In February of 2010, I posted news about a bone-headed stunt that Catholic Charities of Albany was doing - spearheading a "needle-exchange program" for drug addicts. I was reminded of this when I read that the Vatican has raised its voice against a similar act of stupidity underway at the United Nations, in the form of the UN General Assembly's Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS. Read the words of Archbishop Francis Chillikatt. In his statement, he emphasizes the Holy See's opposition to condom distribution and needle-exchange programs because they facilitate sinful and dangerous lifestyles.
It dawns on me that the Albany Catholic Charities mirrors the progressive-oriented United Nations more closely than it does the Magisterium. Such seems to be the case with all three of the big so-called "catholyc" pass-through organizations: Catholic Campaign for Human Development, Catholic Relief Services and Catholic Charities. I suggest complete cessation of contributions to these three organizations. Rather than give to them, give directly to a charity that will uphold the Magisterium and use your contribution dollars wisely.
Cardinal Cupich Oppose Trump’s Deportation Plan
2 hours ago
I agree. Giving to those so-called Catholic groups is undoing with one hand what you are trying to do with another. All three of these "charities" promotes liberal politics and advances politicies opposed to Catholic teaching. Cut them off if you care about the faith!