Thursday, February 27, 2025

16th Century Roots Of The Deep State And Deep Church

In this evening's episode of the Anchor Team, Michael Hichborn traced some roots of the deep state/church as they went all the way back to the Protestant Revolt of the 16th century.  With the heresies of protestantism taking root, the rot of Christian civilization got underway and freemasonry spread and grew in influence.

I am not going to try to rehash the entirety of this program.  Suffice it to say that anyone who calls themselves a faithful Catholic has a duty to inform themselves regarding the forces that impact their church, their countries, the futures of their children and grandchildren.  The hour that will be required to watch this clip will be well worth it.  We talk of praying for the Church and the present woes, as well as that of society in general.  How do we think we can pray effectively and intelligently if we can't be bothered to understand how we got to this sorry position in which we find ourselves?

I will point out one thing.  We know that President Trump is no perfect person.  We saw proof of that when he stated that he wanted to expand the availability of in vitro fertilization, an inherently sinful practice.  However, he has cut off the funding to various arms of the deep state.  Had Kackles won the election, IVF would still be available, and funding to the deep state/church would have been unabated.

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