Saturday, September 23, 2017

Filial Correction To Pope Francis Publicized Today

On the first anniversary of the submission of the dubia to Pope Francis, the pope has abolished the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family and put in place another: the John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences.  Some things to note:
  • The first was established to promulgate Humanae Vitae and related teachings.  The second is tasked with implementation of Amoralis Lamentia.
  • The founding president of the first was Cardinal Caffarra, one of the dubia cardinals who is just recently deceased.
We all know of the no-longer secret committee that has been established to "study" Humanae Vitae.  This teaching of the Church is crystal-clear.  We know this "studying" is simply a pretext so that it can be undermined and declared irrelevant.

However, we have now received word that 62 scholars, both clergy and laypeople, have issued a "Filial Correction of Pope Francis for the Propagation of Heresies".  This is not the correction mentioned by Cardinal Burke; that would be a fraternal correction, issued by bishop to bishop.  It is an important step in the process.  Rorate Caeli has the full text of the document.  It was actually sent to the pope last month.  However, because he treated this in the same manner as he treated the dubia, it is now public.  Additional commentary and analysis can be found here, here, and here.

We pray that this matter is resolved by the pope's issuance of corrections to Amoralis Lamentia, or even better, by rescinding the whole thing altogether.


  1. I am wondering what happens if Francis ignores this like he has the dubia? Can he be forced to resign? Are we facing formal schism? I can't believe a pope is being so stubborn by refusing to answer the dubia that he is apparently willing put the faithful through all this! It's demonic! All he has to do, is simply state authentic Catholicism as the Church has always taught and yet he refuses. I am stunned that we have such a pope.

    1. He has effectively answered it, time and time again. The last answer was loud and clear, on the one year anniversary of the Dubia presented to him; it was also after he had the filial correction on his desk for over a month; the destruction of the JPII Institute on the Family, and the remaking in his image of its twisted doppleganger, stocked with like-minded heresiarchs, and dedicated to the sole purpose of implementing and promulgating the odorific Amoris Latetia. Oh, he's answered alright...loud and clear. Two middle fingers up.

  2. Thank you for putting this information together in one clear article to keep us up to date and prayerful.

  3. SEPTEMBER 24, 2017

    Two popes need to correct the objective error in salvation theology which cannot be the teaching of the Holy Spirit and so is not magisterial

  4. Thank the Dear Lord for these courageous signatories. Even though, their signatures really have no authoritative value, it is, as far as I can see, a warning shot. There was an interesting line in this correction, that they mentioned the VALIDITY of Pope Benedict's resignation. Hmm.....was this a signal or an insinuation that this matter could be investigated fully?

    This all said, the Pope has had this correction since the very beginning of August and as you have noticed, he has since then 'doubled down' on his destruction of the Church. We'll see what the fallout from this may be.

  5. Nothing will change except more lashing out at 'rigid, deploable' Catholics.

    1. Be that as it may, we are still obliged, as Church Militant, to try. If you've read this blog lately, we've seen fruits of protest and activism on more local levels. If we receive "lashing out", so what?

  6. Even though this 'Filial Correction' holds no authoritative weight whatsoever, it's a notice to Francis. 'We are not about to take the destruction of Christ's Church lying down.' The laity have both the right and the duty to charitably but assertively defend Christ in His Church even if from a Pope.

    God Bless all the signatories for their courage. My Mass today will be offered in thanksgiving for both the Correction and the Signatories. May God Bless them all and keep them SAFE.


    If you want to show support fir the Correctio, you may do si by signing this online petition.

  8. If only things were that straightforward! Rescind Amoris, and we are still left with a whole host of other blasphemies, injustices, violations of canon law, and twisting of Sacred Scripture that must also not be allowed to stand. No; if we're going to operate, we have to "get it all" ( as they say about malignant growths, medically speaking) while we're at it. Otherwise what's the point?

    Please note that this comment doesn't compare people to cancer: it compares Modernist teachings and ideas.


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