Monday, March 1, 2010

Baltimore Archdiocese and Its Participation in Climate Change Hysteria

This Saturday, March 6, the Archdiocese of Baltimore's 31st Archdiocesan Annual Social Ministry Convocation will take place (click link for time and venue).   The theme of this session is (drum roll, please!): Peace, Poverty and Mother Earth.  Already we know that it is a groaner.  A glance at the workshops will reveal the typical left-wing climate-change pabulum.  For example:
  • Workshop #2 will teach how to "resist energy exploitation" such as those nasty "nuclear resurgences" and "mountaintop removal".  It will focus on the "role of arts in inspiring the movement".
  • Workshop #3 will teach its attendees how to "live more responsibly on our fragile Earth" (Why, oh why is that E capitalized?)
  • Workshop #5 - "Eat simple!  Live simple!  Save the planet!"  Perhaps they think their use of poor grammar will get their point across more effectively.  However, let's give them a break.  After all, the education system that brainwashed these people into believing the global warming hype is the same system that didn't bother to teach proper language skills.
  • Workshop #6 tells us that "Earth is in the emergency room".  There is a "call for healing", for "earth is now in desperate need of that healing care."
The keynote address will be given by Sister Simone Campbell, SSS, who is the executive director of NETWORK.  Just before the 2008 presidential election, Sister wrote a piece called, "What Does It Mean to Vote for the Common Good?"  We see in this brief excerpt a bunch of convoluted gobblygoop about "balance of power", "the use of fear in our time", ad infinitum ad nauseum.  In reality, it was really quite simple.  The Messiah Most Miserable never had bones admitting his allegiance to his pro-abortion puppet-masters.  Is that what Sister may have been trying to obfuscate?

NETWORK!  Now what is that?  On the front page, we see that they "lobby for economic and social transformation."  Hmmm...sound familiar?  Can we all say "Alinskyite"?  Its "issues" page features "peacemaking" (love those nebulous things!), "comprehensive immigration reform", "healthcare access" (of course!) and "ecological justice".  Now what's missing?  How about "justice for the unborn", "the indispensible role of traditional marriage", "the destructive consequences of contraception"?  I guess there's no room for them on an already-crowded agenda!

To whom do you make payments for this?  "CCHD/Archdiocese of Baltimore"!  I think what we have here is a big community-organizing session going on this Saturday, around the de facto religion called "climate change hysteria".  I'd be willing to bet that while sob stories about "climate change" will abound, there will be heard not one peep about the tragedy in Argentina that is mentioned in the post below this one.

Baltimore faithful Catholics, I urge you to make your protests heard on this matter.


  1. It's because of this sort of anti-Catholic activity happening under the aegis of the archdiocese that I'm working overtime to relocate away from Baltimore. The spiritual, liturgical, and organizational rot is too great for me to endure. Given the makeup of the curia and the presbyterate here, the only hope of any significant improvement would be the direct intervention of Our Lord: the hearts of those in ecclesiastical power are too twisted, too shrunken, or too inept to make any progress based on their current track-record.

  2. And perhaps questions should be asked about the pastor who lives openly with a male partner in an apartment, rather than with other priests in a rectory. This has been an open scandal for years and known by priests and laity throughout the archdiocese.


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