Friday, May 17, 2024

Archdiocese Of Chicago's Laughable Attempt At Damage Control

Regarding the debacle of which I wrote two days ago, it seems that Father William's order has put out a smoke screen apology of sorts.  Here it is.  Try not to laugh and/or scream too much as you read this cow-plop.  Commentary below.

In the first paragraph one gets a hint of the true motive for the apology - the video of the blasphemy/sacrilege that has now gone viral.  So is Father sorry for his gross sins in this matter - or the fact that he got caught and is now catching well-deserved heat?  The Vincentians are attempting to deflect scrutiny away from Fiducia Supplicans itself - scrutiny that must continue.

They quote Williams as saying that he wanted to provide the lesbians with "a meaningful moment of God's grace".  In reality, he did the opposite.  This would have been a true statement, had he urged them to repent of their mortally sinful sexual relationship.  Instead, he scandalized the lesbians as he confirmed them in their sin.

He said the episode has been a "valuable learning experience".  What was there to learn that he shouldn't have learned in religion classes and seminary classes?  What in hell do they teach in those seminaries?  I presume that Williams' priestly studies happened under the direction of the Vincentians.  They need to seriously revamp their priestly training.

Then he is quoted as being "deeply sorry for any confusion and/or anger that this has caused".  How about being "deeply sorry" for the peril to which he subjected the lesbians, as well as his own immortal soul?  Is he "deeply sorry" for the sacrilege against the Church, his own sacrament of Holy Orders?  Is he sorry for the obvious blasphemies that he committed?

This pathetic attempt at a "mea culpa" just won't suffice.  He committed public sin.  What will be his public acts of reparation?  Will that Church building, now defiled, be exorcised and reconsecrated?  Are they hoping that this one little attempt to cover their derrieres suffice to avert our gaze, or far more importantly, God's gaze?

I can't help but notice that we are not hearing anything from Father Williams himself.  Does he lack the courage and integrity to face good Catholics himself?  Perhaps the Archdiocese and/or Vincentians are afraid that if they allow him to talk, he'll just garner more eggs on the face for them.

It will be most illuminating if he remains pastor.

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