Friday, March 5, 2010

Bishops to Directly Lobby for the Hell Bill??

Today's Politico tells us that "The Roman Catholic bishops signaled Thursday that if agreement is reached with House leaders on anti-abortion language, the church would work to get the votes needed to protect the provisions in the Senate — and thereby advance the shared goal with Democrats of health care reform."  Further on down the article, we read, "In November, the bishops drove a tough bargain, winning an amendment by Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) that would severely restrict the ability of even private companies to provide abortion coverage under new state insurance exchanges....the bishops moved forcefully to squelch Republican efforts to derail the Stupak amendment."

"Tough bargain"?!!?!  Where are the results now of that "tough bargain"?  Moreover, in the Senate, it was not those "mean-spirited", "party-of-no" Republicans that derailed the Stupak amendment.  It was the Democrats.  Truth be told, though, the Stupak Amendment wasn't worth beans in terms of trying to put lipstick on the rattlesnake called the "health bill".

Now the bishops want to do that again?  How does that saying go, "Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me."  Now pardon me if this seems cynical, but I'm not sure who's trying to fool whom!  On the surface, it would appear that the USCCB wonks are really the lovable but hopelessly naive dolts - or are they merely playing the dunces?  Given what we've learned of the socialistic proclivities of those in high places of the USCCB, I think they're dumb as foxes - and ravenous ones at that!

The Unabashed Socialists Controlling the Catholic Bishops (another understanding of "USCCB") want this Hell Bill to pass, anti-life provisions and all.  Have you noticed that there is not the slightest peep about the myriad threats to life for the infirm and elderly?  That's because they're using abortion as a red herring, a diversion.

One of my colleagues in the Catholic Media Coaltion suggested that maybe we need to contact our bishops - much like we contact our elected officials - and tell them to stop their nefarious push for the Hell Bill!!

By the way!  The bishops worked in November to get the Hell Bill through last November.  Do you recall hearing Pelosi, Reid, Biden et al squawk about "separation of Church and State"?  Neither do I!


  1. Could you post a link for our area Bishop, so we could directly contact them?

  2. I'm not sure where you are, so I'll post this suggestiion that will work everywhere. Google the name of your diocese. Your diocesan website should pop right up. Usually the contact information is under something called "contacts" or perhaps under the bishop's biography. I will say this; if you mail something, please do so "certified - return receipt requested". It's amazing how these communications get "lost", if you get my drift.


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