Sunday, February 12, 2023

Two Acts Of Blasphemy In Baltimore


This morning, as I walked into Mass, a note was in the vestibule for general distribution.  It is quite self-explanatory, as you can see.  Father took the necessary remedial steps.  He notified all appropriate authorities and took care, via blessings, to repel any spiritual malevolence that were most likely attached to this act.

As I read the note, I could not help but consider that this vandalism happened immediately after news broke of the FBI and their targeting of Traditional Catholics.  The Fraternity of St Peter offers the Traditional Latin Mass, and the other Sacraments in the Tridentine rite.  I simply am not stupid enough to believe that it's just a coincidence that these two acts of persecution occurred so closely to each other.

I can understand why the good priests would not have wanted to cause scandal to young children by repeating the contents of the graffiti. Moreover, it would have been most unbecoming to utter the profanities before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.

However, the world at large simply needs to understand the extent of hatred there is for the One True Church.  After Mass, I went around back and captured just what was on the back wall.  I regret the crude profanities, but they are what they are, and we must face it.

Now let me post something that relates to yesterday's post.  It too is blasphemy.

This is workshop number 12 from the Archdiocese of Baltimore gabfest.  Note that there are nine ways in which we can cooperate with the sin of others and thus be culpable of sin ourselves.  In that "workshop" description, we see that attendees will be cajoled into praising and giving consent to sexual perversions.  They will be defending the sin and might even provoke others to the same actions.  In that this is being promoted on an archdiocesan website, ostensibly in the name of the Church and thus God, we have blasphemy.  God can never condone such sin, and these Church representatives blaspheme when they pretend that He will.

I contend that this blasphemy is worse than the graffiti on the wall.  Those who chalked that graffiti did not hold themselves to be Christian.  They seem to be supremely uncatechized and ignorant of the Faith.  Those of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, though, have been (somewhat) taught and possibly ordained.  They must have their feet held to the fire - and we must do it.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your courage both in posting this news item and taking a stand against the abominable sin of unnatural perversions that is being mainstreamed everywhere, to include (apparently) in the diocese of Baltimore. God save our humble parish, our glorious temple, and God save our souls from the wicked one.


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