Sunday, August 18, 2019

SJW Ditty Was Our Communion Hymn Today

I will now link to a post I wrote a few years back and ask you to pay particular attention to "zinger 2".  We are revisiting that matter for "zinger 2" revisited my parish today, masquerading as the Communion hymn at our 9:30 Mass.

Several years ago I've adopted the practice of reviewing the hymns before Mass begins.  The last thing I want to do is to catch myself mouthing some heretical poison as I "go along with the crowd".  Regrettably many people do that, not even thinking about the words coming out of their mouths.  Could that possibly be a subtle way of brainwashing?  We can and must arm ourselves against these tricks with constance vigilance.


  1. Go to a Traditional Latin Mass, where you will never encounter zingers!

  2. Probably the best bit of advice you will ever get is,Go to a Traditional Latin Mass, where you will never encounter zingers!


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