Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Gay Pride Mass Met With Prayer And Resistance

As mentioned in my previous posts, a "pride Mass" occurred at 5:30 this evening at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Washington DC (Georgetown neighborhood).  I was there and took the video and pictures that you'll see below (apologies for the choppiness of the video). In total, about 25-30 Catholics were gathered across the street from the Church to pray.  LifeSiteNews was also there, recording the event.  I will post their articles as they are made available.  In the meantime, they published a statement from Archbishop Vigano wherein he takes Cardinal Gregory to task for his promotion of homosexuality.

Two days ago I placed a call to Cardinal Gregory's office at the Archdiocese of Washington.  Naturally no human being answered the phone so I had to leave a voice mail, leaving my phone number and asking for a reply.  Of course I knew that reply would never come, but I extended them the opportunity to do so.  I suspect I am not the only one to have called.  One lady who herself suffers from same-sex attraction placed a public tweet asking the Cardinal to have that Mass canceled.  She added that she doesn't celebrate the sin, but rather, her repentance and return to the Church.  Of course she too was denied the courtesy of a reply.  I commend Ms. Howell for speaking boldly on the matter.

The Daily Signal likewise looked askance upon Cardinal Gregory's silence on the matter, believing that silence implies consent.  I believe they are correct.  Recall that when Cardinal Gregory first took the helm at this Archdiocese, one of his first talks was to archdiocesan youth; therein he extolled praises to Fortunate Families, a gay-affirming cabal.  The Signal quoted the statement from Trinity's pastor regarding the Mass.  That statement made mention of "transforming lives".  Well, how are they transformed?  Given the "public displays of affection" that I got on video this evening, on the steps of the Church (you'll see them below), I'd say the transformation would lead them straight to hell.

My video now appears, and below that will be the pictures of the two pervert couples, obviously unrepentant, going to the Mass and most likely receiving Communion.  It dawns on me that the celebrant of that Mass may, owing to his obvious dissidence, may lack the proper intention to perform the consecration, rendering that Mass invalid.  Would any theologians reading this care to comment?  For the sake of those attending that Mass, I hope I am correct for they'd be spared the guilt of one less sacrilegious Holy Communion.

Here's the first picture, to the right.  These are two guys.  The one on the left had been waiting for his sodomite partner.  In the video, you see him chatting with someone else at the 0:32 marker, before the other one arrives.  After this, uhh, "enthusiastic greeting", they went into the church.

At the 2:08 mark, we see the lesbians arrive.  Just before they started up the steps, they noticed us across the street.  It certainly seemed that we made them uncomfortable, but they continued to hold hands as the guard ushered them into the church.


  1. (Un)holy Trinity Church is a cesspool and has been for decades. I remember protesting their unfaithfulness years ago. The priests are the ear-ticklers leading souls to hell.

  2. (Un)holy Trinity has been scandalous for years. I remember protesting there back i the 70s or 80s. Some things never change. They are ear-ticklers leading people straight to hell.


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