Friday, October 23, 2009

A Catholic Nun Is A Deathscort???

Apparently so! In Hinsdale, IL, a Dominican nun, Sister Donna Quinn has been moonlighting as a "pro-choice clinic escort". Having had all too much personal experience with these dangerously deluded individuals, let me tell you what they consider their mission to be! You see, we pro-life activists and sidewalk counselors "harrass" the abortion-bound women by offering them real life-affirming choices (Translation - we rob the poor widdle baby-butchers of at least $400 each time we save a mother and baby from their clutches!). So their "mission" is to keep us away from them. That can sometimes mean body-blocking us, body-slamming us and even slugging us every now and then.

So now we have Catholic nuns doing this to us? A professed religious woman such as Sister Donna Quinn is formally and materially cooperating with the mortal sin of baby-murder? To add frosting to this particularly putrid cake, she is grossly violating her religous vows, which most likely adds to the myriad of mortal sins upon her soul. For once, I am glad that a nun is NOT appearing in habit!

Even more stunning is that her superior seems to approve of this abetting of murder. No wonder these orders are literally dying out. On October 18th, I reported that the retired religious advocates, "Support Our Aging Religious", are themselves groveling before a pro-abortion couple. They don't want to admit that abortion is destroying their orders in so many ways; they are literally digging their own graves and maybe sealing their eternal dooms, as well.

At the bottom of the Lifesitenews article is contact information for the misguided prioress. Please contact her. Also, pray for the intercession of St Rose of Lima, St Catherine of Sienna and all other Dominican women for their wayward sisters.

1 comment:

  1. I have contacted the contacts listed, and I absolutely plan on sending in those little requests to help fund retirement for religious to these contacts along with the LifeSite article and my reason for NOT donating.


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