Saturday, May 18, 2024

Harrison Butker's Commencement Address

Harrison Butker, a kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs, gave the commencement address last week at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas.  The school is a small Catholic liberal arts college.  In his address to graduating students at a Catholic school, Butker gave a solid address, full of Catholic truth.  Alas, that truth runs counter to most of the pernicious myths polluting our culture and sadly, too many of our Catholic institutions.   Recall the Chicago priest who, inside a Catholic church, facilitated homosexual perversions; this was covered in my previous two posts.  Also recall that from April 17 through May 3, I relayed my first-hand account of the bile swilling forth from the Archdiocese of Baltimore's social justice offices.

He spoke much of "leaning into one's vocation".  Absolutely true.  I'm not sure what precisely he meant by "staying in one's lane".  One's vocation as a parent means that the parent must be fully aware of all the threats that have his/her family in their cross-hairs.  It means that they must be prepared to meet these threats where they make themselves known, even if the threats don't seem imminent at the time.  If the parent waits until his/her family is being immediately impacted, he/she has waited too long.  I pray that is not what he meant.  Anyway, here is the video, the one that has much of the progressive elements - including those within the Church hierarchy - railing and gnashing their teeth.

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