Tuesday, December 23, 2014

How The Church Of Nice Determines Its Ideas And Agenda

I understand that Pope Francis chewed out the Curia royally, chiding them for their "fifteen diseases".  His ire is misdirected.  He should be aiming his big guns at the Pontifical Council for Culture for spewing forth the following plop production - unless - (God forbid) he approved the promulgation of this trash.  Its alleged purpose?  To garner input from women

Well, Your Holiness, listen to this woman (me)!  If you really think any woman with two syncopated brain neurons will swoon over this clip and mindlessly obey its babbling, you are hopelessly out of touch with reality!  At best, I find this clip to be laughable.

What truly is lamentable is that this appears to be a serious attempt to garner input for a meeting of bishops scheduled for February 2015.  Has all the Vatican establishment become so cowed by the feminazis that they feel they must debase themselves by putting the name of the Pontifical Council to this slop?  Supposedly this is produced by the Church, but not once is the word "God" mentioned.  Should it not be God's will, discerned by prayer, that determines agendas for meetings?  If this is what the bishops need for input, I shudder to think of what the output will be.

Here's a fun game!  As you watch this banal clip, how many of the "fifteen diseases of the Curia" can you detect in it?  Let us all know via the comments!

(HT - Creative Minority Report)


  1. I am certainly not the first to call Francis' homily his Festivus "Airing of Grievances," and in fact noticed that at least one blogger seemed to think this denunciatory practice appropriate to the waning days of the penitential season of Advent. That the practice is closer to the norm of behavior for materialistic systems such as Communism and atheism seemed to have escaped that author's notice, but I digress.

    Is it just me, or is it merely coincidental that the 15 diseases homily came to our attention on the very day that Festivus is supposed to be celebrated, at least according to Wikipedia?


  2. Here it is in Italian. The first comment says it all!



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