Friday, January 10, 2025

Another Progressive Prelate To Putrify The Archdiocese Of Washington

McElroy should learn from these boys
Cardinal Gregory has resigned as Archbishop of Washington and Cardinal McElroy will be his successor.  See the announcements in the Catholic Standard and the USCCB site.  There is plausible talk that Francis put McElroy here to be a thorn in President Trump's side, namely when it comes to stemming the de facto invasion known as illegal immigration.  McElroy has also shilled for climate change, going so far as to state that it is a bigger threat to life than abortion.  Of course he's equating the murder of 3300 babies a day with a left-wing hoax.

He has also covered up clerical sexual abuse in his diocese.  Jennifer Rohrbach Morse interviewed Rachel Mastrogiacomo, a survivor of satanic ritual abuse conducted by a priest in the context of Mass.  Leila Miller carries that interview on her site.  McElroy tried to cover it up, but fortunately the priest was laicized and did jail time.

Complicit Clergy repeated a story by NBC News that details how attorneys who are or were prosecuting sex-abuse cases against San Diego priests are denouncing this appointment.  Apparently, his crusade to deny abuse victims justice compelled him to declare bankruptcy for the San Diego archdiocese to keep the victims from being compensated.  Lisa Roers, one such victim, penned an open letter to Francis, begging him not to appoint McElroy.  However, Francis and McElroy are cut from the same cloth so Ms. Roer's plea went unheeded.  

McElroy supports the ordination of women to the diaconate.  He would not allow facilities of San Diego parishes to be used by Catholic homeschool groups.  He supports the inclusion of unrepentant gays (that is to say, engaging in repeated and flagrant mortal sin) as Catholics in good standing.  A former resident of the Archdiocese of San Francisco warns us of McElroy's hostility towards the Traditional Latin Mass. McElroy's appointment is yet another indicator of Francis' mindsets

Now the question for us residing in the Archdiocese is this - what are we prepared to do, if and when we see insults to Our Lord and His Church in our own parishes?  Please drop your thoughts in the comments box.

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