Like all decent people of all stripes, I am appalled at the wanton vehicular murder of the young woman in Charlottesville VA this past Saturday, August 12, 2017. Let us pray for the repose of her soul, as well as consolation for her grieving family. We also pray for the conversions of all perpetrators in the strife this past Saturday that led to the murder of this woman, as well as to injuries to others and the helicopter deaths of the two troopers.
Antifa poster found in Portland OR |
I regret though, that the truth behind what happened is deliberately being obfuscated by progressives, not only in the media but in high places in both the governments of Charlottesville and the State of Virginia. Two opposing factions share blame, in truth. On the one hand, there was the so-called "alt-right", composed mainly of neo-nazis, white supremists and ku klux klan. On the other hand there were the "black lives matter" crowd along with antifa. Joining both groups were individuals of various political convictions.
To listen to the progressive shills, one would think that the "alt-right" was
responsible for all the hatred while the blm/antifa people were pure as the driven snow. Some, including the
mayor of Charlottesville, went so far as to blame the president, while others
blamed the NRA and gun rights advocates (despite the fact that not one shot was fired during the melee). Regrettably some in Catholic circles are
swallowing that kool-aid - or simply
parroting the required "talking points".
To refresh your memories about the violence perpetrated by antifa and "black lives matter", I'll post links to some videos:
A facebook post that I read sums up the sequence of events. I'll paste it below and beneath that post some corroborating links.
So here's what happened in VA. People protesting removing of monuments got a permit to protest at 12:00. Early that morning Antifa was being flown and bused in from around the country. At 8:45 The govenor sends State police in to cancel a protest that hadn't started. They forced the protesters out in the streets to a waiting mob of Antifa and BLM. The police were given orders to stand down and let the protesters be attacked. This was a set up by the governor to take away protesters first amendment rights. It doesn't matter what the protesters had to say. They had a right to say it. Please share!
The alt-right rally was planned in advance; this is
corroborated by WTOP.. They were protesting the planned removal of a statue of Robert E Lee from city grounds in Charlottesville. They had a
permit that was rescinded at the very last minute, quite possibly so that Democrat officials could appease their progressive bosses. They were forced to the area where antifa and blm counter-protesters were and were attacked. The police had been
ordered to stand down, despite having cordoned the opposing parties in the same area.
Whoever gave the order(s) for police stand-down was complicit in the violence that occurred, quite possibly deliberately so.
The left-wing media pins sole responsibility for the violence on the alt-right, while it appears that there is plenty of blame to go around. The
ACLU of Virginia acknowledged that in one of their tweets. Right now I'll link to some background information on
Black Lives Matter and
Antifa; that is necessary for understanding their mindsets and their methodologies. After the car murder, a reporter incurred the
arbitrary wrath of one such leftist; fortunately he has been arrested.
The left-wing is proceeding with all due haste to rewrite history. In
Durham North Carolina, protesters
pulled down a statue of a Confederate leader. They are
desecrating graves of Confederate leaders. They are
issuing calls for more violence.
Today the
president criticized the violence from both factions. At a press conference, he rhetorically asked reporters if George Washington and Thomas Jefferson should have their statues removed since they were both slave owners, correctly pointing out the left's attempt to rewrite history and culture itself. Michael Farris of Alliance Defending Freedom addressed the situation, particularly the
attempt to squelch what some might call "hurtful speech".
I am now linking to a facebook
video presented by Avialae Horton, who attended the rally and who experienced things that aren't reported in the media. It, and the pictures in the comments section, are worth watching. I might differ on a few points. She alludes that a goal of the left is "white genocide"; rather, I suspect their goal is the destruction of Western civilization. She also believes that the federal government was in on the collusion. Had Hillary won the White House, that would have been the case. Clearly though, both the Charlottesville and Virginia officials were colluding with the leftists. She mentioned an alt-right leader being mobbed at a press conference; here is
that video.
Before this post gets too long, I'll close it with a
video from Reality Check. I haven't seen a whole lot on this matter from other Catholic bloggers (with the exception of
Creative Minority Report), save a few things stating that "hatred is on both sides" and "prayer is needed". While that is true, I think we have to grapple with the details of what really happened this weekend and not be reluctant to acknowledge the differing levels of responsibility. Not all are equally guilty and we must acknowledge that. We have to learn not only to pray but to speak and act in decisive manners. Clearly the leftwing is on a rampage to destroy any vestiges of Christian bedrock from our civilization. That will only lead to more loss of life, not to mention the eternal damnation of countless souls Let's acknowledge that without fear of offending them. We must pray, but we also must resist with the authority that is ours, lest we have to face Our Lord at the end of our lives and have to answer for cowardice.