Thursday, August 1, 2024

Cardinal Gregory To Say Mass For Perversion-Enablers This Weekend

Canon 212 linked to the gushing account of this gay-pandering gab-fest that will happen this weekend, starting Friday August 2, at Georgetown University.  Please note that this account is NOT from the Gay Blade, although one could understandably have that mistaken impression.  It is from the Vatican News.  They printed the pope's greetings to the participants in this gathering that will serve to condone the mortal sins of sodomy and other related perversions.  They intend to "build community and share best practices".

Again, note that the pope did not condemn these mortal sins.  He didn't even offer to the participants an exhortation to remember and to preach the Church's timeless teachings regarding these matters.  He sent "greetings" to Father James Martin, who will be there and is a founder of this "outreach" nonsense.  Here is the text of his note.  Furthermore, the pope is pleased that Cardinal Gregory will be offering one of the Masses at this affair.  At these Masses, how many sacrilegious Holy Communions will occur?  Quite a few, I daresay, and all with the approval of Cardinal Gregory and the Pope. 

"But these people may be trying to live by the Church's teachings," you say?  Well, here is the webpage for this conference.  Look at the "sponsor" section, and notice that a certain Jim O'Connor is a sponsor "in loving memory of his husband Carlos Cuartis".  One may hope that Cuartis had the grace to make a good Confession before he went before Our Lord for his particular judgment.

Ladies and gentlemen, we've known from Day One of his sorry tenure in the Archdiocese of Washington that Cardinal Gregory is an ally of those promoting various sexual perversions.  He has made no secret of that, as documented in previous posts and elsewhere.  We need to pray and act.  This weekend is a First Friday and First Saturday weekend.  These devotions are intended to do reparation for the outrages against both Our Lord's Sacred Heart and Our Lady's Immaculate Heart, respectively.  We must also act by raising our voices and withholding all donations to the Archdiocese of Washington.  Our Catholic dollars cannot be used to fund such sinful conduct.

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