Friday, June 14, 2024

God Will NOT Be Mocked!

On Monday I wrote of an impending insult to the dignity of the Vatican vis-a-vis some very worldly comedians being invited to a meeting with the pope.  It happened today, and quite frankly, I don't know who offered more insults to our Lord - the pope or the comedians.  The reports go into more detail about what the pope said as opposed to the comedians, so I think that booby-prize goes to the pope.

He gave a pep-talk of sorts to the comedians, lauding their abilities to "spread peace and smiles".  He also said that "you unite people because laughter is contagious".  Full stop!  What kind of "unity" does he advocate?  Unity is not a supreme good, especially when the basis of that unity is evil.  For instance, no one can gainsay that in its early days, Nazi Germany was united.  But that unity was evil as it was designed by Adolf Hitler to further his warped purposes.

He also praised the comedians because they "know how to bring together diverse and sometimes contrary realities".  Another full stop!  "Contrary realities"??  Boys and girls, can we all say "oxymoron??  There can only be one reality, based on objective truth that in turn has its basis in God.  Recall that Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life".  He never said that He was one of several different but equal "truths".  There can be no other "reality" other than what God has created.  I suspect we have here an attempt to legitimize the heresy of indifferentism.

He also told the comedians that it's ok to "laugh at God" as "we play and joke with the people we love".  His comparison is quite faulty, if not downright deceptive.  The "people we love" are our fellow creatures, of equal status as human beings.  Not so God, the Lord and Creator of the universe.  His dignity is infinitely greater than ours.  The love we are to give Him will surpass what we give to our fellow humans.  Moreover, we owe Him reverence, as we would a king if we lived in a worldly kingdom.  

Here he is justifying the downright blasphemous and sacrilegious bile that often oozes out of the mouths of several of these comedians.  One might state that the pope is not aware of that, but I think he is; else he would be a complete dunderhead.  That the pope is suggesting that we should "laugh AT God" is nothing short of a supreme sacrilege.  Galatians 6:7-8 states very clearly that "God will not be mocked".  Anyone who suggests that it's fine to do so, says so to his/her own eternal peril.

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