Thursday, April 1, 2021

On This Holy Thursday, Pray That Wayward Bishops Stop Strangling The Mass And Holy Priests

Today is Holy Thursday, when Our Lord celebrated the first Sacrifice of the Mass and ordained the apostles as the Church's first priests and bishops.  Yet today we see both the priesthood and the Mass coming under vicious attack.  Most egregiously, that attack is not arising from forces outside the Church, but from within - from corrupt prelates and even the pope.

Father Clay Hunt of San Antonio is one such attacked priest.  When he expressed his desire that all his flock receive the Sacraments, his bishop, who has many times displayed his progressive stripes, initiated canonical action against him.  Read about it in this Church Militant link and watch the interview embedded therein.

LifeSiteNews informs us of prohibitions enacted by the Archdiocese of Boston, limiting lay ministry at the altar to vaccinated persons.  While it may be a blessing in disguise to be rid of lay lectors and "extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion", that places unconscionable burdens and yes, conflicts of conscience on altar boys.  It is utterly immoral, considering that this archdiocese is in fact mandating that their flock make sinful use of the bodies of aborted babies.

I wrote a few weeks ago on the banning of private Masses from the side chapels in St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.  Both Archbishop Vigano and Cardinal Burke rightly decry this state of affairs.

There will be more of these.  As I become aware of them, I will publicize them.  Only if these priests and bishops feel the rebuke where it hurts, that is, their bank accounts, our pleas will fall on deaf ears.  That means when we stop our donations, we must tell them precisely why.  Please pass this along to your other networks.

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