Sunday, October 13, 2024

Poor Adolf Hitler Trying To Converse With Kamala Harris

I'm sure we can all feel his pain!  We pray that this pain ends in November!

From The Niquers Of The New Age Department - Sitting Governor Overtly Mocks The Holy Eucharist

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (Wretched Witchmor?) is catching some well-deserved backlash for her blatant, deliberate mockery of the Holy Eucharist.  You can see the video in this link how she places a Dorito chip on the tongue of a left-wing accomplice, mocking the distribution of Holy Communion.  

Ostensibly she did this to promote Harris' bid for the presidency.  How she thought this will help is beyond me, but I strongly suspect that Kackles approved of this blasphemy.  She later tried to "apologize" for how her action was construed.  Mind you, she didn't apologize for her act of anti-Catholic bigotry and sacrilege itself; it was another thinly-disguised jab at our justified outrage.  She claimed that she "would never do something to denigrate someone's faith".  Nope!  We're not buying it, Gretch the Wretch!  That smirk on your face in the clip belies your lame damage-control attempt!

Now to those of you who are having vapor attacks because of the phrase that I used (deliberately misspelled to evade the censor-bots).  Holy Mother Church and her adherents are the politically-correct targets for left-wing bigotry.  It will escalate if we continue to maintain a polite silence in its face.  We must call it as it is, and not try to cushion the truth.  Do you have the courage and stomach to do that?

Taylor Marshall interviewed someone during one of his podcasts.  I don't know who he is, but he makes some relevant points.  We never see evil people mocking the practices of other faiths.  When have they ever mocked muslims at prayer?  We've all heard of "black masses", so when have we seen "black altar calls"?  Here it is.  Please watch.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Joan Andrews Bell Endorses Donald Trump For President

LifeSiteNews received from Chris Bell, husband of Joan (currently serving a two-year term for her part in a rescue) a note penned by her to reassure pro-life people that it is indeed morally licit to vote for Trump.  She mentioned that a vote for any other candidate would be a vote for Harris. 

Before seeing this LifeSiteNews piece, I heard from several sources that she had authored this exhortation; I know that some have been questioning the veracity of LifeSiteNews, for what reason I cannot fathom.  However, other sources corroborate this.  I will reproduce Joan's note below, with some more commentary to follow:

Please remind our friends who are backing away from Trump to trust God. Remind them that God often chooses people who fail to trust Him! That’s why Trump appears to be a traitor. Remind them that his heart is still prolife, and that even if he is not as strong a pro-lifer as he was before that he will NEVER BE PRO-ACTIVE PRO-ABORT. NEVER! Whereas a vote for any other candidate will be a vote for Kamala Harris and the Democrats who are PRO-DEATH to the core and absolutely PRO-ACTIVE! Remind them that our forefather in the Faith, Abraham, failed to trust God too. And that is why he, under pressure from a wife who didn’t trust God either, sinned against God and had a child with the servant woman, and then in weakness, again at his wife’s bidding, sent mother and child away to almost certain death. GOD FORGIVES! He’ll use Trump again!

Tell the Pro-Life Movement: We must not over-react, but instead continue to trust God…and when Trump is in office, help him regain his footing and be faithful to God all the way! We have failed to trust God again and again. NOW WE MUST TRUST GOD and stand firm. Our prayers will be answered.

Love & Prayers,

Joan Bell

I would add to Joan's note that to abstain from voting for anyone in that race would also work in Harris' favor.  Let me elaborate.  In this race, either Trump or Harris will win.  The victor will be the one who has more votes than the other.  Thus, if some deluded #nevertrumper doesn't cast his/her vote for Trump, that is one less vote that Harris will need to obtain the White House.

In a number of posts, I have dealt with this curious mindset among too many Catholics and/or pro-life leaders.  I can only conclude that some are actually making idols of their overly-delicate consciences, falling into a form of effeminate behavior.  I pray that they have the humility to actually think soberly and realistically about the situation and cast their votes for Trump and stop trash-talking him.  We can deal with any failings after we keep Harris away from the Oval Office.

Friday, October 4, 2024

To Stop The Great Reset

Today Michael Hichborn interviewed Reggie Littlejohn.  Their discussion revolved around the agenda that certain global wonks with lots of money and clout have for the rest of us.  In their arrogance, they are moving to obtain and exercise control over us and every aspect of our lives.  Of course they are setting themselves up as our de facto gods.  I think as you listen to this, a great many events of this present day will make sense.  They are part of a plan to bring us into sheep-like subservience.  

One of their more blatant experiments was with the Covid lockdowns.  Their success with that was frightening.  That is a testament not only to their machinations, but also to the lack of courage and spiritual fortitude of the general populace.  Having largely abandoned God and adopted lives of disobedience to Him in varying degrees, they lacked the spiritual and mental wherewithal to withstand the clarion call to surrender their rights and autonomies for an illusion of safety.

They are also attempting to corral us into metropolitan areas, away from rural areas, so that we can be penned in and more easily controlled.  That is one reason why Kamala Harris, should she (God forbid) win the White House, will attempt to tax unrealized capital gains, including that of the houses we own.  That is why Montgomery County MD is seeking to restrict the zoning for single-family buildings.  I believe that is a key motive behind the Reproductive Freedom Amendment in Maryland, as it will serve to separate children from the protection and authority of their parents. I could go on and one, but I won't. 

That is also why they are pulling out all stops to defeat Donald Trump.  Trump, for all his faults, is not a globalist.  He will resist them.  They know that and will stop at nothing to defeat him.  They have already demonstrated that assassination is acceptable to them.

One more thing before I post the video.  Ms. Littlejohn has started an effort called Anti-Globalist International.  Please go to that website and sign its manifesto.  Then in November, vote the GOP ticket, from Trump right on down the ticket.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Yoo-Hoo! Cardinal Gregory! What Are You Going To Do About This?

My blogging colleague at A Washington DC Catholic discovered that St Thomas More Catholic Church in Washington DC is openly campaigning for Kamala Harris.  They were quite blatant about it this past Sunday, for during the announcements after the 10am Mass, a woman announced that Kamala Harris shirts were available.  Here is the video.  It will start at the 1:29:00 mark.  Note that she is speaking from the ambo, with the fully-vested priest looking on.

Cardinal Gregory, will you discipline these people, or will you just look the other way?  Is your zeal for the Church's 501c3 status simply dependent on the person or cause that is being promoted?   You and the other Maryland bishops were quite zealous about keeping out of the Maryland parishes a local grass-roots group that is doing much work against Maryland's "Reproductive Freedom Amendment" that is on Maryland's ballot.  And yes, we have proof of that, and we post it below.

Yes, it's from the Maryland Catholic Conference.  However, the Board of Directors of the MCC are the three MD bishops and their auxiliaries.  They knew about this before this memo was sent, and it's very likely that they ordered this to be sent.

The shilling that the MD bishops for the various sexual perversions of the LGBT cabal is beyond shameful.  They are exposed.  Rather, they have exposed themselves.