Tuesday, July 4, 2023

BIshop Strickland, A True Bishop - Bishop Kissy-Face, Not So Much

During the Dodger's accolades for the pervert bunch "sisters of perpetual indulgence" in Los Angeles California, Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler Texas led a rosary procession outside the stadium in protest of this orgy, which was both the elevation of evil and blasphemy and mockery of the Catholic Church.  We might point out that no LA bishop could bestir himself to utter a peep of protest, let alone join Bishop Strickland.

Almost immediately afterwards, Bishop Strickland was advised that he was to undergo an "apostolic visitation" ordered by the pope.  Taylor Marshall informs us that one of the bishops descending upon Strickland is Bishop Kicanas of Tuscon, AZ.  Haven't we heard that name earlier?

LifeSiteNews lists a number of Strickland's activities that might have aroused some rancor in the Vatican, causing them to jump into Nazi/Mafia mode.  The protest against the perverts strikes me as a key possibility, in light of other concurrent Vatican activities.

One of them is the invitation that the pope extended to a so-called "artist" named Andres Serrano.  He is a photographer who, in 1987, took a photo of a Crucifix completely submerged in a jar containing his urine.  This was known as "P--s Christ".  It rightly caused great outrage due to its sacrilegious nature and intent.  Observe the picture of the pope giving a "thumbs-up" to this unrepentant blasphemer.  What was that about the nine ways of cooperating with sin?  By the way - if Serrano offered a public apology with commensurate acts of reparation, please advise.  Else, I hold that he remains unrepentant.

Then there is the appointment of an old buddy of the pope's to the post of Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.  The new appointee?  None other than Argentinian Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernandez.  He is also the author of that (ahem!) "theological masterpiece" called "Heal Me With Your Mouth: The Art Of Kissing".  Hence his nickname "Bishop Kissy-Face".  He is widely believed to be the ghost-writer behind Amoris Laetetia. 

Francis' elevation of Bishop Kissy-Face and glad-handing of Serrano are just the latest two manifestations of what appears to be his total disdain for Holy Mother Church and her Traditions.  Bishop Strickland, on the other hand, has been fearlessly upholding the Church and her Lord.  He is now experiencing much of what Cardinal Burke, Archbishop Vigano, Cardinal Zen, Father Altman and other faithful clergy have been experiencing.  We must stand with these men and against the tyrants that crawl the halls of Vatican City.

I understand that the Peter's Pence collection is underway.  Boycott it.  Do not fund Bishop Kissy-Face's new position and other nefarious productions from this Vatican.

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