Every once in a while these "rad trads" will spew nonsense that hearkens to Catholic-sounding stuff that isn't really Catholic. For instance, they often will rail against free speech, claiming that "error has no rights". From then they will segue into the evils of the United States Constitution, particularly the First Amendment. They claim that the First Amendment is how the United States government gives approval for pornography and religious errors.
Let's look at the First Amendment. I'll quote it here, as it isn't too long.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
So where, oh where, is all this express allowance for pornography and the such? I don't see it. The Founding Fathers never insinuated that all speech is moral. They simply stated that it is not the role of Federal Government to decide those matters. The first 10 amendments are collectively known asa the Bill of Rights. Their primary function is to place limits on the powers of the Federal Government. That's it.
This same First Amendment means that these "rad trads" can spew such nonsense against their government, and not fear any reprisal. I'm sure that they take their free speech rights for granted. I'm also sure that this irony escapes them.
Then they'll whine on about the Constitution not being founded on Catholic principles. Well, of course it wasn't because Catholics have always been a minority in this country. Admittedly I would like to see more Catholicism in the Constitution. However, there is a way to fix that, and that is by amendment to the Constitution - a process put in place by those "evil" founding fathers. But that entails getting involved in US political processes, and here again is where "rad trads" engage in massive mental disconnects.
There are a few of them who actually hold to something called the "divine right of kings". Believing that ordinary citizens should have no say, they will rail against the heresy of Americanism. Yes, that actually is a heresy, but not what they think it is. They will cite Pope Leo XIII's letter to Cardinal Gibbons in 1899 titled Testem Benevolentiae Nostrae as their authority. Ok. I linked to it. Let's take a look at it. Leo is cautioning the US bishops against several specific matters:
- The underlying principle of these new opinions is that, in order to more easily attract those who differ from her, the Church should shape her teachings more in accord with the spirit of the age and relax some of her ancient severity and make some concessions to new opinions. Many think that these concessions should be made not only in regard to ways of living, but even in regard to doctrines which belong to the deposit of the faith.
- the confounding of license with liberty, the passion for discussing and pouring contempt upon any possible subject, the assumed right to hold whatever opinions one pleases upon any subject and to set them forth in print to the world, have so wrapped minds in darkness that there is now a greater need of the Church’s teaching office than ever before, lest people become unmindful both of conscience and of duty
- From this disregard of the – angelical virtues, erroneously styled passive, the step was a short one to a contempt of the religious life which has in some degree taken hold of minds. That such a value is generally held by the upholders of new views, we infer from certain statements concerning the vows which religious orders take. They say vows are alien to the spirit of our times, in that they limit the bounds of human liberty; that they are more suitable to weak than ›o strong minds; that so far from making for human perfection and the good of human organization
One favorite bone of contention is about elections, and the fact that often very flawed men are running for the same office. In a given election, both candidates may support intrinsic evils, but to widely varying extents. Regardless of these facts, they simply refuse to vote, to participate in that election whatsoever. They claim that they cannot support evil, no matter how much "evil" is involved. They fail - or refuse to - acknowledge that a vote is not always about advocacy but can be simply damage control. I thought that such obstinacy was simply being simplistic, but the ferocity and bombastic stances that they take cause me to suspect that a good deal of virtue-signalling may be occuring. The most recent "case in point" was the 2016 presidential election between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton. I've written much in the past to illustrate that it was a moral evil to deny Trump one's vote; I needn't rehash it all now as you can go to this collection of my previous posts.
I will now post a video done by Michael Matt of the Remnant TV. He points out that after this Amazon Synod, the masks are coming off the progressives in the Vatican - and that includes the pope. They are attempting to implement the Sustainable Develop goals of the United Nations, a dream of theirs for quite a while. They knew that they had some formidable obstacles that stood in the way of their "one world rule" goal. One of them was the Catholic Church so they worked for years to subvert it. This synod is a clear sign that they have the pope on their side. Another obstacle to them is the United States under the leadership of Donald Trump. They are now working to undermine him, as he is succeeding in his goals of strengthening the USA against its outside adversaries, making it less likely that the USA will swallow the "one world rule" mantra. That is why the progressive USCCB recently lamented Trump's decision to pull the US out of that insidious Paris Agreement. They aim to derail Trump's work.
Obviously they will want to defeat Trump in the 2020 elections. The progresives will pull no stops to do so. The real question is, will these #nevertrump "rad-trads" be able to see past their egotistic virtue-signaling, or will they be willing dupes of the progressives as they seek to remove one of their few obstacles to global dominance? Now the video follows..
Matt and his good friend Bp. Schneider are hot air. Matt makes his money by inflaming opposition to the Vatican, just as his father did before him. Schneider leads a very good life, flying all over the world, being treated royally,and hinting at the right things, without actually saying them.
ReplyDeleteBoth are afraid to actually DO anything. And why would they? Life is good just as it is.
Precisely what would you have them do? What do you consider "inflaiming opposition to the Vatican"? They are telling the truth. Video backs them up. What is the real nature of your objection(s)?
DeleteWell, finally someone has put their finger on the problem in the Church today....the 3% of Trads clinging to the "divine right of kings"....I am reminded of the London police who focus on "miss-gendering" in tweets rather than Muslim, er..."East Asian" rape rings.
ReplyDeleteBurke and Schneider epitomize the false resistance....they yammer on about apostasy but won't bring formal charges....it's all a joke.
I truly hope they are only 3%. The problem is what they counsel. Trump's victory in 2016 was too close for comfort. I don't want to see them siphon votes away from him; that would only help the Democrats win.