Thursday, March 11, 2021

Why Did The Pope Go To Iraq?

 In regards to his recent trip to Iraq, Pope Francis was dismissive of those who said that in this trip, he flirted with heresy.  Well, truth be told, he's been making a career of flirting with heresy; this trip is not unique in that dismal respect.  Moreover, when the description of the purpose of religion (as he stated) given before muslim leaders doesn't even mention the word "God" but focuses on temporal matters, we can say that he's moved beyond flirtation.

On his return trip from Iraq to the Vatican, the pope gave an interview.  Like many of his previous plane interviews, it's a humdinger.  Catholic News Agency published the full text. Read the heretical nonsense in his own words.  He calls the Muslim leader Al-Sistani "a man of God".  What "god"?  He certainly doesn't worship the One True God as Catholics do.  Even he would admit that the Muslims worship a different being than do we Catholics.  It's worthwhile to consider the saint for whom the pope took his name.  St Francis visited the Muslims with the clear intent to convert them from their ways and have them come into the Church.  He wasn't successful, but neither did he call "a man of god" the leader who had martyered five Franciscans before Francis' arrival.

He then coined a new term "next-door saints", whom he defined as "men and women who live their faith, whatever it may be, with coherence".   So the Muslim suicide bombers are "next door saints"?  Whatever else they are, they are people who live their murderous creeds.  As we know, saints are those who have attained heaven, with some being put before us as examples of dedication to Our Lord and to His Church.  One is not a saint who does not acknowledge Jesus Christ as True God.

This jaunt was gob-smacked full of religious indifferentism plus a total focus on this secular world to the exclusion of the spiritual realm.  Nowhere in that interview did I see mention of Jesus Christ and His commands to lead peoples to conversion for their eternal salvation.  Not a peep was said about that.

Another reason to avoid donating to your dioceses is that a portion of that will go to the Vatican to finance gabfests such as this Iraqi session.  Not another penny to them.

1 comment:

  1. Francis has flirted with heresy, started dated it, got engaged, and now is happily married to it.


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