Monday, September 23, 2024

Maryland Catholic Conference Sabotages Other Pro-Life Efforts Against Reproductive Freedom Act Amendment

If anyone has gone to the website, they will undoubtedly have come to appreciate the research and work that has gone into their efforts to defeat the "Reproductive Freedom" amendment that is on the Maryland ballot this election as Question 1.  Their handouts, both in English and Spanish, have been superb.

Their volunteers, too, have done yeoman's work in educating the Maryland public about the various harms that the amendment will inflict upon all Maryland citizens, particularly the children.  They have been distributing flyers at parades and other civic gatherings.  They have gone door to door to distribute the door hangers.  They are manning phone banks all citizens, not just pro-life citizens, of the effect that this bill will have on parents' abilities to safeguard their children from harmful drugs and/or surgeries in vain attempts to "change genders".

We were happy, too, to see the Maryland Catholic Conference launch their own efforts.  We only wish they didn't limit their focus to abortion (harmful though it is), and that they had joined the battle sooner.  In legislative battles such as this, the more allies, the better.  Sadly, that doesn't appear to be the attitude of the Maryland Catholic Conference.

We have come into possession of communication that betrays the Maryland Catholic Conference's bizarre animosity towards Health Not Harm.  To be honest, we were aware of their dislike of HNH, as several Catholic churches refused to support its efforts over the past several months.  The MCC has basically ordered its priests to treat HNH as personae non grata. 

Ms. Kraska gives no reason for her direction to the diocesan priests to avoid Health Not Harm.  I can only state, though, that this action is consistent with actions taken by the Maryland Catholic hierarchy with regard to grassroots efforts in the past that were undertaken to combat attacks against human life and sexual morality.  There have been several instances whereby we sought to have petition drives in the churches to combat pro-death or pro-gay legislation in Annapolis, only to be denied access to the churches.  In at least one case, the margin was so thin that we know we could have prevailed, had not the Maryland Catholic Conference and its partners not stymied our efforts.

So many of these cause one to believe that the delays were calculated to cause us to lose, especially with the pro-gay measures.

Now this is pure speculation, but can it be that some elements in the Catholic hierarchy actually want abortion to be enshrined in the state constitution?  I can see how they might reason that if such happens, they won't have to be bothered with fighting abortion legislatively.  Then the progressives in the hierarchy can concentrate on the "social justice warrior" trivium:

  1. Climate change (bcause,,Laudato Si!)
  2. Gun confiscation control
  3. Allowance for uncontrolled immigration (good for Catholic Charities dollars!)
  4. Some other attempts at income redistribution

We cannot help but notice that the material that the MCC produced in their current efforts make no mention of the potential for children being exposed to gender manipulation.  See for yourselves.  Why is that?  While I could hope the cause is just a simplistic take on the issue, I fear it may be more insidious.  My apprehensions are based on the actions of the prelates of Baltimore and DC.  Six weeks ago at Georgetown University, Father James Martin held a gay-enabling conference.  One might have thought a God-fearing bishop would have quashed that occasion of sin.  Not Cardinal Gregory!  He actually offered a Mass there, facilitating the proceedings at that meeting.  This past April in Baltimore, the Archdiocese of Baltimore hosted its "Social Ministry Convocation".  There was plenty of shilling for the gay agenda.  I was in attendance, and subjected myself to a workshop about gays, conducted by a gay guy who considers himself "married" to another guy.

I mention these to give the readers an idea regarding what Lori and Gregory will allow, if not applaud.  I also mention these to hypothesize on why they don't want to stand in the way of the gay advancement in our culture, and that includes the efforts of Health Not Harm.  Why should we not believe that is the reason why the MCC literature is devoid of any mention of the harmful gay facilitation of this amendment?

All this indicates that this stance of the MCC is, at best, childish.  In a struggle such as this fight against the "Reproductive Freedom Amendment", we must be willing to work with each other.  At least, let's work alongside each other and not undermine each other.

Please contact the Maryland Catholic Conference and demand that they cease their snobbish behavior towards Health Not Harm and any other pro-life organization working to preserve life and Godly morals.  Should this amendment make it to the state constitution, the MCC may well be culpable for the resultant loss of human life and damage to vulnerable women and children.

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