Saturday, March 15, 2025

McElroy Off To An Inauspicious Start

Last Sunday a man posted on X that he walked out of Mass for the first time in his life, owing to the priest's screed against President Trump and Vice President Vance.  He went so far as to compare Trump to Satan during his homily. While he did his best to conceal the identity of the church, he left enough details to indicate that this slop happened at Holy Trinity Church, just south of Georgetown University in Washington DC.

Our newly-minted archbishop started off his tenure by plopping his own stinker regarding Trump's actions to slash governmental bloat and the flood of illegal immigrants into this country.  While he may not have been as brazen as that Jesuit priest, the fact that he is the local prelate renders his remarks all the more egregious.  From the Catholic Standard we read: "Cardinal McElroy said that when you label immigrants as criminals, “you dehumanize them, you say they’re the other, they’re not like us. And thus it is all right to treat them as lesser, as less human than us... Echoing the pope in decrying the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants now underway in the United States, Washington’s new archbishop said the idea “that we would go after them and in a mass, indiscriminate deportation, eject them from our country, would be a grave stain upon the United States in my view.”

Notice the deliberate obfuscation of the difference between immigrants coming legally and those coming illegally.  This is a common and rather old ruse that they use.  Of course McElroy and others know the difference.  Their attempts to muddy the waters in this matter can only be called deliberately dishonest.  We will not pretend that it is anything otherwise.

But try again he will.  We will be right there to rebuke the deception.

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