Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Gregory To McElroy - Same Plot, Different Cast - But There Is Much That You Can Do About It

The headline speaks about the installation of Cardinal Robert McElroy as Archbishop of Washington, succeeding Cardinal Gregory.  McElroy is just the latest in a string of progressive bishops that have been acting to deconstruct the One True Church.  In fact, the Church will never be totally defeated, but much havoc can, and is being, wreaked, to the harm and even damnation of many souls.

Rachel Mastrogiacomo was present at McElroy's installation, that took place at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception.  Rachel was 23 years old when she was subjected to abuse, both sexual and satanic at the hands of Jacob Bertrand.  He was a priest at the time who has since been laicized.  McElroy played a large part in the cover-up of this sordid episode.  By the way, satanic ritual abuse is not uncommon among pervert priests, as evidenced by an open letter written to Pope Francis by Lisa Roer, another victim.  Be advised that Lisa goes into rather graphic detail about her ordeal.

Rachel had opportunity to confront McElroy as he processed out, despite the best efforts of the baby-sitter that the chancery assigned to her.

Note: This video came from the Facebook page of Michael Hichborn.  Also from the same page are pictures of Rachel and other concerned Catholics, protesting outside the Basilica.  They are standing at the Harewood Road driveway to the Shrine and around the corner to Michigan Avenue.  The parking lot is on the other side of Harewood so they got much visibility.  Here is a picture of the picket.

What Rachel did involved confronting the guy who was criminally responsible for so much pain and suffering that she endured.  Her example is not only to be admired, but emulated.  We faithful Catholics have a duty to confront this evil and not to allow the evildoers to be comfortable as they work to marginalize the Church.

Monday, March 10, 2025

God Bless Cardinal Muller And God Have Mercy On Cardinal Gregory

Cardinal Muller tells bishops to resist the destruction of the Latin Mass.  God bless this man for speaking out.  I regret, though, that some of the bishops are not so much timorous before Francis.  They are in full agreement and in league with Francis' obvious animosity towards the authentic teachings and traditions of the Church.  Many of these bishops implemented Traditionis Custodes with the utmost glee and alacrity.  I live in one such diocese - the Archdiocese of Washington, namely.  It is shepherded - until tomorrow - by Wilton Cardinal Gregory. Unless I am gravely mistaken, Robert Cardinal McElroy is cut from the same cloth as is Gregory.

Cardinal Gregory seems to have no problem with the codswallop featured below.

Granted, this wasn't an actual Mass.  However, before this "hip hop mess mass" premiered, Cardinal Gregory said Mass at an induction ceremony that honored the late Eunice and Sargent Shriver.  Guess what music was featured at that Mass?  Yep!  Hip-hop crap!  This article is unclear about whether or not any of this cast was performing the music.  I suppose we should be grateful that there was no break-dancing or moon-walking during the Mass.

So the reverence and dignity of the Traditional Latin Mass has to go, but this hip-hop drip-drop is just okee-dokee?