Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Catholic Standard - Competing With The Washington Blade?

HT - Canon 212

The Catholic Standard, media mouthpiece for the Archdiocese of Washington, sunk to a new low in its support of depravity.  It doesn't matter that the depravity originates from the Archbishop of Washington himself.  Those who run the Standard are Catholics and owe their allegiances first to Our Lord Jesus Christ.  I wish I could say that I am shocked, but sadly I am not.

Cardinal Gregory offered that Mass at the perversion celebration at Georgetown last Saturday, and the Standard has the unmitigated gall to publish it.  I suggest you read it simply so that you can learn to work your way through word-salads such as the sorry excuse for a homily that Gregory spewed forth.  There are multiple mentions of the words "unity", "dialogue", "inclusive", and of course, "synodality".

An important aside for the Standard staff - Don't bother to try to remove that page from your website.  By now, the bots have copied the page and its contents.  Once something is released to the internet, it stays there.  

Other words were noticeably absent: words such as "sin", "repentance", "chastity", "Confession".  Of course he praised the attendees for wanting to pursue those dubious goals.  Perhaps Cardinal Gregory forgot that the Church always welcomes the repentant sinner as he/she approaches through the doors of the Confessional.  There is no dialogue with sin and its practitioners, not now and not at God's Judgment throne.  God speaks, we obey.  Period.  God does not accept our sin, and it's high time Cardinal Gregory and his ilk stop preaching that spiritual poison.  Now it's even being spread via the Catholic Standard.

We are pleased that the young men of TFP Student Action were outside the gates of Georgetown this past Saturday to protest this conference and the blaspheming of Holy Mass.  Here are some pictures of their prayer effort.

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