Wednesday, February 25, 2015

More Maturation Department: High Vatican Official Orders Theft Of Mail During Synod

Do you remember the book, "Remaining In The Truth Of Christ"?  This was a book by five wise prelates defending the Church's timeless teachings on marriage.  It caused many in the Vatican (perhaps the pope himself) to gnash their teeth.  I believe it was the resultant vindictiveness of these officials that caused them to evict Cardinal Burke from his posts of influence.  Comes now the news from Kathnet via Fr. Zuhlsdorf's blog that hatred of this book's truth occasioned yet more sin from these officials.

During the sin-nod, Cardinal Burke and his co-authors wanted to ensure that all the synod fathers had their own copies of the book to educate their deliberations.  They sent each of them a copy of the book through the official Vatican mail system.  Someone amongst the progressive elements got wind of the mailing of these copies - and stole the copies from the mailboxes of the sin-nod fathers!  Yep!  That's right!  There are indications that this theft was ordered by none other than Cardinal Baldiserri, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops.  One might hope that this is incorrect, but too much nonsense has emanated from this man to allow any reasonable doubt.

Is it really that outlandish to believe?  Consider that during the sin-nod, they were chomping at the bit to tinker with God's laws concerning marriage.  If they had so little regard for the Sixth Commandment, why should they uphold the Seventh Commandment?  I might add there was sin against the Eighth Commandment as well, as they were trying to stifle the truth regarding God's intent for marriage and family.

We must pray, watch and speak out.  As tumultuous as the last sin-nod was, I believe the next one will be far worse, if these revelations are any indication.

PS - I just checked out Mundabor's coverage of this and he reminded me of a less-than-stellar incident in which Pope Francis bragged and joked about stealing a Rosary from a corpse's hand.  I did post about it at the time; see this.  Can it be that Cdl Baldiserri was simply following his pontiff's precedent?


  1. Could it be that Cardinal Baldiserri ordered this theft at his own discretion? Do these Cardinals at the Vatican 'free wheel' it so to speak, without any input or knowledge of the Holy Father? If so, the arrogance, vindictiveness and boldness of these men is something to behold. One way or the other, they are none other than Satan's yes men.

    1. That could very well be. With him and Father Rosica, we can surmise that the pope has chosen guys resembling the mafioso that he purports to abhor. If these two reprobate clerics retain their positions, I think that will constitute at least tacit approval on the part of the pope for their horrid actions. Watch the 2/26 posts for yet more.


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