On May 7, One Peter Five published some remarks made by Archbishop Bruno Forte, Special Secretary for the synods on the family. It seems the archbishop was quite cocky, but frank. He revealed some motivations behind the pope's manipulation of the synods, namely, to insinuate the idea that unrepentant adulterers should be allowed to receive Holy Communion. Read the piece carefully. There are still some who, wearing rose-colored glasses, stubbornly cling to the fantasy that the pope is simply a lovable but naive little bumpkin who can't help his verbal gaffes and who is so good-natured that the mean bureaucrats in the Vatican and media can manipulate him to no end. That is merely a carefully crafted facade, and we all need to remove our rose-colored glasses immediately. The pope is anything but naive. He knows what he's doing and he's playing some truly naive Catholics for fools. These willingly naive Catholics are culpable for sins against prudence.
I put "amoris laetitia" correctly at the top so that this post would more readily be sought by search engines. As I said earlier, the name is more aptly rendered "amoralis lamentia". Others are of similar mind. John Smeaton of Voice of the Family has asked Pope Francis to withdraw amoralis lamentia (using the official name) and suggests that we do the same. Cardinal Muller and others are refuting the thing for the poison that it is.
But now it seems the pope has moved onto another arena in which to deconstruct the faith. He has announced the creation of a commission to study the "possibility" of women deacons. If this idea is continued, it will be in direct contradiction to Ordination Sacerdotalis, written by Saint John Paul II. In it, Pope John Paul made quite clear that ordination is not for women, going so far as to declare it solemnly. In light of that, there is no "possibility" of women deacons - at least not in the Roman Catholic Church. So why, oh why, is the pope setting up this "commission" to "study the possibility"? If one is obedient to the Magisterium they see that there is no possibility to study, no question to consider. It just dawned on me that the very first attempt to "study the possibilities" in clear contradiction to God's word was when the serpent questioned God's word during his conversation with Eve, but I digress.
Recall that after the synod report was released after the Extraordinary Synod on the Family, the language regarding Holy Communion for adulterers was left in it despite being voted out by the synod fathers. In retrospect, we can now see that this was clear preparation for Amoralis Lamentia. In the same way, I suspect this commission is being established as a cover to slide in some "pastoral practices" that constitute de facto "ordination of women deacons".
I'll close this post with another thought that might tie this mess together. Dr. Alice Von Hildebrand was interviewed regarding the Fatima message. Sister Lucy Dos Santos, one of the visionaries, spoke a bit of Our Lady's words. She said that "the final battle between Our Lord and the reign of Satan will be about marriage and the family". She also said that "the great apostasy in the Church will begin at the top". I think we are witnessing both these events.
And So It Begins
1 hour ago
Absolutely we are witnessing BOTH of these events. Pope Francis is considering the 'studying' of the possibility of women Deacons because, as is reported there were women Deacons in the early Church. The reason for that, however, was because the culture was such that it was improper, for instance for men to minister to women one on one that may have been ill or other circumstances. It was strictly taboo. We have no such cultural impediments today. You are correct, he is doing this to usher in women Priests. There is no need today to ordain women to the Diaconate. Pray for Cardinal Muller, he is very courageously fighting the dragon.