Thursday, December 2, 2010

Joe And Ann Scheidler's Home Vandalized

This morning, at approximately 2:00am, two windows of the Scheidlers' home were smashed by bricks.  One of the bricks had a threatening note attached to it, betraying the vandal's pro-abortion proclivities.  I'll redirect you to the Lifenews article, so that you can see the note, which was obviously written by someone who is rendered imbalanced in part by her abortion.

Except for the internet community, news of these acts of pro-abortion violence would not be known to the public.  The pro-abortion mainstream media tends to look the other way when it comes to these matters.  There is a local case-in-point regarding the media's bias.  Three such incidents happened in Maryland during the weekend of May 24, 2004.
  1. The Gabriel Project's office in Bowie was ransacked and vandalized, causing thousands of dollars in damges.
  2. Pregnancy Center West in Baltimore's offices were hosed out.
  3. The Gabriel Project sign outside the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Baltimore was vandalized.
Someone had a busy weekend.  I will say, though, that those incidents were investigated as hate crimes.

The Lifenews article gives a mailing address for the Scheidlers.  Why not send them a contribution to help them repair the damages?  Such donations might come in handy, especially since the Chicago CCHD so ignobly defunded the Pro-Life Action League recently.

1 comment:

  1. Who the hell are Joe and Ann Scheidler? I thought most of your other stories were invalid, but at least they gave the reader the issue first.


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