Thursday, October 5, 2017

More To Las Vegas Massacre Than Meets The Eye

As I said in the previous post, the liberal screeching for more "gun-control" is in full swing.  One individual on facebook opined that "no, we don't need a thorough investigation" (his exact words), that we simply needed to restrict/ban guns.  I checked his wall and the meme #Istandwithplannedparenthood is right there.  He's pro-baby-murder, making a sham of any moral credibility that he was trying to claim.

I replied that we do, and others are, too.  There are many strange things about the circumstances surrounding Paddock and the shooting itself.  I won't rehash the points all these articles bring to light.  Here are thoughts of Allen West, former army officer and presidential candidate.  Other questions are stated hereherehere.

I link now to an article by George Neumayr regarding the intellectual vacuity of the "gun-control" argument.  I too think that gun-control is just one step of the progressive goal to strip people of their identities as moral, free Christians and to transform us into docile minions of the "benevolent" nanny-state tyranny.  Other steps include:
  • The weakening of our moral strength by attempts to seduce into sexual licentiousness and perversions
  • The persecution of Christians who don't bend to the gay mafia
  • The attempts to water down pro-life and pro-family efforts with "seamless garbage" tripe
  • The use of "common core" to dumb down our children so that they can't read or reason in linear and logical manners
  • This list is by no means all-inclusive.
They see the Las Vegas massacre as a most opportune excuse to cram through their agenda.  Will we allow them to do so?  We must continue to pray, to speak out, to ask probing questions.


  1. What is frightening and thought provoking to me is the correlation between these mass shootings and the then immediate (REALLY immediate within minutes) call for gun control by the left. This doesn't look so very good for the Deep State.

  2. Let no tragedy go unwasted, is the mantra of the Left. Say what you will about these Communists, you can't say they aren't organized and committed. If only we had billionaire Christians who would put as much money into the conservative cause.


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