This Breitbart News article summarizes nicely the reasons why the Girl Scouts, once a mainstay of decency for young girls, is now inimical to their spiritual, mental and physical well-being. Years ago, they dropped the oath to God as an integral part of their oath. Now they hold pro-abortion women up as role models and collaborate with Planned Parenthood.
A number of Christian and pro-life leaders realized that they must be opposed and suggested that their cookie sales be boycotted. Truth be told, I was always rather annoyed that these sales occurred during Lent so I never partook in them. Still I am happy to support this boycott, that is now bearing the hashtag #cookiecott.
That same article also makes plain that the #cookiecott is having an effect. Girl Scout CEO Anna Maria Chavez posted a youtube video to deny all charges. The article cites facts to explain why Chavez is mistaken - if not lying through her teeth.
But, if you really need one more reason to #cookiecott the cookie sales, here it is! Five months ago, the Girl Scouts created a brand new position - Chief Girl Experience Officer! And what outstanding candidate did they hire for this key position? Her name is Ashley Kokjohn. She is an out-and-proud lesbian who considers herself "married" to her partner in perversion.
Let's ponder this, shall we? The Girl Scouts create a brand new position! Got that? Now who do they choose for the first person ever to hold this brand new position? A flamboyant lesbian! There was no way the Girl Scout directors could not have known about her perversion. Did they care? More importantly, was Kokjohn's predilection a reason that they hired her?? Now think of the title - Girl Experience Officer! Just what kind of "girl experiences" does this woman have in mind for the unsuspecting charges over whom she'll wield considerable influence? Probably that is a sort of question for which the answer is all too obvious.
Let the #cookiecott continue against this once-decent organization, for it has now devolved into a brainwashing racket to twist young girls into atheistic progressives. If your daughters are in the Girl Scouts, pull them out while there is still time to prevent damage.
Inauguration Day
1 hour ago
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