Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The Superiority Of The Traditional Latin Mass

There are two videos.  In the first, Taylor Marshall elaborates on what he believes are ten major differences between the Traditional Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo Mass.  Having experienced both, I can say that I agree with many of his points.  One point I would add is that the Traditional Latin Mass is conducive to more reverent behavior on the part of the congregation than does the Novus Ordo.  I could chalk that up to poor catechesis on the part of Novus Ordo attendees, but at the Novus Mass, I have seen grown adults chewing gum throughout the Mass.  I believe they did remove the gum to go to Communion.  By chewing the gum, however, they did break the Eucharistic fast, but that's a whole other discussion.

I wonder if Mother Miriam, in the second video, was alluding to a similar incident when she answered a caller to ensure them that it's understandable to be disgusted at a Novus Ordo Mass.  To illustrate Mother's point further, GloriaTV has video of what passed for Holy Thursday Mass at St Sabina's in Chicago, headed by the none-too-impressive Fr Pfleger.  It's a pity that the video didn't exist before last week for watching that gaudy mess, for that would have added much to Lenten mortification.

Now will Father Pfleger be rebuked for that mockery of a Mass?  Well, with Cardinal Cupich for a bishop, I highly doubt it.  In order for Cupich to get his undies bunched over a Mass, it would have had to be a Traditional Latin Mass, such as what used to be offered at St. John Cantius.  

If you can, ladies and gentlemen, get yourselves to a Traditional Latin Mass.  So what, if you have to drive a longer distance than you normally would?  It's more than worth it.

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