Friday, May 31, 2024

May 29th Was A Very Special Day! Yes, Really!

Why was May 29th so special?  Because it was the first ever (drum roll and trumpets, please),


Ta-da!  Thus sayeth our overlords at the Department of Labor as they search for ever-new and innovative ways to squander put our tax dollars to frivolous good use!

Take a good look at that link and see how politically correct they are.  Even though only women can menstruate, they carefully avoid the word "woman".  Instead, we are "menstruating persons" or "menstruators".

Menstruators!  What a word!  Is this what the feminist movement was really about, that the word "woman" became one of the new unmentionables?  Can you just imagine what the late Helen Reddy would do with her iconic song?

"I am menstrator.  Hear me roar in numbers too big to ignore... I am strong.  I am invincible.  I am menstruating person!"   Somehow it just doesn't have the same sound to it!

The Department of Labor is a colossal waste of tax dollars. 

Here's a fun little exercise.  Below is Helen Reddy's song, with lyrics.  Join with the singing, but substitute "menstruator" for woman.  Feminists, you did this to yourselves, and us too.

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