Thursday, July 25, 2024

Hopeful Update On The Margo Naranjo Situation

LifeSiteNews has informed us that St. Ann Catholic Church in Coppell Texas cancelled the planned funeral for Margo once they learned that she is not actually dying yet.  Whoever called the church to make that arrangement indicated that Margo was in her final stages of life - in other words, they lied to the parish employees.

A priest contacted her parents to offer support, and to make clear that the Church condemns the withholding of nutrition and hydration as a form of euthanasia.  The parents' guardianship of Margo has been suspended and a court order was issued to prevent the cessation of the food and hydration.  It is unknown whether or not the parents will still attempt the murder of their daughter.

Please keep praying for this situation.  Texas Catholics, please stay alert to this situation.

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