Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Francis Goes Into A Panic Over Trump's Border Reinforcement

Francis has now removed any shred of doubt that he is part and parcel of what Archbishop Vigano and others have dubbed as the "deep church".  He has issued a letter to the United States bishops that orders them to help illegal immigrants flout United States immigration laws.  Here it is - straight from the Vatican's website.

So let's take a look at this thing.  Right off the bat, we see Francis trotting out that tired old fantasy about the Holy Family immigrating to Egypt.  There are two major facts that Francis conveniently omits.  First, they were immigrating nowhere.  Both Egypt and Israel were subsumed into the Roman Empire.  Differences in local customs aside, they were not foreigners.  Second, the Holy Family broke no laws as a result of their travels.

Then in section 4 he states, "The rightly formed conscience cannot fail to make a critical judgment and express its disagreement with any measure that tacitly or explicitly identifies the illegal status of some migrants with criminality.   "  That is sheer, utter nonsense.  Criminality is determined by the commission of illegal actions.  In the eyes of Francis, if law enforcement cannot determine illegal status, perhaps they shouldn't be allowed to determine if someone is a victim of human trafficking.  If Francis really believes that, he must have flunked out of his moral theology class in seminary.  I'd like to go on, but I haven't the time.

If Francis really thinks he should exhort nations to dissolved their own national borders, why does he not lead by example?  He could easily order that the walls around Vatican City be dismantled and allow all sorts of folks to gallop into St Peter's Square and even the living quarters there.  If he's still staying in that hotel, then the papal apartments should be available for immigrant use, right?  Perhaps he should read Matthew 23:4.

It is plain to see that Francis is in a panic.  He, and most likely his handlers, understand that their hold is slipping.  They are seeing in Trump and other good people - traditional Catholics among them - threats to their schemes to bring about a new world order that is under their heels.  This is a lash-out.  However, it will lend to those US bishops, who are also part of the "deep church", moral credibility to pursue their clarion cry for open borders.  I wonder how loud that will be, though, seeing that Catholic Charities funds may soon be drying up?   Case in point - Detroit is getting a new archbishop (and so soon after DC got a new one!  But I digress!)  His name is Edward Weisenburger, a bishop hailing from Arizona.  He's starting off with a bang, suggesting that those Catholics who enforce our immigration laws be subject to "canonical penalties" and even excommunication.

Hmmm!  Funds drying up!  Might we have stumbled upon another motivator for this obvious papal temper tantrum?  Speaking of funds, give the chanceries not one penny of your funds.  The Sixth Precept of the Church does not mean rewarding those who advocate that our national borders and immigration laws be trashed with impugnity.


  1. The resistance to the deep church is growing. If these Francis bishops try to encourage defiance to the immigration laws, I hope all law abiding Catholics will resist these open border kooks, and I hope the bishops get in serious trouble with the law for their foolish actions.

  2. Amen. People break American law and become illegal aliens the second they step over our border. It is illegal for them to break into our nation, and most nations enforce their own borders and do not allow anyone to trot over them. Try to break into Mexico or Dominican Republic, or virtually anywhere. They aren't having it, and neither should we. So legally speaking if someone breaks into our nation then commits a crime, they have committed two crimes.

  3. why aren't they addressing trump and vance's support for abortion, ivy, the abortion pill and the globalhomo agenda ?


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