Saturday, March 9, 2024

The March 7 SOTU Address - Or Shilling For The Dead-Beat Vote

To augment my Lenten mortification, I decided to watch the recording of Biden's little screed.  Just an FYI, I watched it as it appeared on the White House's site, so no mean old right-wingers tampered with it!

I will leave off (for now) the demonic pledge to further normalize child-slaughter in our legal landscape, along with sexual perversions of every sort.  Obviously that came as no surprise.  I will touch upon one thing that shows his contempt for the average American citizen as he vowed to facilitate financially irresponsible behavior.

He pretended to champion the plight of impovershed people as he pledged to have late payment fees on credit cards slashed drastically.  Now no one likes paying late fees on their bills, but may I suggest a simpler way to avoid them?  Brace yourselves, for this is probably a revolutionary and certainly controversial concept!  Ready?   Here it is!


If you do that, you'll pay zero dollars in late fees.  Thank me very much!

Anyone who signs up for a credit card agrees to the terms, and those terms include the provisions for late fees, interest, etc IF the card issuers don't receive timely payment.  Stop whining and crying if you're late, in violation of your agreement, and are levied the penalties.  Put on your big-boy/big-girl/big-whatever-mythical-gender-or-species-you-fancy-yourself-to-be pants and pay up.  Take your lumps like an adult and learn from your mistakes.

But Plugs wants to coddle the late-payers.  Does he really think the card issuers will just swallow the lost revenue?  Of course not.  No business can survive without recovering their costs.  They'll just increase the merchant discount fees and those merchantes will, in turn, pass those costs onto all their innocent customers.  I know I'm bursting some fantasy-bubbles here, but that's life in the real world.  

Of course, Plugs and his progressive sycofants don't deal with reality.  That's just another reason to vote them all out of office come November.

That means that we don't sit out this election, for the progressives and their dead-beat dependents won't.

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