Our efforts to save the pregnancy centers of Montgomery County MD from a draconian attack by pro-abortion members of the County Council are underway. We will need the fullest participation and cooperation possible from every pro-life person in order to succeed.
The text of the bill has been updated slightly, so please read this; of course we would expect amendments throughout the process. The Maryland Citizens for Responsible Government, who led last year's fight against granting special rights to "transgendered" individuals, has developed an excellent, two-sided flyer that you can use to educate your friends about this imporant matter. Download it, print it, email it to your contact list, distribute it - just get the word out.
Let's not put our heads in the sand when it comes to stating quite plainly that the Montgomery County Council is composed of rabid pro-abortion afficiandos. Maryland NARAL conducts its annual fundraiser in October in Rockville. In its 2009 List of Sponsors, five of the nine councilmembers are listed; see for yourselves (by the way - Ike Leggett is there, too). Duchy Trachtenberg, who introduced the bill, is up to her eyeballs in her entanglements with the National Organization of Women (NOW). This past June, Terry O'Neill, Tractenberg's Chief of Staff, was elected national president of NOW Upon her election, O'Neill did resign her position with Trachtenberg. By the way - while O'Neill apparently saw a contradiction in occupying both positions, such compunctions didn't seem to bother Trachtenberg - at least if I read this NOW webpage correctly. It states that in January 2007, Trachtenberg was both the at-large Councilperson AND president of Maryland NOW! We now examine this article, written by Dana Beyer, a current staff member of Trachtenberg's; in it, Dr Beyer denigrates good people (us) who dared to exercise our rights as citizens to combat the transgender-rights bill. It looks like I learned something new. Whereas I was quite aware of Beyer's affiliation with Equality Maryland, I was unaware, until a few minutes ago, that the good doctor was "Maryland NOW Action Vice President." Like I said, the entanglements are many and dense.
I could go on and on, but I think we can see that most of the council has vested interests in seeing this bill passed. Their duplicity is plain. Even the Washington Post, a newspaper that can usually be counted upon to jump on the pro-abortion bandwagon, took issue with this bill and made plain its opinion that it should be defeated. The Post takes issue with the inherent duplicity of the bill when it writes, "the proposed disclosure is too cryptic to be an effective alarm bell for many women and yet is suspect because it singles out pregnancy centers while absolving abortion clinics of any disclosure requirements regarding adoption or parenting options." They've got that right!
Again, please distribute that flyer. Contact the council (we'd suggest doing so by addressing Phil Andrews, the Council president; all communications to him will be diseminated to the other councilmembers). Attend the hearings on December 1st; and consider testifying. Write letters to the editors of newspapers. And above all, please pray! We'll keep you posted.
Beachfront Property
1 hour ago
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