Saturday, February 5, 2022

Analysis Of The Pope's Candlemas Heresy And A Layman's Prophetic Rebuke

The heresy in question can be found at this Twitter link.  I now post below the Anchor Team episode from Friday Feb 4.  Michael Hichborn details why what the pope said about apostates - still embracing their apostacy - cannot be called "saints".

Taylor Marshall also offers his words on the matter.  He also shows the man who rebuked the pope right during those heretical remarks.  Echoing the prophet Samuel's words to the disobedient King Saul, he said to him "God has rejected you".  Are these words prophetic?  We cannot ascertain that at this time, but no doubt the pope's words were heretical.

1 comment:

  1. Pius XII is correct and I hope that the theologians will come to defend the FAITH to the world....The Bishop of Rome has terribly crossed the line.


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