HT - Eponymous Flower
The Code of Canon Law details why and how the Sacrament of Confession is to be administered by a Catholic priest. The link is to Book IV, Part 1, Title IV, dealing solely with that sacrament, Please note that Chapter III, Canon 991 specifically states that "every member of the Christian faithful is free to confess sins to a legitimately approved confessor of his or her choice, even to one of another rite".
That said, by what chutzpah did the Church of the Precious Blood of Monmouth Beach NJ attempt to restrict the Sacrament only to those who've received the Covid vaccine? Think of the logic, or lack thereof. In order to have one's sins forgiven at that parish, the penitent would have had to commit another sin by receiving one of the morally-tainted vaccines. This is the announcement as it appeared earlier on the parish website. Note that this is an archived page for they amended the requirement in an even more bizarre fashion.
Here is the announcement as it exists at the time of this writing. I can only imagine that they removed their previous draconian requirement because they drew some rightly-deserved rebukes. But the parish priests only manifested their vaccine-enslavement in another way that violates yet another canon law. On that first link, Chapter I, Canon 964 section 2 states "The conference of bishops is to establish norms regarding the confessional; it is to take care, however, that there are always confessionals with a fixed grate between the penitent and the confessor in an open place so that the faithful who wish to can use them freely." In other words, the penitent has the right to anonymous confession, no if ands or buts.
Now I for one find it rather interesting that the parish is mandating that there be no barrier between the priest and the non-vaccinated penitent. Why, one might think that if the priest were truly fearful of contagion, that he might want a barrier between them to block all those dastardly, deadly microbes that must ooze forth from every non-vaccinated person these days! Sarcasm aside, we know the motive - to shame and punish those who will not sully themselves with vaccines derived by the usage of the bodies of murdered children.
Here we have the contact page for this parish. All of us should contact this parish and advise them that their misdeeds, unless rectified, will not go unpunished in the next life. If they persist in their punishment of the non-vaccinated people, parishioners should punish them in this life too by withholding their donations.
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