At Assumption Church in Barnesville, MN (diocese of Crookston) a group of students is preparing to be confirmed. One of the boys, Lennon Cihak, broadcast on his Facebook page his support for gay "marriage". Father Gary LaMoine
informed him that he could not be confirmed in light of his flagrant dissidence from basic Church teaching. Of course
the boy's parents (who probably failed their God-mandated duties in fostering this dissidence) are all in a snit about this. They are claiming that they've been told to stay away from Holy Communion until they profess repentance.
NOT eligible for Confirmation by a long shot! |
Unlike our situation in Washington DC, the bishop there is not afraid of rabid backlash from perverts. Bishop Michael Hoeppner is upholding his priest. He stated that the boy could be confirmed if he publicly recanted his embrace of deviancy in front of the parish. That makes sense to me, since the boy literally shouted his embrace of sin all over the internet via the picture he posted on Facebook (to the right).
His mother is shocked, just shocked! Read
her (less than) coherent statement on the matter: "
You kind of know the Catholic beliefs, but I never thought they would deny somebody confirmation because you weren’t 100 percent. I guess that’s what shocks me." Got that? What is really "shocking" is that someone would want to be confirmed in a church whose teachings they did not embrace. What is Mrs Cihak's angle here?
Pray for the repentance of the entire Cihak family and pray that more clergy will exercise the charity, courage and clarity as did Bishop Hoeppner and Father LaMoine.
The stains of child molestation remain upon your hands.
ReplyDeleteActually it can be laid at the feet of those who are gay or who support the gay lifestyle. Most of the victims were boys, indicating homosexual predilections in the perpetrators. It can also be laid at the feet of those seminarian rectors who failed to screen out those candidates with homosexual tendencies in disobedience to Canon law. The gay lifestyle is inherently depraved and can never be normalized. Bishop Hoeppner and Father LaMoine recognize that; I hope you do too.
DeleteWhen Galileo Galileo (1564-1642) attempted to promote the heliocentric theory (that the earth moves around the sun) in the seventeenth century, he was tried by the Inquisition in Rome and found "vehemently suspect of heresy". The sentence imposed did not include excommunication, but he was required to "abjure, curse and detest" those opinions and was placed under house arrest for the term of his life.
ReplyDeleteAt the Second Vatican Council in 1965 the Catholic Church revoked its condemnation of Galileo (did he go to purgatory in the meanwhile?).
Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict wrote an article that said homosexual people were "disordered" by the mere fact that they are homosexual, and that they will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven if they practise their sexuality. Science has now officially declared that homosexuality is not a disorder (as even they once said it was), but natural.
When will the church learn that they must follow science? Homosexuals are "Intrinsically Good (at least I have a t-shirt that says we are) because we are also created in the image of God... Psalm 139 says: “(God) already you knew my soul when I was being fashioned in secret, moulded in the depth of the earth--your eyes saw all my actions, they were all written in your book. I thank you for the wonders of my being, for the wonders of all your creation. Every one of my days was decreed before one of them came into being.” God created me gay, I will not slap her in the face, I accept the sexuality she gave me.
Pope John XXIII opened the windows of the Church to let in the Holy Spirit. Too bad that the two last popes quickly closed them. Maybe there was too much of the Spirit of Truth entering?
In your third paragraph, you misquote Pope Benedict (then Cardinal Ratzinger). He stated that homosexual inclinations are disordered. You seem to place high emphasis on science. What about biology? Our sexuality is rightly ordered to procreation; that's why sexual organs are commonly referred to as "genitalia". That word has the same Latin root as "generate".
DeleteThe Holy Catholic Church follows Jesus Christ. All else, including science, serves Him. The One True God did not create you "gay". As you refer to your god as "she", I can only conclude that you are giving homage and allegiance to a horrible caricature at best. I pray that you will soon shed the scales from your eyes and come to repentance and healing.
If you read only the first few lines of Cardinal Ratzinger’s condemnation of homosexuality you would be right that his is saying that “the inclinations” are disordered. But when Ratzinger says further down in the article: Although the particular inclination of the homosexual person is not a sin, it is a more or less strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil; and thus the inclination itself must be seen as an objective disorder, the fact that pretty well all homosexuals don’t claim to have this as an “inclination” but rather their “sexuality” (which is very much a part of the person) it can pretty well be said that Ratzinger is saying that we intrinsically disordered.
DeleteAs to your conclusion that I am giving homage and allegiance to a horrible caricature at best when I refer to god as “She”, the fact that you spell “god” with a small “g” and say god is a horrible caricature (to me)” I would say to you that God is my life, the Creator whom I worship, give continual praise to, receive in the Eurcharistic Celebration. But no matter how many attributions I can give to God, God is not “He”, or “She”. God is the Divine Creator, The Triune God without sexuality. Jesus referred to God as “Father” because the time he was living in was patriarchal. Had he been born in matriarchal times Jesus probably would have called God “Mother”. Imagine that a boy had a horrible relationship with his father, he might prefer to hear of God’s great love and mercy thinking of God as “She”, hugging and caring for him as a Mother (as I imagine Her doing when I try to flee from her like in Psalm 139). Do you think God would care that I say She? I pray that you will soon shed the scales from your eyes and come to the reality of who the Great God of the universe is.
Your argument about what homosexuality is appears to have many holes. First of all the science of biology as you are talking about it refers to the physical body, as you said, born with certain genetelia. (I don’t know how you would interpret Matthew 19:11). But humankind also has a mind and feelings. I believe strongly that when some persons came from their mother’s womb they had homosexual tendencies, and so strong that they cannot be changed. If you honestly believe that these persons must live their live without sex you are certainly going against nature. Their nature leads them to their own gender attractions. At one time it was thought they could be changed and so many were sent to outrageously horrible laboratories to be tortured both physically and psychologically to try to change them, but they never could be changed. The church must listen to this “scientific” knowledge. Early Catholic “Religion” books as well as pastoral theology taught in seminaries warned never to advise homosexual people to get married as: 1) their life would be very unhappy, and 2) they would end up in divorce anyway. So what would you have them do, be miserable and never give in to natural sexual feelings?
The seperation of church and state meant that the state (politics) needs to stay out of the church. Not vise versa. The church (the real church) Fatherly connection to the real God gives us all challenges to conquer. Figure out that which is contrary to a true Christian life. Mine may be alcohol, or consumerism or even something more personal and degrading to others. Do you think I should give in to my weaknesses and educate everyone's children so I can feel justified? Just going by the Book's, (the B-word(that's almost taboo nowdays too!!)).. the Books original teachings. Lest it says, "Don't add or take away ANYTHING from this Book. Just sayin'... and prayin'! and praying for you!
ReplyDeleteMight be a poor example, but here it is - if there were a group advocating that red traffic lights be ignored, would those who didn't subscribe to the group's cause be considered bigots? This seems to be how opponents of same-sex marriage are viewed. If one supports traditional marriage, the same-sex marriage proponents seem to show little or no tolerance to that traditionalist. Bigotry by traditionalists should not be tolerated either. We need to pray for some kind of respectful co-existence.
ReplyDeleteTruth and falsehood must be acknowledged for what they are; anything else is fantasy at best. The truth is that God created us and created the laws by which He'll have us relate and form our societies. The foundation of any society is the family, based on a monogamous, life-long marriage between one man and one woman. Calling acknowledgment of that fact "bigotry" will not alter inherent truth for God is immutable. Deep down the proponents of "gay marriage" and other perversions realize that; that is why they are so intent on either 1) shutting us up and/or 2) convincing (or forcing) us to change our doctrines to conform with their warped views. Neither one will happen for God Himself will not change.