Friday, June 7, 2024

The Den Of Iniquity Known As The State Of Maryland

Three recent happenings served to remind me that my home state is quickly swirling down the sinkhole of immorality into decadence and insanity.

First came the news that last Saturday June 1, two dead babies were found on a Metro Transit Authority bus in Baltimore.  This news account calls them fetuses and officials are saying that they were stillborn.  The usage of the term "fetus" suggests that the babies were below the normal age of birth.  Now how, oh how, did these babies get onto the bus?  Presumably no woman went into labor, for surely someone would have noticed that.  Did someone do one of those telemed abortions and then just think that a bus would be a convenient dumping ground for their poor dead babies?  So far, the pro-abortion city officials are keeping mum about their findings.  This is not the first time that some poor child was just dumped as so much refuse.  As these pill-induced abortions increase, so will these incidents increase.

Then the Miss Maryland Beauty Pageant happened this week.  The winner is Bailey Ann Kennedy, a so-called "transgender woman".  That's right, the winner of that dubious crown is a guy.  The authorities should be utterly ashamed of themselves for letting an obviously confused guy even enter, let alone win.  More disgraceful is the slobbering and adulation that he (yes, he, not she) is receiving.  He'll go on to compete in the Miss America Pageant.  Wanna bet that the politically correct lemmings will let him win it?

Speaking of all manners of sexual perversions, we all know that June is "pride month".  Some locales will even have "pride parades", with parade participants appearing in all manners of garish dress or various degrees of nudity.  The garish dress is preferable for at least they aren't exposing themselves, but I digress.

I live in Montgomery County.  As most people know, we got hit with some tornadoes two days ago.  One touched down less than five miles to me.  No one was killed, but much havoc was wreaked.  Today our County Executive, Marc Elrich, a hardcore progressive, put out his weekly update.  In talking about the tornadoes, he blamed them on.. you guessed it!  CLIMATE CHANGE!  What else?

In that same update, he waxed lyrical about pride month.  He related, with stinking pride, how he raised the "pride flag" in Silver Spring, then went on to list other pride-related debaucheries planned in various locales in the County.  

That brings me to this rather common-sense observation.  To the progressive trolls who are reading this blog (I know you're out there), would you please suggest to Marc the Dear Leader that maybe, just maybe, the tornadoes might be a shot across the bow from our much-offended God who will not tolerate the baby-slaughter and disobedience to His commands much longer?

1 comment:

  1. and he { the guy who"s wearing the miss Maryland crown } is "married" to a US Marine officer


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