In this episode of the Anchor Team, Michael Hichborn gives the latest run-down on the CCHD, but then delves into the underlying principles that have been driving the CCHD during its entire sordid existence. These principles have been the impetus for their funding decisions, and are now becoming obvious, owing to the damage that has been inflicted on the Church and civilization as a result.
At the 51:55 mark, we see that one of the CCHD grantees was into establishing what they called "deep democracy". Hichborn goes on to explain how this is a form of marxism called anarcho-syndicalism. In Hichborn's words, "its ultimate goal is the conquest by the workers of the means of production in order to change and revolutionize society." With workers managing these means of production, the unions would be the backbone of the new socialist society. So the CCHD is being used to transform society into a universal marxist society. Alinsky and Egan visualized that goal right from the start of the CCHD. Think back on all the CCHD-related posts on this blog and other locales. They all expose organizations that are anti-God, socialist and recipients of CCHD largesse.
So the CCHD is funding organizations that attempt to bring about socialism. A key point that Hichborn makes at the 58:50 mark is that to break down people's resistance to socialism, they have to break down the morality of the people. That is why CCHD funds groups that promote sexual perversions, feminism abortion, etc. The CCHD wants the immorality promoted to advance the socialist revolution. Our American forefathers realized that. We certainly can see it as we examine the culture, seeing that those wallowing in all sorts of sloth and hedonism are also quite infantile, lacking in any discipline and looking to government to be the "adult in the room" to cater to their needs and wants.
Hichborn states that is why we must get rid of the CCHD. I'll go further and say that is just one reason why the entire USCCB and its state-level copycats (that means you, Maryland Catholic Conference!) need to be demolished.
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