Thursday, June 9, 2022

Maryland Catholic Crybabies Don't Like Getting Called Out

On Monday, I shined the light on how the Maryland Catholic Conference absolutely stonewalled our efforts to petition a dangerous abortion bill to referendum in Maryland.  A few days later I was examining their facebook page and noticed them suggesting that we contact our legislatures to reduce gun violence - in other words, they wanted to stir up a gun-grab.

As a comment to that post, I rebuked them for their duplicity and linked to that blog post.  Well, lo and behold, I received this gem from Facebook (broken into three pieces).

If you compare my post with their "standards on spam", you'll see that there is no way an honest person could construe my post as "spam".  Frankly, I don't think Facebook would have picked this up on their own.  Whoever manages the social media pages at MCC probably had a snit (or maybe his/her boss had the snit) and reported my comment as "spam", knowing that they acted in rank dishonesty.  

MCC, here's a suggestion - If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.  Understand that your complete dereliction of duty in regards to the petition drive WILL have consequences.  Now we're not like Chuck Schumer who gins up thugs to assassinate Supreme Court justices.  We will simply do things like shame you for your indifference to the babies and urge area Catholics not to contribute to any statewide or nationwide collection efforts.  

The Maryland Catholic Conference is just a state-level version of the larger USCCB.  I suggest that both be dismantled immediately.

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