Thursday, July 27, 2023

The Disaster Known As Vatican II

In the middle of this video, Michael Matt shows the opening ceremonies of Vatican II.  One thing that one immediately notices is the grandeur that one belonged to the Catholic Church.  This was when she knew her place as the Bride of Christ, entrusted to bring the Gospel of Jesus to the world and to lead them to salvation via the Sacraments and her Teachings.  Alas, some nefarious elements had already insinuated themselves into the hierarchy by stealth.  They sought to undermine the Church's teaching authority to her clerics and laity; in large part, they succeeded.

After watching the video, please scroll below it for there is much more to be said.

Some have opined that the Vatican II fathers might have meant well and the whole thing simply ran amok in its implementation.  Those good intentions might well have been held by the majority of the bishops, but enough of them, particularly those in high offices of the Vatican, seem to have had intentions to undermine the Church.  Pope John XXIII was either their willing dupe or their accomplice.  Michael Matt, in another piece, detailed how the then-pope undermined and directly thumbed his nose at an encyclical written by his immediate predecessor, Pope Pius XII.  That encyclical is Humani Generis.  That link takes you to the English translation on the Vatican website.  Please read it in its entirety.

Take a look at Matt's piece and study closely some of the quotes from John XXIII.  Regarding the errors condemned by Pius XII, he said, "Frequently she has condemned them with the greatest severity. Nowadays, however, the spouse of Christ prefers to make use of the medicine of mercy rather than that of severity.'

Now who else has yammered about "mercy" as though it is superior to God's justice?  We also know that quite a few dissidents were invited to Vatican II, such as Yves Congar and Hans Kung, along with various Protestant leaders.  Francis continues that practice today.

There is no gainsaying that highly placed dissidents planned the deconstruction of the Church during Vatican II.  Today, they are making no secret of it.  Do we have eyes and ears to perceive what is so plainly set before us?  Do we have the resolve to resist them with prayer and fidelity to the One True Church as she has always existed before she was deformed during these past 60 years?

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