Friday, November 26, 2021

Catholic University Of America's Blasphemy Icon Is Stolen

Some dunderhead(s) at the Catholic University of America Law School thought it would be a dandy idea to mock the Pieta by painting an icon of it, depicting Jesus as George Floyd.  Students rightly complained, and those complaints were picked up by the Daily Signal, thrusting the blasphemy into the national limelight.

Well, lo and behold, the filthy thing is now stolen.  The school promptly replaced it with a replica, that is, the same likeness albeit smaller.  It's still blasphemous.  Some might say a crime was committed in the taking of the picture.  At civil law, they are correct.  However, Catholic University of America must place Church law above civil law in these matters.  They should have removed the blasphemy themselves, along with undertaking some public reparation for the scandal.  Instead they repeated their blasphemy.

Therefore, I for one will not condemn the removal of filth from the vicinity of a chapel.  Perhaps the CUA administration will repent of its obtuseness and once again remember that it is an institution of higher Catholic learning.

1 comment:

  1. amen I wrote the so called president of this den --and told him God will not be mocked.
    Holy Mother we honor you and praise your Son.


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