Friday, April 7, 2023

Maryland VS Idaho - Depravity VS Decency

Two states stand in stark contrast to each other when it comes to transgender activists preying upon our children.  Both these accounts are from LifeSiteNews.  On one hand, we have Montgomery County Maryland, where I've been living most of my life.  The Montgomery County Public Schools have introduced transgender brainwashing of school-aged children, starting in kindergarten, to the normalization of all manners of sexual perversion.  Moreover, parents cannot opt their children out of it.  Of course that assumes that parents are aware of what their children are enduring, for the schools do not have to inform the parents about anything regarding such matters.  They have their own celebration of "pride month" and have an event called "pronouns day".  Young children are being exposed to nudity, gay "weddings', etc.  More ominously, teachers are hiding from parents any "preferred pronouns" that they might suggest to easily manipulated children and any "transgender status" of the youngsters.  One teacher, calling herself "non-binary genderqueer" (whatever the hell that means) tells her students to use "Mx" rather than "Ms".  Well, maybe if she calls herself "Mixup" that will more aptly describe the state of her sanity.

That's the liberal nuthouse known as Montgomery County Maryland.  Now let's move onto a state where some sanity is to be found, namely Idaho.  Its governor Brad Little signed into law a measure that bans "gender transitions" for minors.  This is simply common sense.  Children can be easily confused and manipulated by unscrupulous individuals who, by their own design, cannot have biological children of their own.  How else are they going to propagate their perversions?  That is why they have their long knives aimed at them.

Another way that Governor Little protected children is by making it illegal for any adult to transport a child for an abortion without her parents' consent.  That would not only stop wayward teachers from subverting parental authority but also remove one gambit that predators could use to remove traces of their sexual predation on young girls.  True, it doesn't stop all abortion, but it's a start.

Elections have consequences.


  1. Greetings from Idaho. I am a native son of Maryland. I thought you would be interested in hearing from someone who, after a military career, decided not to return to the state of my birth, but instead settled in Idaho thirty years ago. I was a product of Catholic parochial schools in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, graduating from Archbishop Curley High School in east Baltimore in 1972.
    My wife and I decided on Idaho due to the large traditional community here in Post Falls, with the hope that we could give our children what I had in my youth. While I am pleased that you would give credit to our governor, he (like many before him in Boise), is what many Republicans would call a RINO. I first met Brad Little when he was the Lieutenant Governor, running for Governor, in 2017. Ironically, we met at an auction for the SSPX boys school, Immaculate Conception Academy, and immediately learned from him that he was a "big supporter" of public education. In fact, he is really in the hip pocket of the Idaho Education Association, a leftist teachers' union that calls the shots in our state on taxpayer-funded schools.
    Last week, he did indeed sign two important bills into law; however, it was the bills he did not sign that were disappointing, and typical of the Brad Little who, playing Pontius Pilate, allowed regional health districts to tyrannize us with COVID mask mandates. At that time, he earned the moniker "Chicken" Little, and he continues to show us that is what he is -- a cowardly politician. He vetoed a bill last week that would have held libraries responsible for cleaning out the porn and leftist propaganda from their children's sections, and he made it known that he had issues with a bill that stalled in the state legislature banning public "drag shows". Consequently, even though the bill passed overwhelmingly in the House, it was never even brought up in the state Senate.
    So, while I appreciate your comparison of Idaho and Maryland -- and I agree, nevertheless, that there is a stark contrast -- I must point out that Governor Little is simply a "reed blowing in the wind," who checks the political wind shifts before doing anything. Still, despite some rough spots in the last thirty years of living in a community of tradition-minded Catholics who are attached to the local SSPX chapel (the second largest in the world, after St. Mary's, Kansas) we know we made the right choice to come here. I miss steamed crabs (Dungeness crabs just don't compare to Blue Channel crabs) and the Baltimore Colts. And I always have my memories: growing up in the Land of Pleasant Living was something out of a story book. I will always be a Son of Maryland; but, somewhere in the last fifty years, the Maryland of my birth has abandoned me and taken a sharp left turn.
    I wish you and yours a Happy Easter.
    God Bless,
    Tony Ambrosetti

    1. At least when Little sticks his finger into the wind, I'm sure he detects a more conservative breeze. Not so in Maryland. Moore supports a state constitutional amendment to enshrine abortion in Maryland's state constitution; it's already passed both houses with a 3/5 vote. That is why abortionists are coming here to set up shop - two, so far. Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Michigan and probably some others are progressive nut houses right now. Happy Easter to you too!


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