Monday, December 31, 2012

Catholic Relief Services Cheers More Federal Spending

Senator Rand Paul proposed legislation that would have cut aid to countries that are hostile to the United States.  The $9 billion would have instead been used to aid in Hurricane Sandy recovery.

The Catholic Relief Services took umbrage at Paul's common-sense initiative and urged the Senate to defeat it.  The Reid-led cabal did so, by a 91-3 vote (obviously some RINOs were swayed, but that's another post).

Giddy from their "victory for kindness and truth, justice and peace", the CRS issued a gushing press release thanking the Senate for the defeat of common sense.

Did I ever mention that I think the USCCB should be abolished??

University Of Maryland Follies

We hear of the "evils" of "big tobacco", "big banks", "big pharmaceuticals", etc etc.  However, we hear not one peep of the evils of Big Education.  But that's where blogs such as this one fill in the gap.

Amid all the wailing and moaning about funds that issue forth from Annapolis, I find the University of Maryland's funding priorities to be rather misplaced, to say the least.  They have allocated $15,000.00 to combat - wait for it! - drums and trumpets please! ... NON-INCLUSIVE LANGUAGE!  

Such are the funding priorities of the former 1960s hippies that are now university officials and tenured professors.  Whereas they once occupied and blocked Route 1 (an annual ritual at one time), now they work the same mischief from their offices.

Does $15k sound like a trifle?  Dear Maryland citizens, the UofMD is a state institution, funded in part by our tax dollars (that's why we pay "in-state" rates when we attend).  This "program" is an abysmal waste of our tax dollars.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Barbara Streisand Humor

Yes, Babs said this.

She's entitled to her opinion, as we all are.

Several years ago, John McCain demonstrated his opinion of the bloviations of Babs.  As much as I disagree with McCain on various matters, I have to hand it to him with the clip below (from a Saturday Night Live episode on which he was a guest).

Change Agents - Part 2

About six weeks ago I linked to the first installment of a four-part series on Alinskyan organizing and how it has infiltrated the Church.  It is a rather thorough work put together by my friend and Catholic Media Coalition colleague Stephanie Block.  I now link to the second installment.  It's a pdf that can be downloaded.  Enjoy!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

What Maryland Voted For Last November

Doesn't it just set a flutter in your tummy?  Senator Ben Cardin actually inspired CNBC anchors to act like journalists instead of progressive shills!  Whooda thunk it?  Click here if you can't see embedded video on the ijreview page.

Not to be outdone in sheer tactlessness, Steny Hoyer, House Democratic Whip and Representative from MD's 5th Congressional district, compared the Republicans to thugs threatening to shoot a child hostage.  Mind you, this is on the heels of the Newtown shootings.  Can you imagine the mainstream media uproar that would have ensued had a Republican said that of Democrats?  On the bright side, he makes Joe Biden look like a model of grace and diplomacy - and that takes some doing!

Way to go, Maryland Democrats!  I do suspect we'll see more such follies in the coming years.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Pope And British Bishop Preach For True Marriage

This past Friday the Pope delivered a "state of the church" address to the Roman Curia.  Among other things he said, "When the freedom to be creative becomes the freedom to create oneself, then necessarily the Maker himself is denied and ultimately man too is stripped of his dignity as a creature of God, as the image of God at the core of his being. The defense of the family is about man himself. And it becomes clear that when God is denied, human dignity also disappears. Whoever defends God is defending man."  He's making quite clear that disobedience to God's designs and commands for marriage, sexuality and family life are ultimately assaults upon human dignity.

During his Christmas homily, the Right Reverend Mark Davies, Bishop of Shrewsbury likened the gays' push for marriage perversion to the attacks on Christianity posed by both Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin.  Both tyrants claimed that they were acting in the name of "progress".  He urged his congregation to take a stand for marriage as their parents and grandparents had stood against the Nazis in the past.  Bravo, Bishop Davies!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Frustrated White Male Privilege

"What is that?", you might ask.  Well, I bring you "glad tidings of joy", for you need wallow in your ignorance no longer.  According to the (dubiously) learned Hugo Schwyzer, "frustrated white male privilege" is a root cause of the Sandy Hook and other mass shootings.  "And just who in blue blazes is Hugo Schwyzer?" might be your next question.  Why, he's a professor at Pasadena City College who teaches history AND (wait for it!) gender studies!  You see, he thinks all white males are taught that "the world is supposed to be your oyster".

Only a left-wing professor (probably tenured) could dream up that crap; of course the "gender studies" is a contributing factor to that intellectual malfeasance.  Additional manifestations of Schwyzer's proclivities, according to the National Review article, are profanity-laden and pro-gun-control tweets he let out in the wake of the Newtown shootings.  In other words, he won't control his potty-mouth but wants to grab our guns.

I'm sure there will be other "enlightened" theories.  I suppose there'd be no room to ascribing responsibility for Lanza's actions to Lanza himself?

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Hysteria And Hypocrisy In The Schools

Well, it seems that school officials in Tamaqua Middle School (in Tamaqua PA) are getting a tad over-zealous.  A 13-year old boy made a gesture with his fingers resembling a gun.  The principal called in the state troopers to investigate a gesture that kids have been making for decades and will continue to make (sorry, "code pink" types!  That's reality!  Deal with it!).

For this high crime and misdemeanor the boy will be suspended and be charged with disorderly conduct.  We can be grateful that his "gun" wasn't loaded with a high-caliber rubber band; otherwise he'd be in jail at this moment.  But hey!  If we're going to go down that primrose path, should we not be consistent about it?  If this boy is going to suffer legal consequences, how about the fellow occupying the White House who once said "if they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun"?  And he made a whole slew of these remarks!

"But Obama was just being rhetorical!" you say?  Well, if that's the case, what about that poor kid in PA who was just being a kid?  Let's have some return to common sense and balance here, shall we?

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Cardinal McCarrick Embarrasses Yet Again

Yesterday at the Washington National Cathedral Cardinal McCarrick joined with leaders of other faiths to "call for an end to gun violence".  Let's review the definition of "violence" from the viewpoint of Catholic morality, shall we?  Violence is defined as the "unjustified use of force".   So we can infer that while all violence involves the use of force, not all usage of force is violence for there are cases when use of force is justified, e.g., self-defense, law enforcement, etc.

During the meeting, the Very Reverend Gary Hall, president of Washington National Cathedral had the following to say regarding the NRA's suggestion of placing police officers in schools: "That the NRA seeks to answer the problem of violence with more violence shows that their answers are directly at odds with the teachings of all faith traditions of the vast majority of people of faith in America."

Not only did Hall demonstrate his ignorance of what constitutes real violence, but with this silly-assed statement he insulted each and every police officer who puts him/herself at risk every day to protect citizens from real violence.  To equate the presence of a police officer with "more violence" is over the top.  Hall should apologize to all the police of this country for such a slap in the face.  Unfortunately I'm sure Cardinal McCarrick just nodded in agreement as Hall stuck both feet in his mouth.

Why are they only agitated about gun violence?  Given that violence is inherently evil, why are they not equally concerned about all types of violence?  How about the violence in the womb, about which Mother Teresa spoke so eloquently at the 1994 National Prayer Breakfast?  At yesterday's conference, the National Council of Churches was represented.  What is their position on baby-murder?  Quote: "Because of the diverse theological teachings of its member churches, the National Council of Churches does not have an official position on abortion"  Isn't that great?  They've no position on the murders (that is, violence) of over 3000 babies every day, but they're ready to wax indignant about police going into the schools!

We also see New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good represented.  They are described as "progressive evangelicals".  Yep!  There's that "progressive" word again!  Looking at their website we see that they are pro "gay marriage".

Many of these folks are so morally compromised themselves that they cannot be taken seriously.  I fear that includes His Eminence.  His regrettable tendencies to hang around with pro-abortion bigwigs (Sister Carol Keehan, John Sweeney, etc) undermine any moral credibility he might otherwise have enjoyed and put to good use.  Let all these folks address real violence and not this "gun-violence" straw man.

Rediscover Catholicism By Matthew Kelly

Years ago I became convinced that the evil one is quite clever in deceiving good Catholics into error and sin.  I think he knows better than to present us with gross sin such as wild orgies or inebriated debauchery.  No, he'll cloak his temptations to us in holy trappings.  Please note that I'm not putting those last two words in quotes because often enough, the trappings are very good in and of themselves and can lead to real benefit.

For instance, I mentioned a few days ago the Medjugorje apparitions (that I initially believed).  Now at that site many good people are praying.  They're going to Confession (some folks for the first time in many years), receiving Holy Communion at Mass, praying the Rosary, etc.  For the most part, the proceedings from the apparition are sweet if somewhat trite.  However, it's those zingers of indifferentism that are the problem.  Because the devotees are predisposed to accept whatever the apparition says, they're less likely to subject it to needed scrutiny and thus they incorporate the indifferentism into their own thinking.  Therein lies the danger.

Such seems to be the case with the book Rediscover Catholicism by Matthew Kelly.  Last year it was sold at my church and was announced from the pulpit.  It only cost $2.00.  I bought one and started to read it.  This book's main "zinger" (and it is a big one) occurs right in the prologue.  I suppose Kelly was trying to illustrate the magnitude of the Crucifixion of Our Lord and what it cost both Son and Father.  He wound up committing what I believe is blasphemy with his attempt.

He devised a hypothetical situation in which a father of a small boy hears that there is a fatal epidemic.  A vaccine has been developed but will require blood from someone who hasn't been infected.  All are called upon to volunteer blood samples.  The father trots his family to be tested.  Lo and behold, the small boy is not infected and his blood can be used.  However, a lot of blood is required and to draw the required amount of blood from the boy will kill him.  The doctors break the news to the father and let him know that if he doesn't give permission for this blood-letting, all mankind may well die.  The parents give their "consent" for this procedure.  Of course the little boy is bewildered - but it's such a great cause!

So here you have a man's murder of his own little boy being compared with the Crucifixion of Our Lord.  Murder is the deliberate taking of innocent human life; nothing justifies that for as any decent Catholic knows, the end of a sinful act, be it ever so noble, never justifies the sin.

I could spend several posts unpacking the moral mess encompassed in these few paragraphs.  There is the comparison of Jesus' voluntary act with the horror inflicted on a helpless child.  There is the aspect of the boy being utterly betrayed by his parents whose first charge was to protect, not sacrifice him.  And of course we have here a thinly-disguised apologetics for both abortion and embryonic stem cell research.

Some might argue that the rest of the book was okay and even very good.  Be that as it very well may, it matters not one damned bit.  If you knew that the most nutritious meal in the world contained just a little bit of arsenic, would you take one bit of that most nutritious meal?  I didn't think so!

After I read this prologue, I immediately alerted the pastor.  As I was talking, he completed my sentence for me.  That indicated to me that mine was not the first complaint about this heresy.  However, the boxes of books remained in the lobby for several more weeks; I don't know why.

I forgot about it until I went to Mass today at Blessed Sacrament in Chevy Chase - and saw three or four boxes of these books in that church's lobby, just as I saw in St John Neumann last year.  I thought to myself, "well, maybe they've removed the offending prologue in these copies."  It was still there.  In googling the book, I learned that it was popping up in parishes all over the country.  I don't know who is making book-buying decisions or what kind of marketing effort is underway here.

I am urging all to be on the lookout for this in your own parishes and to be prepared to sound the alarm at your church.  Do NOT use Rediscover Catholicism by Matthew Kelly.

Friday, December 21, 2012

USCCB Misses The Mark On Sandy Hook Shootings

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops today issued a statement (of sorts) on the Sandy Hook shootings and what they think are the answers.  Well, I don't know if the bishops themselves penned it (although they affixed their names to it) because it has the smell of progressive agendas all over it.

First (after receiving "talking points" from the puppet masters) they launch into gun control.  They opine the intent to protect one's loved ones is an honorable one, but simply put, guns are too easily accessible.  Let me illustrate the lack of logic by applying it to another filial duty, to wit:  the intent to feed one's loved ones is an honorable one, but simply put, food is too easily accessible.  The right to self-defense is a necessary component to the right to life itself - but that right is denied when one is deprived of the means to exercising that right.

A number of sensible articles have been written about the Second Amendment.  I would suggest that the USCCB puppet masters read them, but I suspect they full well know the truth and are doing their utmost to keep the truth from the Catholic in the pews.  Here's one on the gun-control culture.  Here's another that addresses the real fundamental cause of violence (and not just violence involving guns): America's Problem Is a Contempt for Life.

The USCCB piece ends with 5 suggestions that they claim will address violence.  Notice that 4 out of 5 have to do with gun control - that is, confiscation of guns from everybody including the law-abiding.  I've no doubt that the USCCB puppet-masters have been given their talking points from the Democrat money-bags and are obediently doing their bidding, couching their progressivism in a faux-katholyc veneer.

Most telling, of course, is the lack of mention of the complete disrespect of life and morality as discussed by Mr. Bannister's article.  Yes the USCCB made some perfunctory remarks about violence in entertainment, but that's it.  There was no reference to Mother Teresa's wise words linking abortion and general societal violence.  For that matter, there was no mention at all of the most brutal murders of 3000 tiny babies every day.  Those murders, of course, bring in buckets of money to Democrat coffers and they're accomplished with surgical weapons that cannot be utilized against any tyrannical thug that may crash down your door.

Yet another reason why I pray that the Vatican abolishes the USCCB.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

British Pol: "Consider Mandatory Abortion For Disabled"

For now the United Kingdom Independence Party has suspended one of their members when he called for compulsory killing of all disabled babies.  Geoffrey Clark also wrote that women carrying children with suspected Down syndrome, spina bifida and other problems should be forced to have abortions to reduce health care costs.  Ladies and gentlemen, not too long ago Sarah Palin and others were mocked for issuing their warning about "death panels".  Well, now we will be facing our own "Geoffrey Clarks" and they may well already be in the White House.

Until England's remaining decent voices sounded in indignation, Clark was on his way to Parliament.  This is a man who has the mindset of Adolf Hitler and Chairman Mao all rolled into one - and he's not alone.  Many of the minds who crafted Obamacare share his demented mindset.

Isn't it interesting how, in the wake of the Sandy Hook shootings, that the progressives are rattling their sabers for "gun control"?  The Founding Fathers of this nation were wise to that type of tyrant.  They realized that the citizenry must not only be able to defend themselves from "rank and file" thugs, but also a government run amok.  We're headed in that direction if a Geoffrey Clark ever makes himself manifest in the USA.  Yes, he was stopped in England before he made it to Parliament.  Still, isn't it disturbing that he got as far along in his political career as he did?

This is the "brave new world" that is staring us in the face.  Will we, as Catholics, have the fortitude to stare it down?

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Other School Assault This Past Friday

While I was listening to news updates about the Newtown situation, I would hear every now and then some mention of a similar incident in China on the same day - but not much else.  So I googled it.

There was indeed an attack in the Henan province of China, according to BBC News.  A knife-wielding man slashed 22 children and 1 elderly woman.  Two of the kids were wounded seriously.  The attacker was overpowered by security guards.  The guards were apparently there due to previous attacks that did claim the lives of 20 children.

Fortunately in Henan there were no fatalities yesterday and that's why no one saw fit to delve more closely in that manner.  However, I believe there's an additional reason why the lamebrain-mainstream media chose to ignore those attacks.  The Chinese assailant did not use any guns in his vicious crimes.  Nor were guns used in the previous Chinese situations that did prove fatal to some children.  And yes, apparently China has "large knife registration", but that didn't stop what happened Friday.

Fifty years ago, the US didn't have nearly the number of gun control laws on the books as it does now.  Yet we never heard of such occurrences.  Of course at that time we knew better than to allow our babies to be murdered in their own mothers' wombs.  Abortion happened, but not nearly at the rate that it happens now and society condemned - not condoned - it.

Already we hear kvetching and ballyhooing for more "gun control", as if that really addresses the root of the problem.  The usual whiners and howlers include:
And lest you think that these libs are leading by example, think again.  Barbara Boxer and Chuck Shumer have concealed-carry permits.  Why don't they think that we citizens, we the Great Unwashed, have the right to self defense?

All the above-named progressives have something else in common - they promote abortion: that is, the murder of babies.  So of course they won't function on the actual criminal, but merely the criminal's choice of tools.  If they subjected the criminal to scrutiny, they must also subject to the same scrutiny those who assist the criminal in his/her murders.  Could it be that they unconsciously realize that they themselves are complicit in murder?

In my post yesterday, I related the remarks made by Mother Teresa during the 1994 National Prayer Breakfast.  During the lighting of the Vatican Christmas tree, the Holy Father repeated her thoughts when he warned that abortion and "gay marriage" are real threats to peace.  Unless we, as a nation, wake up and repent, these acts of violence will increase.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Shootings In Newtown Connecticut

For those who lost their little ones yesterday, we offer our prayers and condolences.  Words cannot describe the anguish that must be afflicting them at this moment.  Many questions are being asked at this moment, many along the theme of "How could this happen?  Why were innocent children hurt?  What would drive someone to shed so much blood?"

Today I wrote this on my Facebook page:  While we mourn for those who were murdered in Connecticut yesterday, let us not lose thought of those tiny children who will be murdered via abortion today and everyday. Ironically too many who grieve the Connecticut deaths facilitate the murders of babies. In Montgomery County and Baltimore alone, at least 30 babies will be murdered today. Where is the national outcry for them?

During the National Prayer Breakfast in 1994, Mother Teresa of Calcutta had the following to say about abortion: I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself. And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?...Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.

"How could this happen," some ask?  It happens every day to 3000 babies in this country alone.  Of course it happens in institutions misnamed "clinics".  We, as a nation, have become coarsened to the value of life, of children.  Our young people today grow up knowing that at any time in their mothers' wombs, they could have been torn asunder at the "choice" of their mothers.  Knowing their own lives were esteemed so cheaply as children, it's a bit of a wonder that this sort of thing is not more prevalent than it is.

"Why were innocent children hurt?"  Well, take Obama himself, for example.  While he waxed teary-eyed on national television when speaking of yesterday's killings, he is still the same man who voted multiple times against born-alive protection acts, partial birth abortion bans and has made the murder of babies the law of the land vis-a-vis "obamacare" with our tax dollars to boot.  From a blog by Catholic in Brooklyn we read an excellent public letter to Obama which bears close study - particularly by those who share his pro-abortion mindset.

But that moral responsibility doesn't just lie on Obama's shoulders.  It lies upon the consciences of any one who dares to favor and even participate in the murder of babies - for that is what abortion is.  I'll go so far as to say that it lies with those who call themselves "pro-life" but who don't make the protection of babies a primary guide for the casting of their votes at election time and who don't take any practical actions to combat this horrific evil.

"What would drive someone to shed so much blood?"  Will someone close to Leroy Carhart - or any abortionist for that matter -ask that question of him/her?  Is the Almighty Dollar that much of a god to them?  Most of them murdered more children than did Adam Lanza yesterday; and they will continue to do it next week with impunity and with the permission, if not blessing of civil society.

Ladies and gentlemen, particularly those who call themselves "pro-choice", as you shed tears for those who died yesterday in Newtown CT, resolve to cease your promotion of the murders of tiny infants and work to protect them (and their mothers) instead.  Else, your mourning will be only so many crocodile tears.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Social Studies = Socialist Indoctrination?

I think it's a definite possibility, given how most of the "social studies" departments in all levels of education are exclusively populated by leftists.  As you read this article by Michael Beran, bear in mind that John Dewey was a humanist who signed the Humanist Manifesto.  Anyone who studied education in the United States knows that he is rightly considered to be the "father of modern education".  That's NOT a compliment!  By and large, the poor kids in public schools are being taught to be unquestioningly subservient to the progressives in big government.  A good number escape the stupefying influences, owing to decent family life and Christianity being taught in the home, but they face incredible odds at school.

Many of my friends home-school their children.  I salute their commitment to the upbringing of their children.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Michigan A Right To Work State

All the libs and progressives wail and whine on and on about "big business", etc.  But what about "big labor"?  At one time unions served a vital function - and they may still do some good.  But if you want to see proof positive that unions have gotten "too big for their britches" and have in many ways turned into thugs, here's some clips of union thuggery in Michigan that I suspect won't be considered "newsworthy" by the "lame-brain-main-stream" media.

The Perils Of Indifferentism

As my blogging colleague at Tenth Crusade points out, there has been much heated discussion about Father Robert Barron's critique of Ralph Martin's book, "Will Many Be Saved?".  Father Barron seems to hold the very dangerous notion that hell is not an imminent danger for folks today.  I join my friend, Dr. Martin and many, many saints (including Our Lady of Fatima) who hold that indeed hell will most likely be a very crowded place.  We might recall, by the way, during the deliberations about the new Mass translations, how the phrase "pro multis" was changed from "for all" to "for many"; that caused quite a stir.

I'm going to post a Vortex below, but first I'll say a few things about indifferentism and how some good people seem to be seduced by it.  At Mass during September, there was a homily on "purity of heart".  The priest held up as an example of such "purity" - Mahatma Gandhi.  Mind you, I have no way of knowing his state - one way or the other (yes, non-judgmentalism is a door that swings both ways).  I do know, however, that he was invited to examine Christianity but declined to do so.  One such overture to Gandhi was related during that homily.  Father related that a friend of Gandhi approached him and invited him to become Christian.  To that invitation, Gandhi replied, "Why don't you?".  Father then called that "a good challenge".  I beg to differ.  It seems that in addition to snubbing that Christian's invitation, Gandhi was holding himself as a competent judge of that Christian's virtue.  That was not "a good challenge" but plain old snarkiness - for which I hope he repented.  The troubling aspect of this homily was that Gandhi was being held as a model for Christian purity of heart - without being a Christian.  That homily left a wide opening for the heresy of indifferentism to take hold in the minds of the congregation that day.

In addition to such teaching, indifferentism has found another avenue into the hearts and minds of many sincere Catholics.  That insidious avenue has a name - Medjugorje.  In the early '80s, when word of the apparitions reached the US, I believed them and started to take my Catholic faith more seriously.  However, because I took my faith seriously, I read much traditional literature - and realized that some underlying themes of the apparitions didn't measure up to tradition.  I cannot say there was a subtle undercurrent of indifferentism in the "messages" coming from the apparition - for there was nothing subtle about it.  For a taste of the indifferentism, read this piece from someone who still believes the apparition's claims that it is the Blessed Mother.  Note that it says "you must respect each man's beliefs".  Wrong.  We must respect each man as being created in the image and likeness of God.  But that's very different from saying we must respect the beliefs of each man - for these very same beliefs may lead one to damnation.  (What??  We should "respect" the beliefs of jihadists, satanists, human sacrificers, etc?)  Then it holds out as an example of holiness a Muslim woman who lived in the village at the time.  Now perhaps this lady was a good kind lady - but without sanctifying grace (that comes from the sacraments) I don't see how she'd fit the definition of "holy".  Furthermore, I have difficulty believing that there was no decent Catholic woman in the village who might have been holy.  This evidence of indifferentism has made me realize that the apparition is not what it claims to be.

Now here's the Vortex.  Click here if you can't see embedded video.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Two Bishops Acting Like...Bishops!

In my previous post I focused on the bishops' conferences both in the US and the UK.  I am pleased to note today's news of bishops on both sides of the Atlantic speaking truth.

British Prime Minister David Cameron has made known his advocacy of "gay" marriage.  He received a very direct rebuke from Bishop Joseph Devine of the Diocese of Motherwell in Scotland.  From Lifesite News we read that the bishop called Cameron a "disciple of Nero" and wondered out loud how Cameron could expect anyone to trust or respect him.  The bishop concluded by saying "we will take no finger-prodding from anyone or any group devoid of moral competence."  To that I can only add "AMEN"!

Meanwhile, in the Diocese of Madison (WI), Bishop Robert Morlino has banned two renegade nuns from offering spiritual direction or holding workshops in any of the Catholic churches.  Sisters Maureen McDonald and Lynn Lisbeth have been dabbling in new age nonsense and espousing indifferentism.  According to the Wisconsin State Journal, Bishop Morlino has banned some others from speaking due to errant teachings - including some men (lest some accuse the bishop of sexism!).

Talk about a breath of fresh air!!

Bishops' Conferences Hindering The Church

And the problem is not just a U.S. problem, either.   Today William Oddie of the Catholic Herald in England has opined that "the bureaucratization of the hierarchy has left the church rudderless and ineffective" (not an exact quote as I did use American spelling).  Notice how he too laments the lack of moral clarity from British bishops, and he blames that lack of clarity on an overly deferential homage to the UK bishops' conference.  This is an excellent article and I'd advise all to read it.

The Holy Father was quite clear when he stated that these bishops' conferences have no inherent ecclesiastical authority at canon law, save only that which the bishops ascribe to it.  Well, if the bishops ascribe such authority, they can retract it since they owe fealty to the Holy Father directly.

I know this blog is read by some in England, so I'll address you now.  Not being aware of any other issues with the British bishops' conference, I can only advise watchfulness.  If you've read my blog for long, you'll recall that I've long advocated that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops be immediately and unceremoniously abolished, as it is most definitely controlled by progressives who seek to undermine the Church's mission to proclaim God's word and to save souls.  If your bishops' conference is "frustrating leadership", this may be a deliberated strategy that is merely disguised as bumbling ineptitude.  Do some in-depth investigation - and don't be too surprised if you see real evil and corruption underneath the sanctimonious facades.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Father Orsy At St John The Baptist

Yesterday the periodical "Our Parish Times" was distributed with the parish bulletins.  On page 7 appeared an article on the address given by Father Landislas Orsy, SJ, at St John the Baptist Church in Silver Spring.  I saw he that he is currently at Georgetown.  Right there the combination of "Jesuit" and "Georgetown" raised the proverbial red flags.  The address focused on the Vatican II Council, but first I'll give some other details about his publicized opinions.

I blogged previously on the courageous action of Bishop Thomas Olmsted in pronouncing excommunication on Sister Margaret Mary McBride for her direct aiding and abetting of abortion.  In America magazine (where else?) Father "declared" that excommunication to be "null and void".  I believe the Vatican has given their opinion on this excommunication, but I'll elaborate at the end of this post.

Two months ago America interviewed Father for his comments regarding the council.  Notice how he defines an "ecumenical council" as "human reality and saving mystery".  Hmmm - a rather curious definition for an "ecumenical council"; one might call it overly lofty.  But that's not all!  It's a "tsunami of the faith"!  Why is it that so many people like to co-opt the word "tsunami" for their own pet fantasies?  Now listen closely at the 11:00 mark; it seems that he is claiming that the bishops operate independently of the Holy Father.  Click here if you can't see embedded video.

I am not at all surprised that this church would invite him to offer commentary.  Several years ago I had to attend Mass at St John the Baptist.  Right from the beginning I knew I was in for an atrocity.  Immediately after the priest processed in, he stated that before he would begin Mass, we all had to "greet" each other.  Immediately the musicians broke out into a piece that I can only describe as lounge/elevator music while people milled about the nave, back-slapping and howdy-doing each other.  I cringed, and the worst was yet to come.  It turns out that during that very Mass a little girl was making her First Holy Communion.  She looked like the typical First Communicant with white dress and veil.  As Father began the Canon, he caller her to join him beside the altar.  He then asked her to "help" him with the words of the Consecration!  Naturally her family and most of the congregation were all smiles and giggles over this blasphemy.  Of course the little girl was innocent in all of this; in fact, it was she who was the most ill-served in all of this as she received an abysmal example of how to trivialize Mass - and at a time that should have been one of the most holy in her life.

Here is the news regarding Bishop Olmsted to which I alluded earlier.  The Vatican Insider reports that he is slated to become the new Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Religious Life.  No doubt the Vatican approves of Bishop Olmsted's handling of the Sister McBride scandal (no doubt to Father Orsy's chagrin).  In his new role, Bishop Olmsted will have much influence over the governance of Catholic religious life.  While the Diocese of Phoenix will miss him, we know that Sister McBride, Sister Simone Campbell, and the rest of that cabal will be quaking in their polyester pant suits - and hopefully come to repentance.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Catholic Beliefs Not Subject To Popular Vote

One of my favorite lines from "Chariots of Fire" came from the mouth of the character of Eric Liddell's father: "The kingdom of God is not a democracy; the Lord never seeks reelection."  That hailed from a time of common sense.  But common sense isn't that common anymore.

The Holy Father reiterated that point yesterday during a meeting with the International Theological Commission.  He defined an authentic "sensus fidelium" as coming only from Catholics who actively participate in the life of the Church and follow the teachings of the Pope and bishops.  He went on to say that "it is not some kind of ecclesial public opinion and it is unthinkable to use it to contest the teaching of the magisterium.."  I urge you to read the entire article for yourselves.

To those "cafeteria katholycs":  No one can say "the cafeteria is closed" for there never was an authentic "cafeteria" in the first place - merely a facade of such.  I thank the Holy Father for again stating the truth unambiguously.  If you don't appreciate it, you have two choices:

  1. Repent of your disbelief and/or rebellion.  Go to Confession and study your faith.  Your eternal life depends on it.
  2. Continue on your merry way, but hopefully not for long, for this "merry way" will lead to eternal damnation should you be in your rebellious state at your time of death.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Notre Dame Establishes "GLTBQ" Student Organization

The University of Notre Dame and Georgetown University seem to by vying with each other to win the prize for besmirching their once-Catholic heritages and leading their students down the primrose path to hell.  This week the spotlight is on Notre Dame.  Notre Dame president Father John Jenkins (no, he didn't get sacked after the 2009 Obama debacle) announced the formation of a "GLTBQ" student organization.  Why?  In Father's own words, "to expand and enhance the support and services for students who identify as gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual and questioning".  Another main goal is "to create and sustain a welcome and inclusive environment for all students".

Uh-oh!  There's that word "inclusive" again!

I thought Father Jenkins was a priest - no?  As such, isn't one of his main purposes "to save souls"?  Nowhere do I see diddly-squat being said about saving the souls of these students who are admittedly flirting with mortal sin.  Let's be clear - homosexual acts are, objectively speaking, acts that are mortally sinful.  Those who engage in them, knowing that they contravene God's laws, imperil their immortal souls.  If they are engaged in these sinful lifestyles, they are on the road to damnation.  How will this "student organization" address this dire situation?  Will they preach God's truth so that these young people will leave that sinful lifestyle and go to Confession?  This pressing spiritual crisis far outweighs any contrived need for "inclusive environments".

The local bishop (of the Fort Wayne/South Bend diocese), Bishop Kevin Rhoades is "hopeful" that the group will be faithful to Church teaching.  Hopeful?  That implies that fidelity to Church teaching on the part of this student organization is not at all certain!  Even this statement by the local bishop does not address the spiritual plight of the students already embroiled in the mortally-sinful homosexual lifestyle.

What is needed, more than any "inclusive" stuff, is the proclamation of the Church's teaching on life, marriage, holiness, etc and emphasis on the need for the Sacraments.  Otherwise, this "inclusive" student group will be one big occasion for mortal sin.  Tomorrow is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.  Let us ask Our Lady's intercession for this university that still bears her name.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Fallout From Maryland's Marriage Mutilation Law Begins

The Christian owner of Discover Annapolis Tours has decided to suspend his wedding transportation services rather than face suit for not aiding and abetting "gay marriage" vis-a-vis transportation services.  He plans to petition the Maryland General Assembly to recognize his right (and the rights of others) to live by their own religious convictions.  Until then, he is acting on the advice of his attorney.  I link now to the Annapolis Patch article regarding the situation.  Do read the comments.  You'll notice that at least one person  (Mike) who supports "gay marriage" at least respects the rights of Christians and others to determine how and with whom they'll conduct their private enterprise.

This is just the first harbinger of things to come, as we find ourselves facing legal repercussions for acting on our First Amendment religious beliefs.  We stand and resist now - or never.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Centro Tepeyak Versus Montgomery County

In December of 2009 I posted on hearings held in Montgomery County as the County Council members prepared to do the bidding of their NARAL funders with the passage of the NARAL-orchestrated legislative initiative to hamper the work of the pro-life pregnancy centers.  In Baltimore and Montgomery County the measure passed, but in both cases courts issued injunctions preventing implementation until further review.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit will be reviewing the matter of Centro Tepeyak versus Montgomery County.  (See the docket here)  ADF attorneys will be presenting arguments in Richmond tomorrow (Thursday Dec 6).  Similar measures passed in other areas (again, orchestrated by NARAL) have been declared unconstitutional.  Please pray for a similar outcome here.

Voters' Remorse In Detroit?

Yesterday Detroit City Councilwoman JoAnn Watson called upon the Messiah Most Miserable to "bring home the bacon" (her words, not mine) and bail out Detroit.  Citing the sterling example set by Jimmy Carter (author of his own disastrous presidency), she reminded her Dear Leader that there "ought to be a quid pro quo" since the Detroit population (as a whole) supported Obama last month.

Fox 2 News Headlines

Ms Watson (and other Obama voters), did you really think Obama gives a rat's rump about you?  No!  He used you, and your misguided lust for free-bees!  I hope the blinders are falling from your eyes; of course the sensation of light will be strange to eyes that have been willfully blinded for so long.  I have four little words for you and your ilk:


It seems you are experiencing a bit of voters' remorse.  Had you known on Nov 1 what you know now, would you have voted for Obama?

To the Occupant of the White House - Are you totally without gratitude?  At least give these poor folks their Obama-phones!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Holy Father: "Social Justice" Must Shape Up

That is the gist of the Motu Proprio that Pope Benedict XVI recently released.  I link to it now and suggest that all read it carefully.  It's not long, but it is full of sorely-needed directives.  Look at the very first paragraph.  The Holy Father makes clear that charitable works cannot be separated from the proclamation of God's truth) all of God's truth such as salvation versus damnation, the sanctity of life, the proper use of sexuality, etc) and the sacraments.  In other words, you have all three, or you have none.

Here are other salient points:

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Prayer Event At Carhart Killing Center In Germantown

Leroy Carhart has been murdering babies in Germantown MD for two years now.  Concurrently there has been a pro-life presence there that has kept at least 70 babies out of his clutches.  Monday Dec 10 marks that second anniversary.  Come and pray.

Social Reign Of Christ The King

The "Blog for Dallas Area Catholics" has a post on the "Social Reign of Christ the King".  I've seen writings like this in the past.  In my opinion, this is one of the areas in which good people can disagree regarding the form of government.  As you watch the video embedded therein (and click here if you cannot see embedded video), you notice the narrator describing what he perceives as the problems of a constitutional republic, but he never quite gets around to offering any suggestion for practical replacement.  The Dallas blogger also falls short in that respect.  He opines (right before the video) that "the republican form of government in the US is not ideal from the standpoint of traditional Catholic dogma".  All this begs the question, "well, what would be ideal in your opinion?  Do tell!"  I believe they have no idea.

The video narrator quotes some Scripture, including St Paul's exhortations to "honor the king" for all authority comes from God.  Then he excoriates the US founding fathers for not inserting Christianity into the US Constitution.  I wonder what he thinks of the "kings" who, according to St Paul, operated under God's authority.  Remember - they were Roman officials and most likely paid public homage to all the Roman deities.

Many folks I know who are adverse to the US form of government (for the same reasons as the video maker) seem to think that a centralized monarchy is more in line with God's will.  I would suggest to these folks that they read closely 1 Samuel 8 - the entire chapter.  It's evident that God took a dim view of the Isrealites' request for a king.  In my opinion, that trashes this idea of the "divine right of kings" or whatever this theory is called.

Now again the following is my opinion; I do not claim any special revelation or doctrine as the basis of my opinion.  Similarly though, the Magisterium does not define what it considers to be the "ideal" form of civil government.  The US form of government is that of a constitutional republic.  It is NOT a pure democracy - never was and (hopefully) never will be.  The Founding Fathers were very wary of a pure democracy, realizing that it would be no more than gentrified mob rule.  Thus they derived the Constitution (after much toil and yes, strife among themselves).  It delineates what the federal government can do and more importantly, what it cannot do.  Among other things, it cannot interfere with the free exercise of religious beliefs.  It may not be perfect, but it works much better than all other options currently on the table.

If there are those among my readers who don't vote because of a disdain for our governmental system (ostensibly in favor of "social kingship"), hie thee hence to a confessional with all possible haste.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Benefit Of Being Divisive

That's right! When evil is present in the world, there damned well better be division!  Truth and falsehood cannot coexist. We'd better thicken our skins and grow up a bit for sometimes we must take a stand and not "go along to get along. Voris doesn't say this in his clip, but I think this quote is very appropriate: "It's better to be divided for the truth rather than united in a lie."  Click here if you can't see embedded video.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Obama The Messiah??

Some of my readers have gotten their undies in a knot when I refer to Barack HUSSEIN Obama as the Messiah Most Miserable.  I don't give a rat's rump, especially when some are calling him "lord and savior".  I speak of Jamie Foxx.  My friend at Les Femmes is quite correct in calling this a sin against the First Commandment.  God have mercy on him.

Venerable Sheen On Contraception

This is a talk given by the Venerable Archbishop Sheen on the evils of contraception.  If the banner behind him is any indication, this was recorded in 1953.  That was twenty-three years after the Anglican's lamentable Lambeth Conference, when they let the camel's nose under their tent.  This talk occurred before Griswald v Connecticut.   Click here if you can't see embedded video.

Monday, November 26, 2012

If You Had White Meat Last Thursday - Beware!

Why?  Because according to this article from the left-wing Slate, preference for white meat is a harbinger of racism!  Read it for yourselves!  It'd be funny if so many of them didn't feel the strange impetus to inject race into everything, including the trivial.

Pro-Life Compromises

In today's Vortex, Michael Voris deals with some crucial ways that Catholic pro-lifers tolerate compromise on key tenets of the faith.  I don't agree with every detail of this video, but he echoes many of my concerns about the unfortunate tendency of many Catholics to "look the other way" in dealing with the evil of contraception.  American Life League, Human Life International and some others have been strident in their proclamation, but too many ignore that "elephant in the living room".

One spectacular example of such capitulation was the Manhattan Declaration.  It did a splendid job of treating all the other moral evils (abortion, divorce, homosexuality) - but no where in that exhaustive document was the word "contraception" even mentioned.  To this day I remain aghast at the number of pro-life leaders (some Catholic) who signed it.  I and several others opted not to join in that tacit and erroneous declaration that contraception was a minor matter.

Click here if you can't see embedded video.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Open Letter To Archbishop Lori Regarding Two Problematic Baltimore Priests

Your Excellency, you have spoken much (and well) regarding the perils that are confronting Holy Mother Church in ways that are waxing more blatant and ominous with each passing day.   The threats posed to us by the HHS mandate and other encroachments upon Christianity must be met with charity, but also with firmness.

However,  as we fight the culture of death around us, we must first fight it within our own ranks.  I regret to state the obvious: that progressive influences are ensconced within the Church and within the Archdiocese of Baltimore.  Several weeks ago, Father Richard Lawrence mocked your letter from his pulpit during Mass.  To that you issued a reply stating that no one can change moral teaching.  To be frank, it was much too nuanced and general.

It has come to my attention that Father Lawrence has at least one like-minded crony in crime among the clergy.  I speak of Msgr Paul Byrnes, a retired priest who assists with Masses at St Peter the Apostle in Oakton, MD (southern Garrett County, in the western panhandle).  As confirmed by the Catholic Review, he operates a blog called “Half Hermit by the Lake”.  On November 7, the day after the election,   he praised the election of Barack Obama and other pro-abortion politicians.  Moreover, he lauded the passage of Question 6, allowing for the perversion of marriage in the state of Maryland.  He opined in that post that gay marriage fits within the Church’s teachings on social justice.  Mind you, he made these statements in a blog that’s available to anyone at the click of a mouse.

While I hope that these two priests are "flashes in the pan", I suspect that others share their warped views albeit quietly.  At any rate, Your Excellency, you have some housecleaning that is screaming for your immediate attention.  For the sake of these two priests and the rest of your archdiocese, I strongly urge you to bring down public discipline upon these two priests.  I emphasize "public" because their behaviors have brought very public scandal upon the Archdiocese of Baltimore.  We can safely assume that their terrible example has helped lead astray many of your flock, to the point of imperiling their immortal souls.

There is an additional dimension to the trouble posed by dissident priests that extend well beyond your diocesan boundaries.  A few days ago, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, the Holy Father's emissary to the US, warned that dissident priests, Catholic professors and other officials posed "grave threats to religious liberty".  I surmise he refers to the undermining of your authority in the eyes of the state and populace at large.  It therefore behooves you, Your Excellency, to remove such threats as they appear within your diocesan boundaries.

In a meeting at St John Neumann Church in Annapolis a few months ago, you stated that in part you were beholden to the USCCB regarding the exercise of your episcopacy within your Archdiocese.  Your Excellency, the Holy Father has stated quite plainly that national bishops' conferences have no intrinsic authority at canon law.  You do not need their approval to act, nor need you fear any repercussion for exercising your duties within your archdiocese.  The Holy Father has already laicized Roy Bourgeous.  He has given an example for the US bishops to follow.  Please do so immediately.

Interfaith Conference - Kissing Hands That Beat Us

The Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington has put on "interfaith concerts" for many years now.  This is at best a very misguided attempt to "build dialogue" among religious faiths - even those whose tenets demand the destruction of other religions.  I speak of course of the Islamic heresy with its ruthless "jihad".  What it serves to do, in reality, is to anesthetize non-muslims to the very real dangers posed by islamic tenets.

They have these concerts at various places of worship on a rotating basis.  One year the management of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception saw fit to allow the Shrine to be desecrated by this sort of idolatry.  Let's face it; in allowing others to come in to the Shrine and worship their false idols, they committed horrible sin.  I attended that concert to see if it was as bad as I envisioned.  It was in the Upper Church and yes, it was that bad.  One number entailed half-naked Hindu dancing girls prancing and traipsing in front of the main altar to the sound of chanting and wailing and banging tambourines.  It was an atrocity.  I had enough and left.  Anyone who has been to the Shrine will recognize the picture to the right.  It is the largest mosaic of Jesus in the world, and it is immediately above the scene of the blasphemies and idolatries of that evening.  Can anyone doubt that He had a similar expression on His Face as He looked down on that evening's spectacle?

In today's parish bulletin I saw announced the next concert.  It will occur at the Washington Hebrew Congregation.  The honoree that evening will be Imam Mohamed Magid.  Who is he?  Google him.  I did.  The PJ Tattler blog put up a piece about him last July.  Among other things, Magid is president of the Islamic Society of North America.  He's a frequent White House guest (Surprise!  Not!)  He lobbied the Justice Department to criminalize criticism of Islam.  He gave an award to CAIR-Michigan executive director Dawud Walid, who just a month prior had this to say about Jews: (note - at 3:12 the English starts)

This Walid is a bit of a Jew-hater.  Listen at 13:26 when he says that Muslims have more right to Moses than do the Jews.  And keep listening as he claims that "it is a lie that the Jewish people were promised the Holy Land".  At 15:08 comes the question "who incurred the wrath of allah", guess what the answer is?

Now remember - Magid gave an award to Walid shortly after the latter uttered the screed that you just heard.  Now the Interfaith Conference is in turn giving an award to Magid?  Why on earth the Washington Hebrew Congregation is allowing this on their premises is beyond me.  If this were happening at a Catholic venue, a picket would be organized in a hurry.  If in fact some stout-hearted Jews are going to picket, let me know via a comment and I'll be happy to support your efforts.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

What Penny Nance Said!

In the wake of the election, there has been a lot of silly talk coming from some GOP wonks.  They claim that in order to win future elections, that the GOP must scuttle its positions on abortion, gay "marriage", etc.  Given that millions of Republicans stayed away from the polls when Mitt Romney (who is no lion regarding traditional morality) was running, their claim is silly on its face.  Even Ann Coulter seems to be swallowing the kool-aid.

Evangelicals issued their own warning to RINO establishment in this Christian Post piece.  Penny Nance's part appears towards the end.  I echo its sentiments.

Dissenting Priest Laicized

In Maryknoll, NY, the air is just a tad fresher now that Roy Bourgeois has been canonically dismissed from the priesthood.  He was a Maryknoll father who refused to recant his public support of "women's ordination".  He had gone so far as to participate in a false "women's ordination ceremony" put on by "Roman Catholic Womanpriests".  After he received canonical warning, he defiantly issued a screed trying to convince the Church why he was right and Jesus Christ was wrong.

I hope that more dissident clerics and religious will sit up and take notice.  Barring that, I hope and pray that they too are removed - both for their own sakes and the good of those whom those false shepherds would have led astray.

Friday, November 23, 2012

(Last) Friday Night Humor!

It's a week old, but who cares?  Enjoy!  (Click here if you can't see embedded video).

Thursday, November 22, 2012

At Thanksgiving Mass Today

At St John Neumann Church in Gaithersburg, the 9am Mass was packed today.  It could have been a Sunday Mass.  This was a nice thing to see, especially since Thanksgiving is not a Holy Day of Obligation.

Towards the end of Communion reception, with several people still in line, the priests and Extraordinary Ministers ran out of Consecrated Hosts.  There was an apology for that at the end.  However, not all was lost.  One of the concelebrating priests hurried back to the rectory as there were Consecrated Hosts there.  The announcement was made that those who were in line could receive after Father returned in 5-10 minutes.

I am grateful for those two priests who took the trouble to ensure that all could receive Holy Communion today.  Clearly they took seriously their call to administer the Sacraments to their parishioners.

I'm also grateful that we retain (for the time being) our rights as American citizens.  A component of gratitude is being actively vigilant in their protection.  From that task we cannot rest for one iota of a second.  Ora et labora.

Thanksgiving Day

Today, the fourth Thursday in November, is Thanksgiving Day.  What does that mean, this word "thanksgiving"?  To whom does one give thanks?  The very word "thanksgiving" implies the existence of the object of gratitude.  I mean "object" in the grammatical sense, of course.  In a sentence with a transitive verb, one must have the transitive verb that describes a specific action, the subject (entity performing the action in question) and the object (entity receiving the action in question).  Without that object, the very term "thanksgiving" is nonsensical.  That is why atheists find themselves in a quandary on this day, as they do on Christmas.  The very existence of those two holidays reveals the lies behind their erroneous beliefs.

Now before I go on, I issue this advisory to members of these organizations and other similarly deluded folks:
  • People for the American Way
  • Americans United for Separation of Church and State
  • Freedom from Religion Foundation
  • American Humanist Association
If you suffer from periodic fits of rage, frequent hissy-snits, cognitive dissonance or other maladies typical of atheists and progressives, I suggest you read no further - at least not without having taken blood pressure medication.  If you do read, please have smelling salts handy.

I publish below the Thanksgiving Proclamation issued in 1789 by President George Washington:

Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness: 

Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favorable interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed; for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and, in general, for all the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us. 

 And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions; to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a blessing to all the people by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations (especially such as have shown kindness to us), and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and, generally to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best. 

Given under my hand, at the city of New York, the 3rd day of October, A.D. 1789.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Demonic Today

The Venerable Fulton Sheen passed away in the late 1970s.  I believe he gave this talk long before then.  Listen to him here as he described the operation of the devil in the Church and the world.  At around the 20-minute mark, he draws a rather telling analogy to the temptation of Christ with the siren call of "social justice".  Click here if you can't see embedded video.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Further Details On The Boy Not Being Confirmed

From this online Detroit news article, we see that there were two candidates who deviate from God's teachings on morality.  Moreover, they made the decision themselves to forego the Sacrament of Confirmation owing to their decision to support mortal sin.

Father LaMoine revealed further details and apologized for the actions of the Cihak family in their distortion of the facts and in their variance with God's word.

While the boys seemed to have decided for themselves not to be confirmed, Father LaMoine would have acted properly if he had outright forbade them to partake of the Sacrament.  It seems reasonable to believe that these boys would be in mortal sin owing to their willful renunciation of Church teaching; thus no sacramental grace would convey to them in that state.

These boys and their families stand in desperate need of prayer.  They flirt with eternal damnation by their flippant disregard for the word of God and His Church.  Before any of them can contemplate Confirmation, they should hasten to Confession.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Change Agents - Alinskyian Organizing Among Religious Bodies

That is the name of a publication released by Stephanie Block, my friend and colleague in the Catholic Media Association.  Over the years she has done tremendous research into the various organizations organized on the models set forth by Saul Alinsky.  I commend her highly for compiling this much-needed information so that we can more readily recognize these organizations that have as their goal to undermine western culture and Christianity.

I am pleased to link to Volume One of her work.  Please read it; perhaps you'll want to download it and print it out.  Please pass this along to your various contacts.  When subsequent volumes are released, I'll likewise link to those.

Kudos To Bishop Hoeppner And Father LaMoine!

At Assumption Church in Barnesville, MN (diocese of Crookston) a group of students is preparing to be confirmed.  One of the boys, Lennon Cihak, broadcast on his Facebook page his support for gay "marriage".  Father Gary LaMoine informed him that he could not be confirmed in light of his flagrant dissidence from basic Church teaching.  Of course the boy's parents (who probably failed their God-mandated duties in fostering this dissidence) are all in a snit about this.  They are claiming that they've been told to stay away from Holy Communion until they profess repentance.

NOT eligible for Confirmation by a long shot!
Unlike our situation in Washington DC, the bishop there is not afraid of rabid backlash from perverts.  Bishop Michael Hoeppner is upholding his priest.  He stated that the boy could be confirmed if he publicly recanted his embrace of deviancy in front of the parish.  That makes sense to me, since the boy literally shouted his embrace of sin all over the internet via the picture he posted on Facebook (to the right).

His mother is shocked, just shocked!  Read her (less than) coherent statement on the matter: "You kind of know the Catholic beliefs, but I never thought they would deny somebody confirmation because you weren’t 100 percent. I guess that’s what shocks me."  Got that?  What is really "shocking" is that someone would want to be confirmed in a church whose teachings they did not embrace.  What is Mrs Cihak's angle here?

Pray for the repentance of the entire Cihak family and pray that more clergy will exercise the charity, courage and clarity as did Bishop Hoeppner and Father LaMoine.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Another Progressive Tentacle Curling Around Catholic Donations

This one is none other than Alexia Kelley, who recently assumed the presidency of FADICA, Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities.  This organization seems to have influence regarding the donations of some Catholic donors to Catholic causes - or causes that claim to be Catholic (as the case may be).

Kelley's resume includes the following:
  • senior official for President Barack Obama’s Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships – two at the Health and Human Services department’s center as its director, and the last as senior policy advisor at the White House office (from the NCR article)".  Given the HHS mandate that has spewed forth from Kathleen Sebelius's brain, I daresay that Kelley's influence there has been, at best, a dud.  If she did have any "influence" at HHS, I shudder (for her sake) to think what that may have been.
  • a ten-year stint with the national CCHD.  This blog and many other outlets have been detailing the mischief wrought by the national CCHD in funneling our donation dollars to inimical organizations.  If she had any voice in such direction, one can just imagine the direction she might give to FADICA donors.
  • a "religious advisor" for John Kerry's presidential campaign. Like Drinan advised the Kennedys?
  • co-founder of Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good.  I've written many times on this Soros-funded CINO group.  Read my previous blog posts and be reminded of all the squalid undertakings of CACG over the years - remembering that Kelley is a founder of that bunch.
I would advise any Catholic who is serious about the usage of their donation dollars to stay clear of FADICA while Alexia Kelley is at its helm.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Nun On Bus Goes To White House

Sister Simone "abortion is above my pay-grade" Campbell will meet with the Messiah Most Miserable.  Also invited to the schmooze event is the president of the Human Rights Campaign, the president of AARP and Al Sharpton.  This is part of Obama's efforts to convince people of faith that his mandate and tax-hike schemes are okee-dokee.  I cannot say that Obama is trying to sell them on his budget for that budget doesn't exist (that's another story in and of itself).

She does have a lot in common with Obama, though.  Abortion is above his pay-grade, too.  In fact, lots of things are above his pay grade.

The voters of the USA squandered their opportunity to relieve Obama of the title "president".  However, that shouldn't stop the proper church authorities of relieving Campbell of her "sister" title.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

CCHD = Catholic Cash for Hooker Development

In today's Vortex that I'll embed below, you'll see highlighted a DC-area grantee called EmpowerDC.  In addition to the fact that EmpowerDC is giving prostitutes "advice" for plying their trade, I learned some disturbing facts about them that you can read in these posts.

Giving aid and comfort to prostitutes is nothing new for area CCHD grantees.  Remember this?  Three years ago, this Baltimore ACORN office, a grantee of the Baltimore CCHD, was caught giving their sage advice to reporters posing as pimps.

Click here if you can't see embedded video.

CCHD - Defrauding The Faithful

For several years now I and many others have been raising alarms regarding the Catholic Campaign for Human Development.  Listen to yesterday's clip and put "CCHD" in the little search box for more information.  As I sounded the tocsin, never did I think in terms of legal fraud.  Voris raises an interesting and valid point.  Are any lawyers interested in examining this question?

Click here if you can't see embedded video and BOYCOTT THE CCHD COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Special Vortex On Latest CCHD Scandals

In this special report, Michael Voris interviews Michael Hichborn and Rob Gaspar of American Life League.  The latter two have discovered that the scandals of CCHD grants have actually increased this year - something quite different from the party line that has been fed to us.  The report itself is over 2000 pages long; links to it can be found at the ReformCCHDNow site.  On the bright side, this report is a few hundred pages shorter than the Obamacare legislation, but I digress!

As you watch this report and look at the material yourselves, realize that all this played a large part in Obama's victory last week.  If you have donated to the CCHD in recent years, you have inadvertently donated to organizations that favor abortion, gay rights, socialism - all positions assumed by the Obama progressive cartel.  We might safely assume that some of your donations have been diverted into Democratic coffers.  Toward the end of the clip, Hichborn makes a salient point: we will not win the culture war if we have elements in the Church that are funneling resources to nefarious groups.

Click here if you cannot see embedded video.  And of course, do NOT contribute to any collection for the CCHD.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Five Stages Of Religious Persecution

Yesterday Msgr Pope posted his reflections on a talk presented by Women of Grace a few days ago, detailing the various stages of religious persecution.  I urge its close study, although the "light" video at the end is a waste of time (at best).  My friend at Les Femmes discussed some analogies between these stages and some theories put forth in both Rules for Radicals and After the Ball.

Read the comments after Msgr's post.  You will notice some "Pollyannas" peppered throughout; they are set aright by other commenters.

One comment wasn't published, although it was submitted this afternoon.  Here it is.

Although he submitted it, he knew it wouldn't be published.  However, the violation of Canon 915 is the practice of Cardinal Wuerl.  Moreover, as we saw in the case of Father Guarnizo last Lent, he and his chancery have in fact joined the secular forces in persecution of good priests such as Father Guarnizo.  He and Bishop Knestout did not stop at allowing the venom to be heaped upon Father, they were active and willing accomplices to this persecution.  Barbara Johnson wanted Father's vocation quashed.  Because Father is not incardinated in this diocese, the chancery couldn't accomplish it but they did bar his priestly ministry within the Archdiocese.

In the face of the persecution that is in progress, our bishops must act as shepherds and not as wolves.  In the meantime, we laity must stand against the wolves regardless of their guises.

Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi, Lex Vivendi

Watch this.  Of course it would be of immense help if the bishops would start acting like bishops and rein in the heretics that are often found in the pulpits (such as in Holy Trinity or St Vincent de Paul).  If not, we should raise a protest and take support and attendance elsewhere.  Click here if you cannot see embedded video.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Some Bright Spots From This Past Tuesday

Not all of the election results were dismal.  While Roscoe Barlett lost his seat (due in large part to the ridiculous gerrymandering of MD's congressional districts), Andy Harris retained his seat.  The GOP now has 30 governors throughout the US.  And yes, Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County AZ won his sixth term - despite all the odds stacked against him by progressives of all levels.

The Needed Catholic Response To The HHS Mandate

Four years ago, the Vatican issued congratulations to the Messiah Most Miserable upon his election.  This week their enthusiasm was greatly reduced, as evidenced in this Catholic News Service release, stating what Obama should do "if he truly wants to be the president of all Americans."

Dr Gerard Nadal, in Catholic Lane, published an article entitled "Obama's Election Mandate and Ours".  Dr Nadal voices profound disappointment (which I share) at overly-conciliatory remarks made by Speaker of the House John Boehner.  The House of Representatives holds the national purse strings, per the US Constitution.  The HHS mandate could be stalled, or at least slowed down, if the House does its duty.  Will the GOP House Republicans find the backbone to do so?

Finally, Father John Hollowell of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis wrote an article entitled "Election Reflection for Warrior Catholics".  It's an excellent read.  We are, after all, the Church Militant.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Gay-Pandering Priest Tells His Bishop To Resign

The renegade priest is Father Michael Tegeder of the Archdiocese of Minneapolis.  Archbishop John Nienstedt shepherds that local church.  His Excellency supported the effort to uphold traditional marriage in Minnesota.  As in Maryland, that measure failed.

Father Tedeger opposed the efforts to uphold God-ordained marriage.  Now he has called upon the Archbishop to resign, to take that "under prayerful consideration".  Understand this; the dissident renegade priest is violating his priestly vow of obedience by rebuking his bishop for acting like the Catholic bishop that he is.  Of course he was violating that vow all during the effort, and giving scandal to his parish in the meantime.

If there's one thing that I'd suggest to the Archbishop, it's that he consider removing the faculties of this renegade priest for the good of all - including Father Tegeder.  (Note: if that happens in the future, I will come back to this post and put the word "father" in quotes since he won't be able to hold himself as a priest).

Read more details from LifesiteNews.

USCCB - "Talk Nice-Nice To The Thugs!"

Following in the less-than-intrepid steps of the Weeper of the House, the USCCB is urging "civility" and "dialogue" - with the very people in Washington who have no bones about their ambitions to wipe authentic Christianity from this nation's landscape.  Read Sister Mary Ann Walsh's pabulum here.

I posted a comment.  Somehow I don't think this post will be allowed to be part of all that charming "civil dialogue" so I'll just put it here.

Where, oh where, is the "civility" of the murder of babies?  How do we talk, with a straight face, about "dialogue" with those who engage in the tearing apart of babies limb by limb?  Read Mr Cristofferson's comment about the "integrity of relationship between a pregnant woman and her doctor".  Sorry, sir, but that "integrity" is misnamed if that woman has hired the "doctor" to murder her child.

The fact is we cannot dialog with evil.  It must be defeated decisively.  The bishops can start by unshackling their priests so that they can preach from the pulpit without fear of being called to the woodshed by their chanceries; that has happened several times in my diocese now.  We can start by insisting upon laws that will protect the innocent.  Dr Martin Luther King once said that he realized "laws can't make my white brother love me, but they can keep him from lynching me". 

Let's leave off the overly-conciliatory talks of "dialog".  If you haven't noticed, the Obama cartel is trying to destroy the Church.  Isn't it high time you removed your rose-colored glasses?  Develop the spine that God gave you and stand up like adults to these thugs - for their good as well as that of civilization.

(ht - Pewsitter)