control and nuclear disarmament, as if evil people would divest themselves of their weapons
  3. "Immigration reform", thinly-veiled language for removal of national boundaries
  4. Environmentalism, climate-change hysteria - whatever they want to call their de facto earth-worship
  5. Racism, unless it's directed at Caucasians
  6. Socialism disguised as poverty-elimination 
Today's topic is number four.  Note some things.
  • Right off the bat, he holds young people up to be paragons of virtue.  In so doing, he slyly encourages them to look with disdain on their parents and other elders who might protect them from progressive manipulation.
  • Notice the words "environmentally sustainable lifestyle".  Hmm..  Where, oh where, have we seen that word "sustainable" in the past?
  • Then he starts to yammer about us needing to live "simply".  Who decides what is "simple"?  The One World Government?  Notice how the phrase "environmentally sustainable lifestyle" is flashed at the viewer every now and then?  Subliminal suggestion much?
I challenge you to suffer through watch this thing several times to see how many times he utters the words:
  • God
  • Jesus Christ
  • Sin
  • Sacraments
  • The four last things (death, judgment, heaven, hell)
  • Church

So how many times were those words mentioned?  That's right!  Zero-zip-nada!  So of whom is the pope the vicar?  Of Mother Earth?  Gaia? Pachamama?  

Sadly the pope has kindred spirits with many of the bishops.  The Archbishop of Dublin issued a "pastoral letter" last week regarding the "climate catastrophe".  My!  Such a coincidence that this Poop Video and this pastoral letter both came out the same week!  

Ireland was once a staunchly Catholic country, but no more.  They legalized both baby-slaughter and same-sex marriage while banning attendance at Mass because, well, covid!  With so much spiritual havoc being wreaked on that country and on local Catholics, one of their key shepherds issues a 64-page screed on "ecological conversion"?

By the way - 64 pages??  For shame, archbishop!  How many poor, defenseless trees had to be chopped down so that paper could be wasted on your envirowhacko blather?   The name of that tome is "Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor".  No, Your Excellency!  The earth doesn't cry.  Please cease your personification and idolatry of the earth.

For those still inclined to take this new-age idolatry seriously just because its proponents wear miters, it is high time to cease the papalotry and stand for Jesus and His Traditions.