Friday, August 8, 2014

This Weekend - Say #no2cchd In The Archdiocese Of Washington

In the Archdiocese of Washington, the second collection this weekend will be for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD).  This blog and others have detailed how the CCHD has funneled money to pro-abortion and sodomite-supporting organizations.  Have they improved?  Well, we don't know; their grantee report from last year seems to be, uh, "unavailable".

Instead of money, drop a note in the basket explaining why you'll be diverting your donation dollars elsewhere.

Say #no2cchd!

1 comment:

  1. Unavailable...shades of Lois L. For those who desire more community organizers in the white house as well as supporting more abortion, more ss so-called marriage and all anti-Catholic Truth, cchd is your annual donation. For everyone else, notes of explanation or just a note saying NOT ONE RED CENT.

    cchd met its goal years ago...time to shut it down, permanently!


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